Tina Fey nailed Sarah Palin for a third time in a parody of the vice presidential debate where Queen Latifah played moderator Gwen Ifill.

Ifill was given quit a ribbing in the skit--shown as hawking her upcoming book, which she did not do at the debate--promising not to ask follow up questions in order to "not to appear biased for Barack Obama in light of my new book, "Breakthrough, Politics of Race in the Age of Obama."

From Latifah as Ifill: "Due to the historically low expectations for Gov. Palin, were she simply to do an adequate job tonight, at no point cry, faint, run out of the building or vomit, you should consider the debate a tie."

The real debate at Washington University in St. Louis featured a question about same sex benefits. Fey/Palin had this zinger, playing off Palin's unwed pregnant teen daughter whose marriage to the father of her baby was announced when Palin was tapped by McCain to be his runningmate.

Said Fey/Palin, "You know I would be afraid of where that would lead. I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers."