woman meditating
Nowadays, even scientists begin to explore areas of the brain and states of our mind and body (observed in mediation) that activate parts of our brain, which cannot be attained by any other conditioning of our mind and body, but by reaching a mental, spiritual and physical state under meditative control.

Researchers say that people who meditate may be benefiting from changes in their brains. A scientific report shows that those who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. Brain scans taken before and after the participants' meditation routine found increased gray matter in the hippocampus, an area responsible for learning and memory. The images also showed a reduction of gray matter in the amygdale region connected to anxiety and stress.

The word "meditation" and the word "medicine" come from the same root, says professor Osho. Medicine heals the physical body and meditation is in charge of healing our spiritual state. Osho argues that the word "healing" and the word "whole" also come from the same root. According to his philosophy to be healed simply means to be whole, not missing anything. Further, he says that another connotation of the word "holy" also comes from the same origin.

In his words "Meditation heals, makes you whole; and to be whole is to be holy." The important difference that he makes regarding the meaning of the word holiness has to be clarified in this piece, as well. Holiness should not be understood as belonging to a certain religion or to any church. It means that inside you, you are entire, complete, you are fulfilled. "You are what existence wanted you to be. You have realized your potential."

It is not a secret that meditation brings you a state of higher concentration, increases your energy, makes you more peaceful, patient, and full with empathy and love; brings you a sense of joy and satisfaction. It has been proved that it reduces your blood pressure, decreases heart diseases and can help you fighting pain.

By using philosophies and meditative techniques from the East, and practices of contemplation used in Buddhism, we can create a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures and civilizations, and benefit from their wisdom, celebrate life and deal with raising contemporary problems and concerns of our Age.