Where Iran is concerned, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, believes President Bush was right in keeping military leverage on the table and considering U.N. sanctions.

"Iran may be the greatest single threat to America since the end of the Cold War,"McCain told an audience at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Memphis, Tenn. "If the Iranians acquire nuclear weapons, then my friends, we are in trouble."

As far as Iraq, McCain called for more training, the formation of a government and economic development, and he stated that the United States needs to pursue positive relationships in the Arab world.

"I believe the U.A.E. are good friends of ours," the senator said. "Our navy ships have made more than 700 hundred visits into the port of Dubai, more than any other ports outside of the U.S., they are serviced by U.A.E. personnel.

"There are missions being flown into Iraq as we speak out of Dubai," McCain continued. "There are two wars going on. One on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, the other is for the hearts and minds of the people of this country ... of the Arab world.

"I would at least have allowed the President the 45 day delay [on the Dubai Ports World deal] before we hammered him. The president deserved better, but it's over."