Like most nutritionally oriented doctors out there, I certainly have my opinions when it comes to diet, one of the strongest of which is that I do not believe there is any one, single dietary approach that is ideal for everyone. We are individuals, and some of us require individualized dietary plans that can run the gamut of the various options out there.โ€จโ€จLow carb? High carb? Low fat? High fat? Paleo? Vegan? USDA Food Pyramid? What is the right answer? Again, my feeling is, it depends. โ€จโ€จThat is unless we are taking about one particular food.....


In my practice, I routinely request that my patients do a therapeutic trial of avoiding dairy (and possibly other foods), to see how their bodies respond. More often than not, doing provides a tremendous benefit. For some, it can be life changing.

What about calcium and my bones?

The argument against avoiding dairy I hear the most involves calcium and the concern people have (especially parents) that avoiding dairy, which is touted to be the best source of calcium for us, would mean you will get deficient in calcium. A quick review of the scientific literature and common sense would reveal that:

1. The calcium in dairy products are poorly absorbed. Therefore, even though the amount in them is high, the amount we get from them is relatively low.

2. There are numerous other foods out there that provide a significant source of more usable calcium. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, here are the top food sources of calcium and their relative absorption rates. Do we need dairy products for calcium? You be the judge:

    • Brussels Sprouts: 63.8%
    • Mustard Greens: 57.8%
    • Broccoli: 52.6%
    • Turnip Greens: 51.6%
    • Kale: 50%
    • Cow's Milk: 32%
3. Large clinical studies have revealed that women who drink 2 glasses or more of milk get a 1.45 times higher rate of osteoporosis compared to those who abstain. How can that be? Well there are strong studies out there which have revealed that milk consumption may actually cause you to lose vs gain calcium.

4. If that information is not convincing enough, consider these statistics:
    • Countries with the highest dairy consumption: Finland, Sweden, Unites States and England
    • Countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis: Finland, Sweden, Unites States and England
    • Average daily intake of calcium amongst African Americans: Greater than 1000mg per day
    • Average daily intake of calcium amongst black South Africans: 196mg
    • Hip fracture rate for African Americans compared to black South Africans: 3 times higher
Just whose milk Is that anyway?

An important fact that many people don't really stop to consider is the fact that we are the only species on that planet which consumes another animal's milk. Does that sound right to you? Further, the composition of cow's milk (which is significantly different in chemical makeup relative to human milk) is totally appropriate and designed to get baby cows to grow extremely quickly. Much more quickly than a human baby grows. The myriad of hormones, fats and other components present in cow's milk are is literally in the proportions it is in to encourage the massive growth a young calf needs in order to get into daily life quickly. This same type of growth stimulation can be harmful to a human infant.

Got milk? Got cancer?

Numerous studies on dairy, calcium intake and cancer have revealed some concerning correlations. Research shows that higher intakes of both calcium and dairy products may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 50 percent. Plus, dairy consumption increases the body's level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a known cancer promoter.

Additional causes for concern with dairy intake:
  • Approximately 75% of the world's adult population is lactose intolerant, or unable to digest lactose, which is the primary sugar in dairy products.
  • Strong evidence is suggesting dairy may play a causative role in Type 1 Diabetes
  • My clinical experience has shown dairy to be a primary causative factor in cases of:
    • Allergies
    • Sinus Trouble
    • Ear Infections
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Chronic Constipation
Regardless of whether your health is suffering or you just want to perform your best at what you do in life, a trial of avoiding dairy may prove to be a major benefit to you.