© Salem-News.orgThe powers to be want you to believe cigarettes and alcohol are cancer contributors; but the feds don't like to talk about how US companies are contaminating the most simple needs... like water and air
In December we carried a report on a new film called The Idiot Cycle (Movie Breaks All Rules Exposing Cancer Origins) that delivers the goods on the world's top cancer causing culprits, could easily have been titled "The Business of Cancer"- as it so fully divulges the dark and dirty side of companies like Bayer, BASF, Dow, Dupont, Monsanto, Syngetna, Novartis, Pfizer, and others.

Over the past several weeks, since this article was published, problems have become worse. These same companies control the FDA, and under the new "food safety" bill - S 510 (structured by agribusiness to end access to safe local food systems and by Pharma to eliminate access to safe nutritional support), they have just gotten the FDA to ban IV vitamin C as an unapproved drug.

IV vitamin C neutralize the effects of pesticide exposure and is an effective treatment for cancer (as well as for much more more). Here is Dr. Levy's speech to the Cancer Control Convention on why vitamin C is able to deal with diseases, toxins, infections, viruses.

In Canada under bill C-36, these same companies (which also control Health Canada) are arranging the removal of all nutritional supplements (vitamins and minerals and herbal remedies) from store shelves despite university studies confirming their absolute necessity preventing and their remarkable efficacy in treating cancer and other diseases/conditions, including psychological ones. (Here is the legal issue.)

The combination of food control and removal of nutrition is a plan called Codex. It was designed by the CEO of Bayerafter he got out of prison for medical war crimes at Auschwitz.

Pharma is not only taking control of all food in the world and causing diseases with poisons but is now attempting to remove essential nutrition, with consequences projected to be deadly. Here is a small sample of what the removal of nutrition would cause.

And in Europe, the European "Food Safety" Agency there has banned all herbal remedies beginning in April. That means Chinese medicine, aryuvedic medicine - both practiced for 1000s of years on billions of people without essentially no harm. A small view of only one herb's efficacy, turmeric - for Cystic fibrosis - for cancer, - for arthritis, - for Alzheimer's, etc. etc.

Pharma is causing diseases through poisons, making money off of treating them, and is preparing to inflict massive vitamin and mineral deficiencies that cause unlimited diseases, and cut people off from the ability to prevent diseases and/or actually cure them. It must do this.

This shows that IV vitamin is a powerful cancer treatment and yet it works much better WITHOUT chemo, radiation and/or surgery. Think of the pain and suffering Pharma is subjecting little children to.