Stuart Ireland
© Unknown
There has been another UFO sighting in the county - this time over Hamilton.

Stuart Ireland, of Silvertonhill, this week told how he captured a photograph of a unidentified flying object in the sky above the town.

The 28-year-old was speaking about the incident after the Advertiser reported earlier this month how the Ministry of Defence had probed a UFO sighting in Larkhall.

Stuart, who films wedding videos for a living, said he was visiting his girlfriend's house in Motherwell's Watling Street recently when he looked up into the sky and saw a bizarre white light he thought looked like a meteorite or 'shooting light' falling from the sky.

He added: "It was about three Saturdays ago when I was at my girlfriend's house.

"I was at the back door and saw this weird light in the sky above the Hamilton area and I decided to take photos of it.

"It was something I have never seen before. It was moving very quickly from side to side.

"It then went behind the clouds and I didn't see it again.

"It was an amazing sight which lasted around 20 seconds."

It's not the first reported UFO sighting in the county.

The MOD logged one in Larkhall. The mystery object was reported to be flying above the town on August 11 at 10.05pm.

An onlooker said they spotted one single round light hovering in the sky.

It was described as orange/red in colour and moving south-east.

Marion McDowall and her daughter Sharon believe they saw the UFO in Larkhall.

Marion, of Burnbrae Street, Larkhall, said: "From the backdoor of my house I saw a light up in the sky.

"My husband said it was a star. I don't know what it was but it was very bright and unusual.

"My daughter also saw it when she looked out of her window.

"I have now saw it two or three times."

There were two other reported sightings of UFOs in Larkhall last year.

According to, a UFO was spotted in the town on July 3 at 1.36pm.

Another mystery sighting was reported in the same area in December 2007/January 2008.

One person witnessed both sightings.

During the first incident, the eyewitness said he was sitting at his computer next to the window and saw something moving in the sky that caught his eye.

He described it as moving back and forth. And he added: "It would be visible one minute, then not the next, probably due to distance, cloud and light."

The eyewitness then went on to claim he saw another UFO in the same area.

He said it was about 2am when he spotted what appeared to look like flashing lights from an emergency vehicle until it stopped and moved back in the direction it came.

The man added: "It covered about half-a-mile to a mile at a time before turning back on itself.

"Once I realised it was not an emergency vehicle, as there are no roads in that location that would allow a vehicle to keep the same straight line, I thought maybe it was a police helicopter, although I have never seen a police helicopter with flashing lights before in these parts."