Dmitry Medvedev
The illegitimate Kyiv authorities are falling into their own trap: they are trying to restore the order they trampled upon when they took power in an armed revolt, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote on Facebook.

"Blood has been spilled in Ukraine again. The country is on the verge of a civil war. That is sad," Medvedev wrote.

The cause of the Ukrainian tragedy is that the legitimate authorities did not even try to preserve law and order in regions where administrative buildings were seized and "those authorities were nullified", he said.

"Meanwhile, the illegitimate rulers are trying to restore the order they have cynically trampled upon when they took part in an armed revolt and are falling into their own trap," Medvedev wrote.

Action triggered counteraction, and a state crime [the revolt in Kyiv] led to public protests in regions, Medvedev said.

"Most importantly, however, it is a pity that people have become hostages of untalented politicians whom they did not elect and irresponsible radicals who took the place of the police and the army," Medvedev said.

Chaos filled in power vacuum but "every cloud has a silver lining," he said.

"The real intentions of the persons who seized power in Kyiv are now clear to many people and a way to fair society has become visible. This way means people must be able to choose their future. Express their will with legal methods. Participate in the formation of a modern Ukrainian state based on the equality of peoples and their languages," Medvedev continued.

The Russian prime minister emphasized that the goal must be achieved by the people of Ukraine "without imposters, nationalists or bandits and without tanks, APCs or secret visits of the CIA director."