In today's Irish Independent an article asks the question 'Are your vitamins actually killing you?' in which it tries to convince the reader that they shouldn't be taking supplementary vitamins because all our nutrition should come from our food.

I agree wholeheartedly that all our nutrition should come from our food but as I'm sure the author of this ridiculous piece knows, the vitamins and minerals our bodies require to maintain a healthy lifestyle are at best minimal and in many cases absent completely from our food. We are led to believe that if we eat a certain quantity of vegetables, fruit, fish etc then we should be supremely healthy.

I left out meat because apparently meat is bad for us despite the human species surviving on it for millennia. Meat has never been unhealthy in its natural state. It simply becomes dangerous to your health when chemicals are fed and injected into the animals we then consume.

The same applies to vegetables. They are constantly sprayed with carcinogenic chemicals and other pesticides which do nothing for the plant except make it grow. The vitamins and minerals which are supposed to be part of the plant are further destroyed through irradiation leaving them nutritionally useless and quite frankly unfit for human consumption.

What about Genetically Modified Organisms? Does anyone really believe that these organisms can possibly be safe when numerous studies have shown the contrary?

Cancer and other life threatening illnesses have been linked to GMO for well over a decade yet we are told that they are perfectly safe as the EU allow more and more of these lethal 'foods' into food chain and the environment where the damage to animal and plant life is never considered. Crops have been cross pollinated by insects who settle on GMO crops before moving onto conventional crops which are then contaminated by the GMO's.

Fortunately people across the world are beginning to understand the dangers and are taking action to combat the outrageous proliferation of these dangerous plants and animals. These people have to be commended for their actions and I would hope that when the green light is given for GMO cultivation in Ireland, which it most certainly will be, that people would act likewise to stop this destruction of our food supply.

The article in the Independent is not just idiotic but is an attempt by the mainstream media to treat the public like fools and convince them that junk food is all we need for survival. When I say 'junk food' I'm not just talking about fast food; I'm talking about nearly every item on today's supermarket shelf. It has the minimal amount of real goodness to only allow a certain level of health at a basic level.

If all the goodness was actually in our food we would see cases of cancer and other fatal diseases diminishing; instead what we see is a gradual rise in the numbers and types of cancers never before heard of. We are also seeing a huge increase in infertility which is again linked to GMO foods.

For those who think that Ireland is GMO free, I'm sorry but there are literally hundreds of items in every supermarket and corner shop containing GMO ingredients.

I'm sure if you're a regular visitor to this site you may have read a few articles on Aspartame. If not I suggest you look into it for yourselves. Aspartame is a GMO ingredient found in almost every child's drink, nearly all diet products and artificial sweeteners.

80% of the world's soya, which is not a human foodstuff, is GMO and is in cakes, biscuits, bread etc.

Most coffee produced in South America and parts of Africa is also GMO after threats from the big corporations that they would not buy beans from farmers unless they grew GMO coffee beans. Think about that the next time you're in Starbucks!

And finally, nowhere in the Independent's article is the UN's Codex Alimentarius mentioned which is obviously deliberate as Codex is all about lowering the dosage and potency, as well as the availability, of all over the counter vitamin supplements.

When this is combined with the poor quality of the food we eat every day and the absence of any supplementary vitamins we will see a further rise in illness, sterility and death in our neighborhoods.

People need to understand that this is a WAR being perpetrated on the human species but not on the whole human species. Oh no, the elites and royalty with their own totally organic farms don't eat the junk food we're forced to buy so really the title of the Independent article should read; 'Are your lack of vitamins actually killing you?'

Unfortunately the resounding answer is YES so I suggest you buy your supplements, in as high doses as are available, while you can still get them; not from Boots the chemist, who are simply peddlers of junk vitamins in compliance with Codex, but from reputable online sources.

Wherever possible people should try to grow their own vegetables and fruit, using non-hybrid natural organic seeds. These will produce food with at least triple the nutritional value of hybrid seeds.