Fort Collins, Colorado - 4/2/2009 - The Mutual UFO Network (Mufon) has issued sightings data for March. There were a total of 439 sightings from throughout the United States during the month, with the following states having the most activity: California was first with 44 reported sightings, followed by Texas-34, Arizona-31, Florida-29, and Michigan with 21. Pennsylvania placed sixth with 20 sightings. The objects being reported were of various shapes, including: Star-like-106, Other-101, Disc-94, Sphere-86, Circle-85, Unknown 73, and Triangle-60.

There were 38 sightings where witnesses claimed the objects to be less than 100 feet away, and an additional 46 reported objects less than 500 feet away. Some even more startling data include 30 landings, hoverings, or take-offs reported, and 40 entities observed.

If you ever experience a sighting, or an anomoly that you cannot explain, you can report the event directly to Mufon at