Recently All News Web published this ground-breaking article revealing the Chengdu Military Zone as China's 'Area 51'.

Now further information has been revealed to confirm this to be the case. An event that might well leave UFO researchers pinching themselves has come to light. High strangeness would be the correct term to describe what appears to be a bizarre co-incidence. An incident that almost entirely mirrors the Roswell crash has been unearthed as happening in 1947 on 18 July in Chengdu!

On July 18th 1947 a farmer near Chengdu found unusual remains of what appeared to be a crashed flying saucer or UFO in the fields. News spread and locals congregated to see the bizarre UFO wreckage. The head of the Physics department of the local university, Professor Zeng Zhanhan, was asked to analyse the wreckage along with other experts and a report was written up. The object was declared a UFO.

At this point the military and the police force stepped in and informed the academics that the wreckage was merely a weather balloon. Professor Zeng Zhanhan was then 'asked' to retract his analysis and confirm the object to be a weather balloon. The US military was stationed at the time in Chengdu and it is believed they were involved in this cover-up.

The farmer, other witnesses and the professor were never satisfied with the 'weather balloon' theory. Rumours still persist that it was a UFO of alien origin. Since then numerous UFO sightings have taken place in Chengdu.

The parallels with the Roswell are obviously striking if not almost unbelievable and will provide Ufologists food for thought for years to come.