Posted: April 12, 2009

Date: April 10 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked like aircraft lights which we have regularly over our house but coming in at a different angle. Seemed to be descending like an aircraft (there was no engine noise) I thought it may be in distress as it was way too low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes come over our house. Also the lights where not flashing like normal aircraft lights. I started to think the plane would crash fairly close to our house if it continued. The lights were very close to the ground, no aircraft that large would be that close.

The lights seemed to stop progressing forward then hovered in the air. The lights then started to spread apart. They turned from a horizontal position to a vertical position and continued to get spread apart. The bottom light got smaller and more orange in color and seemed to disappear. The light at the top started to fade and then disappeared too.