Posted: April 27, 2009

Date: April 26, 2009
Time: 9:17 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 2 (several minutes apart)
Shape of Objects: 1st: V shaped; 2nd: strange jumping light.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was in my driveway at about 9:15 pm on April 26, 2009 and saw a large V shaped object flying over our home. There were 2 lights on the front (open part of V shape) and 1 light at rear (where the V shape comes to a point) It appeared to be a clear object, however there was a darker outline around it. There were 2 other adults present that also saw this object so I do not question that I saw it. I just question what "it" was.

I stood in my driveway a short time later with my 9 year old son (approx 9:25 pm) with a digital camera to see if it returned. It did not. However, as I was testing out the video mode on my camera, I happened to shoot this video of a star. I could only see the star on the viewing screen, not the object jumping around it. My intentions were simply to see if the star would show up in the video and I was unaware of any other lights or aircraft flying around it. At one point my 9 year old, saw something and you can hear him point that out on the audio. (please excuse his foul language!) He said, "ooh, crap mom, look! I just saw a..." then I shut the video off to correct his foul language!

I took him back in the house and he explained that he saw a missile go up to the right side of the star. I did not believe him. When I played the video back he can be heard at about 24 to 25 seconds into it making his comment. If you slow the video down and go frame by frame, at about 27 to 28 seconds into it, there is what appears to be a slight contrail to the bottom left of the star. This video is best viewed in the dark, as the star and the light that jumps around it is very small. You will see the star in the center of the screen, just to the left of the center point.

I am not what I would call a believer in UFO's but this was not identifiable to me, so I can only call it an "unidentified" flying object! Perhaps it was some sort of military vehicle that the public is not yet aware of? Please let me know how I can email this video to you.