© A ZitrinA line of 14 galaxies seems to be strung along a filament of dark matter. This image, reconstructed from observations from the 40-inch Wise Observatory telescope in Israel, shows the relative positions of the galaxies, which lie about 2 million light years away. Blue regions are where the most stars are forming
Astronomers have discovered a "bridge" of dark matter, a length of about 1.5 million light-years, joining more than a dozen galaxies.

It is believed that galaxies in the universe separated by blank spaces that are not quite empty, but filled with strands of dark matter, forming a network. Dark matter can not directly observe the modern instruments because of the fact that it does not emit electromagnetic radiation of sufficient intensity for observation. But the judge it can be indirectly by the gravitational effect on objects.

Israeli astronomers have observed 14 dwarf galaxies are located almost on the same line length of about 1.5 million light years away. They found that after a billion years of inactivity, some 30 million years ago, they again began the process of star formation, and simultaneously in all the galaxies. "This is a very strange thing. Normally you can not expect that in galaxies, unrelated to each other, will begin at the same time the processes of birth of stars, "- says co-author Noah Borsch from Tel Aviv University.

Scientists believe, the synchronization was due to a general "bridge" of dark matter, which connects the galaxy. In this case, a large cloud of gas could condense under gravity of dark matter and cause the processes leading to the emergence of new stars. In itself, the gas cloud may have a similar effect due to the extremely dilute state of matter. According to astronomers, like star formation mechanism could operate in the early stages of the universe. Now the stars are formed, usually as a result of the collision of matter at the confluence of two or more galaxies.