In the spring of 2002, the Israeli military had the Palestinian town of Ramallah under siege. The IDF had captured three of the four Palestinian television stations. While in control of these media outlets, the Israeli military implemented a very disturbing plan: they began broadcasting pornographic movies to the Palestinian households.

© YouTube"Farfour," Anti Semitic Palestinian mouse... or Israeli Counterintelligence tool?
For those who are familiar with the tactics frequently used by Israel against thePalestinian people, such a thing will come as no surprise. And they have done far worse. Yet, there's something especially twisted about this event.

Predictably, a spokesman for the IDF flatly denied that the military was involved in this and went so far as to blame Arafat for the broadcasts. This was a blatantly ridiculous statement, as the television stations broadcasting the pornography were occupied by Israeli forces at the time. An Israeli spokesman for the Foreign Ministry admitted that this was "shameful," and said, "I cannot believe Israeli soldiers would engage in such despicable behavior." Perhaps he was partially correct and this wasn't simply a random prank executed by a few "Israeli soldiers." In fact, I find this explanation difficult to believe. This was more likely part of a larger propaganda campaign involving media personnel acting on authorization which went beyond the basic ground troops.

After this demonstration of media manipulation by the Israelis, it's reasonable to suspect a great many things which supposedly appear on "Palestinian television" as being part of a larger disinformation campaign used against the Palestinian people. Here in the United States, many rely on YouTube as the premier source for viewing foreign media content. As we also know, YouTube places few restrictions on what can be posted there. With the exception of copyrighted material and pornography, pretty much anything goes. This liberal policy was tested several years ago when Jewish groups protested the site's hosting videos of Holocaust revisionists. Despite the strong objections to this material, YouTube allowed the videos to stay, citing that they do not censor videos for political appropriateness. With this in mind, let's take a look at some of this video content.

One of the most viewed videos from "Palestinian television" is a children's show featuring a giant rabbit called, "Assud." When Assud the Rabbit isn't encouraging children to become suicide bombers, he's killing Jews... by eating them. In this clip, the show's young host calmly chats with this bizarre character, agreeing that all Palestinian children should want to end their lives by strapping bombs to themselves. This is an absurd premise for a children's show and I'm not buying it. The concept is simply too preposterous and such broadcasting has no counterparts in any other Arab communities outside Israel's occupied territories. Are the Syrians and Iranians producing and watching similar shows? I'm sure we would have heard about it. But, no. Only the Palestinians watch nonsense such as this. ALL of these video clips come courtesy of MEMRI, a media organ of Israel. In an article entitled, Porn and Politics in Palestine, writer Charles Freund states: ๏ปฟ๏ปฟ
"The town's remaining TV station was meanwhile running a crawl at the bottom of the screen explaining that the porn clips were the work of occupying forces. 'We urge parents to take precautions,' it read."
๏ปฟ ๏ปฟ Not surprisingly, most of these YouTube clips also contain a crawl line running across the bottom of the screen. In many cases, the MEMRI-provided translation obscures it. While I cannot read it, I have a guess as to what it says. It seems strange that such crawl lines (usually indicating NEWS) would be part of any children's programming. In the following YT clip, the supposed Palestinian program appears on Glenn Beck's show. Beck, an obnoxious apologist for Israeli excesses, takes the clip as simple truth and goes on with his breathless condemnation of insane Palestinians.

Comment: Pay particular attention to the video from minutes 2:22 to 2:34. Do you think that the Palestinians would make a mockery of their plight in this manner? Or, is it more likely that the hysterical and pathetic behaviour of the 'Palestinian' actors is from conscienceless psychopaths who know no bounds when it comes to humiliating them?

Meanwhile, the idiot from the American Islamic Forum for Democracy is saying that he "thinks it's so important for America to see this," because "we need to start penetrating Gaza TV and middle Eastern television with other types of ideas that can counter... This is where the war of ideas is."

Indeed, this is where the war of ideas is...

Beck's initial response is, "Wow! I don't even know where to start with this." How about using some common fucking sense, you idiot! How realistic is it that Palestinian mothers are planning to use their children as suicide bombers? During the vast history of warfare, has anything even close to this ever taken place? I'm expected to believe the Palestinians have all lost their minds and are plotting mass-suicide... after seeing some ridiculous clip which features a guy in a pink bunny outfit? Then Beck trots out some nitwit from the American Islamic Forum for Democracy who validates the clip's authenticity. Did this guy research this supposed children's program at all? Or did his investigation begin and end on YouTube?

Another clip of this same show, "The Pioneers of Tomorrow," stars a Mickey Mouse character who instructs children to become suicide bombers so that Muslims can be "masters of the World." Give me a break! This demented piece of propaganda is supposed to be evidence of a Palestinian plan for world conquest? Here, the same Mickey Mouse character, named, "Farfour," is confronted by the "evil Jew" who wants to buy his land for "lots of money." When the giant mouse refuses to sell his land, the Jew attacks him. Eventually, the Palestinian mouse is thrown in prison and murdered by the Jewish swindler. The sad, young Palestinian girl hosting the show looks on in calm detachment.

At the beginning of many of these videos, MEMRI claims the program is produced by "Al-Aqsa TV." These are the mysterious Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the supposed "military wing" of Hamas. One interesting thing about the Al-Aqsa suicide bombers is that their leadership resides somewhere outside of Israel (no one seems to know where.) For some unknown reason, Israel's crack intelligence services have been unable to locate them. They put posters around the West Bank towns, attack moderate Palestinian leaders, cause chaos among Palestinian citizens trying to organize protests, and claim responsibility for the so-called suicide bombings. They have killed numerous journalists and even attacked the offices of the Al-Arabiya TV station in the West Bank. They appear to be beyond anyone's control and their masked members specialize in random violence. It's interesting to note their activities during last year's Operation Cast Lead. After the Israeli military bombarded the Gaza Strip during the last part of December 2008, their ground troops began to enter the territory at the start of 2009. They moved into northern Gaza on January 3rd, clashing with Palestinians at Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahiya, and the Jabaliya refugee camp. By the 5th, they were in the eastern section of Gaza City. They entered the densely populated sections of the city with tanks on the 12th and continued fighting until the operation ended on the 17th.

Anyone believing in the existence of the Martyrs' Brigades should have expected a wild showdown between these holy warriors and the IDF in the streets of Gaza during these two weeks of ground conflict. But the Al-Aqsa Brigades were totally absent from the fighting!The mysterious masked men made no appearances whatsoever and the IDF lost only 12 soldiers (several to friendly fire.) The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades are a false front staged by Israeli intelligence services, and anything connected with them - such as these bizarre children's television shows - are hoaxed as well.

While these terrorist brigades seem to disappear whenever the IDF arrives, they enjoy a healthy existence on YouTube. Search under, "Qassam Rockets" and you'll find many videos showing these masked men running around the desert conducting training exercises and firing off their rockets. This particular clip, which includes the group's hit single, "The Qassam Rocket Song," has been posted and reposted many times over the last few years:

The same people who quickly condemn any and all 9/11 Truth videos because "they're on the Internet" are quick to accept this rubbish as fact. The suicide bombers have music videos? Really? The Gaza Strip is the most heavily surveilled piece of land in the world. Drones, planes, and satellites operated by Israel are constantly filming this area - especially the Northeastern section across from Sderot, where all the rockets are fired. Yet, these masked guys appear in broad daylight, next to border fences and busy streets, firing their rockets at Israeli citizens! And not even ONCE are they caught! They conduct their "training exercises" in open territory, in the middle of the day, firing RPGs at concrete walls and setting off explosives. How does the IDF miss these operations? And just WHAT are they training FOR? The moment the Israeli military invades a Palestinian town, these "martyrs" vanish!

Videos of the nefarious "rocket makers" abound on YouTube and are posted around the Internet as evidence that these people do in fact exist. But, you don't need to have any experience in a machine shop to see that all of these videos have been staged. These masked clowns are mixing what is supposed to be rocket propellant in Tupperware containers on the floor. The whole thing looks like it was put on by some high school kids who have barely finished their first semester of Metal Shop.

Of all the propaganda videos disseminated on YouTube, the most outrageous are those depicting Palestinian children as soldiers and "suiciders." This show is titled, "The Gifted," and is produced by Al-Aqsa TV as well. Supposedly, it was aired in 2007 and shows a TWO YEAR OLD Palestinian boy during "terrorist training."

This is absolute NONSENSE and it is a sad testimony to the idiocy of the American people that we would so quickly and uncritically believe such things! When you read through the comments sections of these videos, NO ONE accuses them of being fake. Even supporters of the Palestinian cause reluctantly believe them.

Propagandistic music videos intending to vilify the Palestinians appear on YouTube in increasing numbers. Westerners seem especially susceptible to this particular format. Here we see a Palestinian mother deciding to abandon her daughter so she can blow herself up and kill some Israelis. The child then finds some C4 explosives hidden in Mom's lingerie drawer and makes the (predictable) decision to kill herself as well.

Are we so easily led that we would fall for this? If Arab journalists posted clips from an "Israeli Children's Show" where youngsters discussed "the Jewish plan for world domination" - who would believe it? If a giant "Jewish Rabbit" who "ate Arabs" appeared on YouTube - would it receive airplay on a prominent American TV talk show where "experts" validated it as being real?

Israeli bombs and Israeli soldiers have killed many Palestinian children. As professor Norman Finklestein said (after provided compelling statistical evidence,) "if the IDF isn't specifically TARGETING children, they do a remarkably good job at it!" During Operation Cast Lead, UN "safe buildings" were bombed several times, as well as schools and refugee camps. The Israeli propaganda machine uses video content such as this to justify these actions to a dumbed-down American populace which can no longer discern reality from Internet fiction. YouTube is flooded with videos and cartoons such as this, all designed to dehumanize Palestinians and depict them as blood-thirsty maniacs, eager to sacrifice their children in the most horrendous ways for the purpose of world domination!

We are raising a generation of Americans who have completely lost all capabilities of critical thought.

American high school students today look back on the crude cartoons and propaganda clips of the Second World War and laugh at their vulgar simplicity; yet the modern propaganda offered up on YouTube is cruder and more unbelievable than the material used 70 years ago. And Americans believe it! 70 years from now, our grandchildren will look back on these YouTube videos we are watching today and wonder how the American public could have been so gullible as to have accepted them as truth. Maybe.