Date: January 20, 2009
Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 10-12
Shape of objects: Various.

Full Description of event/sighting: Around 9:00pm I had to go pick up my wife from work at Ashburn Golf Club. On my way there I have noticed some weird lights in the sky and I immediately knew that they are of "unknown" origin. After I've got my wife, one of the lights was very close and I could see it's shape, a disk with a dome and surrounded by a globe of light. I drove as fast as I could, got home, dropped my wife and grabbed my video camera. I've got back on the road in no time and eventually I stopped my car on high grounds and I started filming. There were 4 big ones and maybe, 8 to 10 small ones.

They were all engulfed in light spheres, but I could easily see their shapes which ranged from the well known disk to spheres to upright cylinders to triangles.

I was able to get them on camera for approx: 20 mins or so, but, unfortunately, on the film appear only the big ones and they look like big pulsing lights.

When I started filming they started to move away, but I kept chasing them. I know the drill, because I've done it before, but this is the first time I decided to share all my findings and experiences.

I always see them and I think I attract them, because every time I want to see them, they show up. I also have lots of photos and video shots. If I would have the resources I believe that I could do more. By the way, in this area, Durham Region, is like a highway for these crafts. I have had lots of experiences and I even saw them during the day and the closest one was at less then 100 feet and that one was also the biggest, around 100 feet in diameter, witnessed by my younger daughter as well. Have a great day.