© UnknownColumbian mammoth in the George C. Page Museum, Los Angeles
Larry Agenbroad, the principal investigator and site director of the Mammoth Site in Hot Springs announced that Earthwatch volunteers uncovered the site's 119th tusk on Wednesday. That discovery is the first tusk of the 60th mammoth at the site. Fifty-seven are Columbian mammoths and three are woolly.

The Earthwatch volunteers and Agenbroad's staff will be excavating new areas, looking for more mammoths and other species of animals that became trapped and died in the sinkhole death trap 26,000 years ago. In addition to mammoths, the site has yielded 85 other species of animals and plants as well as several unidentified insects.

The laboratory is open for viewing by the visiting public. Visitors can see into the laboratory and view the work being conducted there.
