Event Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009
City: District Of Columbia
Region: Maryland
Country: US
Shape: Triangle

Description: Last night me and my friend were coming home from buying some stuff at the grocery store and we were walking down this path towards our apartment when I was compelled to look up and when I did I noticed a black triangle shaped craft in the sky which had two red lights and I think a blue light in the middle not really sure.

As I was looking at this craft I noticed that it was silent and moved at an alarming rate and it did not feel earthly to me whatsoever something was very odd about it, it looked like a black mass but in a triangle and with lights and my friend saw it too because I was immediately tapping him quite hard and telling him to look up, he is still trying to figure out what it was...

Weather was cold but nice and clear, at least from where I was I could not see any clouds and this thing just disappeared, now it could be secret military craft but it did NOT feel earthly to me.