polling station nevada las vegas vote fraud
© Amelia Pak-Harvey/Las Vegas Review-JournalThe line to vote at Galleria at Sunset mall in Henderson snaked around the corner on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, with hundreds still in line just before polls closed.
President Trump's campaign is planning a news conference in Las Vegas to announce a lawsuit alleging that there were at least 10,000 ballots cast in Nevada by voters who do not live in the state.

The Thursday morning news conference comes as Democratic nominee Joe Biden clings to an approximately 8,000-vote lead over Trump in Nevada, a battleground that could prove decisive to the outcome of the presidential race. The legal action, first reported by Fox News, in Nevada was to be announced by Ric Grenell, Trump's former acting director of national intelligence, former state attorney general and Trump campaign state chairman Adam Laxalt, Trump supporter Matt Schlapp, and Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald.

During the press conference, the campaign claimed dead people voted and that people who had moved out of one county had voted there, which violates Nevada law.

"We believe that there are dead voters that have been counted. We are also confident that there are thousands of people whose votes have been counted that have moved out of Clark County in โ€” during the pandemic," Laxalt stated.

The campaign brought along a woman who said she went to vote and was told someone had already cast a ballot in her name.

"The fact is, we're filing this federal lawsuit to protect legal voters," Grenell stated. "It is unacceptable in this country to have illegal votes counted, and that is what is happening in the state of Nevada. We've asked Clark County for answers. They have no answers. They continue to count illegal votes. That is unacceptable, and it is giving legal people a sense that the system is corrupt."

It did not provide evidence that "illegal votes" are being counted.

Nevada was set to update its vote count on Thursday. In the morning, Biden was leading in the state, 49.5% to 48.5%.

In addition to this lawsuit, the president's campaign has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan, and it is demanding a recount in Wisconsin.