© Sony Pictures
A chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the highest Muslim authority, called on all Muslims Monday to not watch 2012, saying that the Hollywood movie was misleading and against Islamic belief.

Mahmud Zubaidi, head of the East Java's Malang regency chapter of MUI, told reporters that the movie was inappropriate, especially for the Muslims, who should believe that no one but Allah knows when doomsday will come. He warned that the film could give people the wrong idea about doomsday.

Produced by Sony Pictures, Roland Emmerich's 2012 is a new movie about the Mayan doomsday starring John Cusack.

Mahmud said that Muslims should not believe the ancient Mayan prediction and the description about doomsday in the movie.

Since the film was screened in Malang on Friday, it has attracted huge crowds, who braved a long queue for the tickets, according to Nawang Matik from Cinema 21 in Malang Town Square.