[An excellent submission from a reader. The topic is Ukraine, but the principle applies wherever emperors parade about in naked shorts.]

© UnknownIs Putin using Ukraine to showcase the destructive behaviour of the US and NATO and setting a trap to catch the snakes in suit?
What if Putin, being a strategic thinker that he is in addition to being a master in judo, has an intention to make not just eastern Ukraine but the whole Ukraine a failed-state-showcase of what happens when the US, Nato, EU, and the IMF causes havoc in eastern Europe. Maybe he is giving a lesson to Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. and especially his fellow Russians what happens when the US supports the rabid fascists in their region. He realizes that the neo-cons and the Atlanticists, being the mindless psychopathic and sociopathic killers that they are, are incapable of grasping the lessons and consequences of their actions and will press ahead uninterruptedly and fail to see the trap that is being laid in front of them. Remember that psychopaths always think that they'll never get caught, that they're invincible and they, until the very last moment, will always deny their doom (just ask Napoleon and Hitler). So what if Putin's strategic advisors egged on the Kiev regime to bomb unimportant civilian locations making them think that there was concentrated partisan militia and now scattering the militia in various areas where they can take down invididual KJ troops. Could it be Putin's motive to get the KJ bogged down in eastern Ukraine and at the same time causing increasing revulsion of the people in Russia proper.

It's one thing for the patriotic Russian media to educate on how the US caused mayhem and failed states in Libya and Iraq. It's quite another to show that the US is causing this same mayhem and failed state right on their border and in the process killing innocent Russians. Indeed by demonstrating the barbarity of the US and its KJ puppets, Putin may in fact be delivering a blow to the fifth columnist pro American forces in Russia. "See what your American friends are doing to our people". To the sixth columnists that Joaquin mentioned, Putin can call their bluff and tell them "If you're so upset at what's happening in Donetsk, don't get angry at me. Why don't you start mobilizing and organizing your own people and the public to volunteer to help out the resistance. Either put up or shut up."

The US and Nato have nothing positive and constructive to offer. All they can do is create mayhem, death and failed states. That's all they know how to do. All they can do is blackmail, sanction and threaten states like Bulgaria into not letting a gas pipeline through their territory. Now I'm absolutely certain that the whole of eastern Europe and Germany will eventually come on the side of Russia. I have no doubt now. The truth is so obvious. If Putin had intervened right away in eastern Ukraine then this process of Europe and Russia learning about the US and Nato would have been pre-empted. Putin wants this process to continue to its conclusion. Unfortunately innocent people will die but sometimes a few have to be sacrificed so the world can learn the truth. I'm sorry but that's how the world and politics work.