Reports of UFOs blending in with the nighttime stars and daytime clouds are a fairly regular feature in ufology - including this odd case of a disappearing cloud over Las Vegas on August 15, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was bored at a lengthy traffic light stop and looked up to observe the single cloud in the sky at the time from Russell Road at I-215.

The normal looking cumulus cloud began to "slowly elongate itself from left to right until it became a skinny, sausage-shaped cloud (and this was not a windy day.)"

According to the witness, "This change in shape happened over the course of about a minute. Then this sausage-shaped cloud started rapidly collapsing in on itself to form an abnormally round ball-shaped cloud. When it was a perfect white circle, it continued to keep shrinking until it suddenly disappeared. The entire transformation that I saw probably took place over no more than two and a half minutes total. When this cloud disappeared, there was nothing in the air in that direction, and visibility was very good."

Nevada, August 15, 2010 - Possible UFO hiding in a "cloud". MUFON Case # 25113.

I was in the southwest end of Las Vegas heading west on Russell Road at I-215. As I was stopped at a rather long traffic signal, I noticed that there was only one small, normal-looking cumulus cloud in the western sky against the hills of Red Rock Canyon. I don't know why I kept staring at that cloud, but maybe I was bored. After about 10 seconds of noticing it, the "cloud" began to do some truly amazing things that I've never seen a cloud do before.

The cloud started out looking rounded and puffy just like a small, normal-looking cumulus cloud. But it suddenly started to slowly elongate itself from left to right until it became a skinny, sausage-shaped cloud (and this was not a windy day.) This change in shape happened over the course of about a minute. Then this sausage-shaped cloud started rapidly collapsing in on itself to form an abnormally round ball-shaped cloud. When it was a perfect white circle, it continued to keep shrinking until it suddenly disappeared. The entire transformation that I saw probably took place over no more than two and a half minutes total. When this cloud disappeared, there was nothing in the air in that direction, and visibility was very good.

By the way, before and after the above-mentioned event, I saw no planes, helicopters, or any kind of objects other than the weird cloud on that bright, sunny afternoon. This was definitely not a vapor trail either.

I was reminded of a remark that a ufologist (whose name I can't remember right now) said on one of my UFO/government coverup DVDs. He mentioned that if you ever see an otherwise clear daylight sky with only one cloud in it, you can bet that it's a UFO. After seeing this particular cloud, I think he was right!