We have a land line phone in our condo. We have it because we rent it out during the summer and thought we should have it in case renters need it. We contracted with Verizon 8 years ago for the minimal local service. The charge was $18 per month.

I just paid the monthly bill today and it was $27.08. That's a 50% increase in 8 years. I don't have better service. I don't have more bells and whistles. What could possibly have resulted in this increase?

My actual charge from Verizon for the service is only $16.45. Here is the detail for the rest of the bill:

Federal Subscriber Line Charge - $6.29

Federal Universal Service Fee - $1.09

NJ Sales Tax - $1.67

911 System/Emerg Resp Fee - $0.90

Federal Excise Tax - $0.68

A full 39% of my bill is for government taxes and fees. I don't know if Verizon is calling things Federal to mislead people, or whether these surcharges are required by the Federal government. Who knows? I'm either being screwed by a Mega-Government or a Mega-Corporation.

This is how it will work with Obamacare. Once they get millions under the control of government healthcare, your medical bills will start to have excise taxes, fees and surcharges added on. They will be small at first and will gradually grow to 40% of the total bill. Obamacare will slowly boil you in pot of water like a frog, and you won't realize it until you are cooked. But being boiled alive will not be covered.

I discussed the Verizon bill with my partner and come September, after this rental season, we will cancel phone service at the condo. We're opting out of this scam.

It's time to opt out of this scam we call America.