© Flickr/John Lemieux
The anti-LGBT Westboro Baptist Church has blamed Monday's bombing of the Boston Marathon on same sex marriage and has promised to protest at the funerals of the victims.

In a press release posted to Twitter, Westboro thanked God for the attack and announced its plan to "picket the funeral of those killed."

"The federal government is classifying the bombs as a terrorist attack, but say it's unclear if it's of a domestic or foreign nature," the release said. "Here's a hint - GOD SENT THE BOMBS! How many more terrifying ways will you have the LORD injure and kill your fellow countrymen because you insist on nation-dooming filthy fag marriage?!"

By Tuesday morning, a "We the People" petition on the White House website had over 4,000 signatures from people asking that the church be banned from demonstrating at victims' funerals.

A Twitter account affiliated with the hacker group Anonymous also hinted that church leaders would become a target if they went through with plans to picket.

"Dear @WBCSays, I wouldn't fuck with the people of Boston when they're mad. #BostonBeatDown," YourAnonNews wrote.

A December plan to picket the funerals of victims of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut was thwarted after members of Anonymous revealed the location of the Motel 6 where church members were staying and organized a group of human shields to block the protest.

Earlier this month, Westboro announced plans to picket the funeral of movie critic Roger Ebert, calling him a "fag enabler."