© Unknown

Plain and simple, BP is offering blanket contracts to entire southern university Marine Science Departments to gag them, misuse the science & fight the case in favor of BP. It's happened before. After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska Exxon sent out contracts to buy off west coast university Marine and Environmental Science Departments and anyone with a PhD in Marine Science. At that time (over 30 years ago) the deal from Exxon was $200,000.00 plus per year according to Dr. Riki Ott who herself was made aware of and invited in on this oil company payoff deal.

© Unknown

Hiring the entire Marine Science Department

The contract deal doesn't only prevent the scientists from releasing the truth to the public, but it also puts the scientists in the awkward position of having to fight The Natural Resources Damage Assessment Lawsuit that the Government will bring as a result of BP's Macondo Well Blowout Oil Spill.

Everything BP does, each county government they can buy off with friendly promises to say everything is fine will help BP by producing testimony that isn't true, which in turn will help them in NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for the damage they started.

Don't believe the hype! The shrimp is not safe!