maxine waters joe biden
© Reuters / Jonathan Ernst; Reuters / Joshua RobertsJoe Biden (L) Maxine Waters (R)
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) said in a new interview that she is confident presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will pick a Black woman to be his running mate.

"We know that we're going to have a Black woman who is going to be the vice president," Waters told Essence in an interview. "Let me guarantee you this, based on everything that I know and understand, and the help that he has already gotten from the Black community with what [Rep.] Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) has done, Jim Clyburn, when he hears about this he's gonna laugh, he can't go home without a Black woman being VP."

Biden is expected to reveal his pick for vice president next week. He has so far committed to picking a woman as his running mate and has reportedly strongly considered Black women for the job.

Kamala Harris
© Brendan Smialowski / AFP / GettyKamala Harris
Late last month, Biden said there were four Black women on his VP list, but would not reveal who they were. There has been speculation that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), former national security adviser Susan Rice and Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) are among his top choices.
Karen bass
© CNNRep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.)
Waters went on in the Essence Town Hall virtual event to encourage everyone to make it to the polls this fall, especially in honor of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a civil rights legend who fought strongly for voting rights.

"We have a responsibility to vote," Waters said. "We can't have people going around talking about how wonderful John Lewis was, how much he sacrificed, the beatings that he took, the way that he put his life on the line and we don't get up and vote. There is no excuse.