Life of Brian - Monty Python_01
Monty Python's Life of Brian, a spoof of religious movies, is to be shown openly in a Welsh town this month for the first time in 30 years.

The movie -- which tells the story of a boy born in the next stable over from Jesus Christ and ends up crucified while singing "Always look on the bright side of life" -- was banned in Aberystwyth soon after its release in 1979.

As near as anyone can remember, a committee of local religious leaders decided the film was blasphemous.

As it happens, the town's current mayor, Sue Jones-Davies, was in the film, the BBC reported. She played Judith Iscariot, Brian's girlfriend.

"They've been banned from so many places I'm not sure they'd heard about what was happening in Aberystwyth," Jones-Davies said.

Two of the surviving Pythons, Terry Jones and Michael Palin, will join Jones-Davies for a charity showing March 28, followed by a question and answer session on the film.

Graham Chapman, who played Brian, died at 48 in 1989.