Many viewers have contacted 10 News since Friday evening saying they saw a bright light go across the sky at about 10 p.m. Friday evening.

Some described the light as a greenish color, others said it was white, and some said it had a blue appearance.

Paul Lewis, University of Tennessee Space Science Outreach program director, did not see the light, but said the descriptions he received indicate it may have been a meteor.

We are not in the midst of a meteor shower at this time, but Lewis said random meteors do come down periodically.

From a description of the angle of the light and because it went across the sky, Lewis believes the meteor would have probably touched down hundreds of miles away from East Tennessee, but more likely burned up in the atmosphere.

Lewis is not sure what debris would have been contained in the meteor, but said it is probably too soon to include debris from the satellite collision that happened nearly 500 miles above Siberia on Tuesday.