North Carolina ufo
© MUFON databaseWitness photo from March 5 North Carolina case below.
The UFO Traffic Report for Monday, April 27, 2009, includes 14 selected sightings over nine states, according to witness statements filed in the past 48 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If MUFON investigates and reports back on any of these cases, I will update this page. You can read my selected cases by type of UFO report at the UFO Traffic Report main page. These reports are unedited.

First up are three cases of unusual orange-colored lights. A California witness reports six lights flying in formation that stop, break formation, and revolve around each other, before moving on. The Texas case over Austin involves up to 50 lights, some flying in a triangular formation. And an Ohio case nicknamed the "Flying Pumpkin" for its orange color makes a repeat performance at low altitude.

The San Francisco witness, reflecting back on the experience, had this to say to The UFO Examiner: "I had a feeling that whatever the object was, it was a sinister element. Deep in my heart/soul, whatever you want to call it, I felt that this was some ancient malevolence/evil. I had the feeling of wanting to hide from it, and found myself holding my breath as I watched it move across the sky."

Read about past orange-colored UFO sightings here.
San Francisco, California, April 24, 2009 - Flying V shape moved east to west over mission dist. Stopped twice.

I was laying down to go to sleep when I looked out my bedroom window and noticed six orange lights moving east to west at about 2500 feet. As I looked the object stopped and the lights broke formation and started to revolve around one another in a chaotic manner and then went into a circular pattern for about 10 to 20 seconds, then the lights went back into formation as a wedge or boomerang configuration and proceeded once again in a east to west trajectory. As I lost sight from my window I bolted out my apt door in my boxer shorts and went to the back porch of my building where I had an unobstructed view of the object as it slowly headed due west towards ocean beach. It stopped once more and repeated the previous flashing and movement sequence for 20 or so seconds and then resumed its westerly track till I lost sight of it as it went over the Diamond Heights neighborhood on its way towards the pacific ocean. I was gobsmacked/scared /excited and had no effing idea what it was.

Texas, April 26, 2009 - Orange, no noise.

At approx 3:15am me and two other coworkers were walking to our cars on the corner of 5th and Guadalupe in Austin, Texas. Me and one other co-worker saw an orange object moving across the sky in a north/northwest fashion. The other employee said it was a plane and we said no, there were no flashing lights. We went to our cars and noticed another orange object flying in what appeared to be in the same path. They all originated from the same point of our view. We counted almost 50 of these objects. They would sometimes come one at at time then two or three. Some flew in a triangle formation. Most seem to take the same path. This lasted for approx 15 minutes. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Ohio, April 23, 2009 - It was a beautiful orange sphere that pulsated sporadically, "Flying pumpkin" as dubbed by a friend.

It was around 10:35 on Thursday night of April 23, 2009. I along with 6 of my friends were hanging out at their house on Lyons street in Clifton Cincinnati. My friends Jeff, Brad, Dave, and Andy, were outside on the second floor balcony, which has a view or a small part of Indiana and a large part of Northern Kentucky, as well as parts of Cincinnati (Its one of the highest points in the area, Very close to the University of Cincinnati). Well I was sitting in my friend Bob's room with him (his room connects to the balcony basically). I was looking for a song to listen to on his computer when I heard Jeff and Brad both SCREAMING my name. I came running out onto the balcony and they are yelling (It's the UFO! they have reported to me seeing this same object earlier in the year but I was NOT a part of witnessing that.)

Now I've stood on this balcony thousands of times, and there are numerous planes that fly overhead heading north towards either Dayton Airport or somewhere else, and they're are numerous hospitals in the area so seeing helicopters is a normal occurrence.

What I proceeded to see was a fire orange color sphere ball (the color of a candle flame) and it was flying relatively slowly. Standing on the balcony, attempting to judge its distance, it had to have been directly over the Ohio River. It wasn't very high in the sky either, it was almost eye level with us on the balcony just a few miles away. It was moving to our right, so from the Northern Kentucky, downtown Cincinnati area headed towards eastern Indiana. As it flew it never really increased speed nor did it climb vertically or change its course what so ever. As it began to get more towards Indiana we began to loose sight of the object, of course it was by this time we had finally got the digital camera out but it was too late, the object was to far off.

I remember feeling extremely excited but at the same time disappointed because it was such a short experience. But on another note on talking to other friends from the area, this sighting is nothing new the kid who named it "the flying pumpkin" saw it multiple times in this area, another friend of mine said he saw the same object in the sky recently as well.

I hope this helps and I'll keep my eyes open. Thanks for running such an awesome services, thanks to you.
The next two reports seem to suggest that a UFO is using cloud coverage to mask their travel - something that has been recurring in reports for a while. Read these two cases - one from Massachusetts and one from Arizona - with hauntingly similar descriptions.
Massachusetts, April 26, 2009 - Dark black spherical object hovering in and out of light cloud cover against bright blue sky at cloud cover altitude this afternoon, probably 6-10,000 feet.

I was out bicycling this afternoon on an unusually warm day, April 26th, 2009. I was just leisurely cycling about the Plymouth and Kingston, Mass. backroads. It was a bright sunny afternoon, temps in the 70's, light mixed cloud cover, somewhat breezy and pleasant.

As I was cycling down the shore road which leads to "Rocky Nook" area of Kingston and the south side of Duxbury Bay, I stopped at the side of the road about 1/2 mile from the bay to rest. I had a clear sky view from there of the Kingston/ Plymouth/Duxbury bay region. I noticed a distinctly black circular/spherical object in the sky at cloud cover altitude hovering and fading in and out within the partial cloud cover. I thought nothing of it at initial observation; perhaps a large weather balloon, peculiar aircraft, or any number of possibilities. I would estimate the cloud cover height at about 10,000 feet, but would have to check the actual weather records.

What initially intrigued me about the circular object was it's remaining fixed in place/ hovering as the clouds moved in their normal progression. The object remained in place for at least 30 seconds, and then started darting about in zigzag and then horizontal and vertical attitudes a seemingly erratic pattern. It then hovered/stayed fixed in place for another 30 seconds or so. From that point in time, about 2-3 minutes had elapsed already, the object/black sphere proceeded in arcing/loop like courses. By this time about 4-5 minutes had passed while I stood transfixed gazing upward at the roadside.

There were several people in their front yard at the opposite side of the road, and I imagine they were perplexed at my remaining still while staying focused skyward. I didn't want to break my focus by alerting them to what I was observing, because past experience has proven that these anomalies often disappear in a moment. This object/sphere ceased it's looping maneuvers at that moment (5 minutes had elapsed) and stood still. The object then proceeded in a distinctly straight northwesterly course until it escaped my view beyond the tree line.

Arizona, April 25, 2009 - Large V shape flying w/in a cloud or mist Northwest to Northeast.

4/25/09 about 9:15 pm I was in my back yard facing west. I live at 59th Ave and Deer Valley in Glendale Az. It was a very windy night and lots of cloud coverage. I was looking through binoculars, watching planes and stars when they could be seen through the clouds. I was on my child's swing set, sitting on the top of the slide.

I noticed a large cloud to the Northwest that looked lighter than the others in the sky. In the cloud I saw what I thought were three faint stars in the shape of a triangle. It looked like they were moving with the cloud. I set the binoculars on the top of the swing set, as not to have any shaking.

I know the wind and atmosphere will cause stars to look like they are moving and such.. To my surprise the lights were moving and I had to keep turning to follow it. The northeast sky had far less clouds and you could easily see the big dipper. This cloud or fog moved directly under the big dipper and then out of my view due to a mountain. The three lights were very faint and did not blink. I could not see them without the binoculars, you could see the cloud. I kept telling myself I was seeing things, but I can honestly say that something was traveling within that cloud.. UNDENIABLE

It took about seven minuets from the time I first spotted it until I lost sight of it. No noise was heard.
A massive UFO was spotted near Denver heading toward Golden on April 26. Read more on past sightings of over-sized crafts here.
Colorado, April 26, 2009 - A dark brown rectangle the size of a football field turned on its side.

On Sunday, April 26, 2009 at around 10:15 a.m. Englewood, Colorado. Sky, slight clouds, otherwise sunny and clear with temperature about sixty degrees with wind gusts around 15 mph.

I was driving at about 25 mph, heading north on Logan from Belview when I noticed a large object in my upper-right peripheral vision. I focused thinking I saw a flying piece of trash. The object was large. I estimate the distance at about 1.5 to 2 miles to the north-east of my position at a height of 1,000 to 1,500 feet, but south of downtown Denver. Clearly not a traditional fixed wing/ or rotary aircraft. The object was solid in build with sharp right angles at its' corners with straight lines along the edges. What I saw was flat, meaning, not 3 dimensional in shape although it might have been. There was nothing surrounding the craft such as ropes, baskets underneath, or a cockpit as would be seen with a blimp. If it was a man-made balloon or blimp, then it was the first I've ever seen of that type. The object was dark in color with a rough texture, a dark dirty-rust brown. There were no lights, just the reflection of sunlight off the flat body.

Flight characteristics: Flight path was from the south-east to the north-west. Object followed a straight line and was traveling at a moderate speed for a powered aircraft. My best guess would be around 75 to 125 mph from my distance. A military cargo-jet such as a C-141 would fly at about 130 to 140 mph at a height of 800 to 1,000 feet if it were dropping paratroopers during training. A single engine Cessna would appear to be moving slower, and a commercial passenger jet much faster at that height and distance. If the object was an advertising banner, there would be an aircraft towing the object with some fluttering of the banner, but as stated, this object was the size of a football field and there was no fluttering. The wind should have been pushing the object to the east away from the mountains or at least affecting its' flight movement, but it was flying very straight and smooth against what the wind typically does here. I would estimate the trajectory of the object to be heading in the direction of Golden, Colorado from Broadway and I-25, about where I last saw the object if my range estimates are correct.

I've spent 11 years in the military and have seen or been on various types of aircraft to include jumping out of them. I've never seen anything other than man-made flying objects. I want to say that what I saw this morning was a blimp, yet the perfect controlled flight and speed was not blimp-like. There has been so much in the media now-days regarding unidentified flying objects that I felt somewhat accepting of what I witnessed, but the incident was strange enough that I felt I should report what I saw although I'm very skeptical about saying that the object was from outer space.
Four reports involving oval or circle-shaped objects. Read more on oval-shaped crafts here from the past.
Florida, April 22, 2009 - Fast light appeared and disappeared two nights in a row.

My husband and I were out on our back porch (4/22/09) at 10pm. I saw a large white blue-ish oval shape shoot across the sky very fast. It was about the size of a penny. By the time I told my husband to turn around and look, it disappeared. It was a clear night and it appeared out of no where and then disappeared. The next night (4/23/09) we were on the back porch at 10pm again and we were talking about what happened the night before. Then I saw the same size and color oval ball moving very fast again but on the opposite side of the sky. This time it stayed in the sky longer because I told my husband to turn around and look and he did and he saw it too. We stood up and watched it for another few seconds and then it disappeared again. Again it was a clear night. My husband and I were shocked. There were other planes in the sky and this light looked nothing like anything I have ever seen. I have never seen anything fly like this appear and disappear. I am also an amateur astronomer and have been studying the sky for many years. I have seen many comets and shooting stars and this again was unlike anything I have ever witnessed.

Colorado, April 22, 2009 - It was a large dark hovering circle.

I was sitting at home and went outside to smoke I saw a strange dark circle in the sky just below the cloud cover at first I thought it was a balloon but it did not move at all it just hovered I watched it for about 5 mins then ran inside to grab my camera when I came back out it was still in the same spot which I thought was odd my camera's lense is not so good so even on max zoom it just looks like a spot of dust. I continued watching it for a few more mins then a large commercial airplane flew by and the shape still did not move. I went in to call my husband and when I came back it had vanished. I am not sure what it was and there were no news reports which there usually are although I don't believe they are related our power went out the same night to 685 customers and was out for 1 hr 15 min in my area only. To be honest it frightened me immensely as I said I called my husband and told him I thought I was loosing my mind I was very paranoid for the rest of the day until he got home.

Michigan, April 21, 2009 - A fat disc.

I was driving home on E 34 Rd. also known as Boon Rd. into town. I had stopped the car at the top of the overpass over 131 at that point I was pretty high up and could see into town. Cadillac Airport has a light tower that spins and can be seen all over town. The light from the tower reflected off the disc that was just hovering about a 4 way stop by the local Walmart. I only saw this happen about twice before it vanished. I've never seen anything reflect light like this disc did it was big enough to cast a shadow and from the overpass you could see only an outline. At first I thought maybe I had seen a plane come in and the light was playing tricks on my eyes so I pulled over and got out of my car to see if the light would show it again. Sure enough there it was. It never moved until the third time around for the light which takes a while 1-2 mins then it just ... vanished no movement nothing. I was really scared granted it was the first time I had ever seen anything like that in the skies.

North Carolina ufo
© Mufon databaseWitness photo.
North Carolina, March 5, 2009 - Walking out of the home towards the truck, looked up into the sky and saw a light moving unlike anything I've ever seen.

On March 5, 2009 at approx. 6:45 am est. on the way down the side walk going to the vehicle, a bright object captured our attention. The object was moving erratically in the sky and was slightly larger than the planet Venus just after dark or just before dawn.

It was about 25 to 30 degrees in the morning sky about 6 to 10 miles away and we were facing south. The digital camera we used was hand held and not on a bipod as we were not expecting to capture anything that morning. The weather was clear, no cloud cover, no rain, perfect and cool.

The object, as stated earlier, moved erratically for a short time then stopped and hovered for about 5 minutes. The photo numbered 705 is the picture of the object just hovering. Once stopped we could tell that it was shaped circular like a doughnut with lights of every color around the outside of the craft with a solid center. After hovering for 5 minutes or so the object took off moving north relatively fast making no sound what so ever.

My son and I saw the object and even though we have been looking for it every morning since we have not seen the object again. I do realize that a lot of people try to hoax the public and are out for their 15 minutes of fame. This is not the case as we want no media what so ever. Just simply an answer for what we have seen in the sky over our home would suffice. We understand that may not be possible but just knowing somewhere someone has seen something similar would help.

We are not nut cases claiming abduction and honestly we have reservations about the people who do. My son is a 12 yr old 7th grader and i am a building sub-contractor.
There was one teardrop-shaped report today from Florida.
Florida, April 24, 2009 - 2 eyewitnesses saw a large object hovering.

At 10 pm when coming back from the store, while turning into my neighborhood I caught a glimpse of something large in the sky. I thought I was imagining it until my friend asked me if I saw it too. It was large and like nothing I have ever seen. Kind of tear drop shaped and it hovered. It was only visible for a couple of minutes and disappeared just as quick as it appeared. We searched our immediate area hoping to see it but with no luck. We did notice increased air traffic in our sky after this happened.
And finally, two Bright Light reports over Ohio and Michigan.
Ohio, April 24, 2009 - A strange object with flashing light hovering with no sound.

I was on my way home from a friends house with my mom and I looked into the sky and saw a strange object that looked like no plane, star, or planet. I then asked my mom what she thought it was and she also didn't know what it was. So once we got home I got out my telescope and began to search for it. Once I was on it I couldn't see the object I just saw the lights. It was flashing red, green, blue, and white. As I was watching it in my telescope it moved very fast in different directions. I then search again for it and found it. I then went to get my mom so that I would have another witness. She came out there and we observed it for about another 10-15 minutes. We then observed it without the telescope as we were watching it just vanished.

Michigan, April 22, 2009 - Point of light that makes 90 degree turn.

I saw something extremely weird on 4/22/09 between the hour of 9:10-9:15 P.M. I know 9:15 is the end time because I looked at my watch right after. I was standing on my back deck looking up at the stars (which I usually do whenever I go out to smoke after dark) and noticed what I first thought was a satellite. I see them on occasion as I'm looking up at the sky. As I'm watching it, it went from the dim glow of what satellites look like to a very bright point of light that kept moving, at which point I started thinking maybe it's space junk re-entering the atmosphere... even though it was moving slower than any shooting star I've ever seen. It then dimmed again to what a satellite looks like, but I noticed at this point that it wasn't moving in exactly a straight line like a satellite would... I don't know how to explain the movement, generally forward, other than to say it almost looked like it was vibrating very tightly within a somewhat forward motion. It then turned into a very bright point of light again (still moving), dimmed, became bright again and did a 90 degree turn before dimming and moving behind some clouds.

At this point I started backing toward the sliding door to the living room to call my 5 almost 6yr old son to come see it... I figured it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I wanted to have someone to back up my sighting... even if he is only about 6 years old. By the time I got him out, which was maybe 5-6 seconds after I lost sight of it's last position, a huge cloud had formed right over the area. I kept looking at the edges of the cloud at the parts of the sky I could see, but it neve came out of the cloud bank, that I know of. It was originally moving from S to N and drifting slightly Eastward, when it made the right angle turn it was moving E. I know it wasn't a plane as it didn't have any of the other lights a plane would have, and the brightening/dimming wasn't regular time wise. The brightness is something hard to describe... when it got bright it kind of looked like a star but without some of the colors you might get from the light interacting with the atmosphere. The best way I can describe it was that it looked like a fluid like point of light. It definitely looked like it was outside the atmosphere around the level of where satellites travel, which is why I at first thought that's what it was. I also noticed that it seemed to increase in size very slightly whenever the brightness increased.

I have NEVER seen anything like this before, and since I spend a fair amount of time looking at the sky whenever I'm outside at night I know what planes, shooting stars, satellites, helicopters, blimps, para sailors, planets,etc. look like, because I've
seen them all in the night sky before. I also know it wasn't a high flying jet, or the international space station because those things don't make right angle turns.

I'm really still kind of in shock from what I saw...