AMS Event #3210-2017
© AMSWitness Location and first estimated ground trajectory โ€“ AMS Event #3210-2017
The AMS has received over 125 reports so far about of a fireball event seen above Maryland and Pennsylvania on September 17th, 2017 around 00:59am EDT (04:59 Universal Time). The fireball was seen primarily from Maryland and Pennsylvania but was also seen from New York, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio and Massachusetts.

Eight witnesses near the Mason Dixon Line reported delayed boom sounds a few moments after the fall.

AMS Operations Manager Mike Hankey has been testing a new Raspberry PI based fireball camera system in his front yard for several months and this is certainly the best fireball video he has captured to date. The camera system is comprised of 6 cameras each pointing in a different direction. The light from the fireball was actually recorded on 5 of the 6 cameras. 2 cameras with slightly overlapping fields of view directly caught the meteor.

Aristidis Koutsouradis, another Rapsberry PI user from Westminster Maryland also caught a still picture of the fireball using his Raspberry PI Computer and wide angle lens.

AMS Event #3210-2017
© Aristidis KoutsouradisAMS Event #3210-2017 captured on Raspberry Pi
Based on the sonic boom reports, the magnitude of the meteor and the obvious visible fragmentation in the videos there is a good chance meteorites from this fall could have landed in Lancaster County PA.