sleep disorder
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Britain is under the grip of vast insomnia epidemic and almost one in ten of them are under the influence of sleeping pills.

Though it is the fact that Margaret Thatcher took the sleep only for five hours a day and survived, the scientists warn that enough night sleep is very important as that of good food and exercise.

They also warned the public that not enough sleep will cause damage to heart, diabetes and obesity and they insist to take care of the problem. If it is not treated in time, it will spoil both mental and physical health.

The survey conducted by the Economic and Social Research Council revealed that Britons do not have enough sleep and one in eight does not have the sleep even for six hours.

But experts warned that taking a pill daily to have the sleep is not the right answer.

Sleep researcher Neil Stanley told that people are very interested in taking a sleep pill as quick fix rather than looking for cause.

He said that only lifestyle and environmental changes alone could solve this sleep disorder and there is no medicine to cure it.
