Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) are made by manipulation of extremely deadly viruses & bacteria that have been engineered to be immune to antibiotics, such as E. coli (Pause video at 8:08). Monsanto spends millions of dollasr each month to "sugar" coat and hide the truth of what they are doing or what is really behind how GMO's are made....

This video straight-forwardly explains the scientific facts how Monsanto manufactures their GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) by removing all the corporate propaganda, the "smoke & mirrors" if you will.

**Please be warned, the once the mask is removed from what you are eating & feeding your children each day, it will outrage you and shock you to the core.

Monsanto's greed, combined with their quest to totally monopolize all aspects of food on the planet, has knowingly allowed the proverbial Reaper free upon the world.

GMO's are now acting much like the deadly virus and pre-cancer cells they are made from... by infecting other organisms that were once pure and healthy.

The people of the world should be demanding Monsanto be held for crimes against humanity for the atrocities they have committed and what can be reasonably seen as the start of the end to all life as we know it.

The Bee disappearance is in perfect unison with the time line of Monsanto's release of GMO's; this can not be argued but due to Monsanto's influence of corruption in governments across the globe, any scientist that tries to inform the public and raise the alarm about the bees & GMO's is destroyed financially, as well as their careers.

Monsanto is the MOST ruthless corporation in the world, which basically controls many governments due to their near limitless resources, money and their "campaign contributions".

They buy WHO they need and crush those that try to stand in their way.

Now that you know, what will you do?

Will YOU decided to fight, right now, this very day or will you put it off for some other time?

After watching these videos, will you also knowingly look the other way and FEED your family GM foods; even though you now know you could be killing or permanently harming your child/family??? If so, call Monsanto for a job, for you have disgraced and shamed yourself for knowingly poisoning the people you claim to love and PROTECT!


If you are outraged at Monsanto's poisoning our food, milk (see my other video on milk!) and health; Please do the following actions, do them once a week... make a difference:
1) Call and WRITE (pen & paper) your Legislators

(Emails are the very last thing you should do; most are scanned by software and are blocked/deleted when they contain certain key words. This is a fact.)

3) An immediate moratorium on all GMO's and their Byproducts!

4) FDA change their findings on GMO's being "Generally Recognized As Safe"! This was done with ZERO testing by the FDA!

5) Demand a full investigation into the criminal conflicts of interest as it pertains to the head personal of Monsanto and the FDA being one in the same.

6) Demand congress pass a "whistle blowers protection" for all professional scientists so that Corporations, Universities and Colleges can no longer manipulate their research.