inverted waterfall
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Strong winds sweeping through Capafonts, Spain have created this amazing inverted waterfall on March 5, 2016.

Due to the frigid temperatures in the region, the water instantly freezes, covering the nearby vegetation with icicles despite any signs of winter around.

According to gravity water falls down.

However, if you add an additional factor, such as strong wind, the water can start flowing upwards:

This was actually the case in the municipality of Capafonts, earstern Spain, when an inverted waterfall appeared in the ravine Barranc de La Pixer.

But it is also known that this waterfall can freeze.

In other words, the water, which rises to the top, immediately vaporizes.

Here another video of this strange natural phenomenon:

Consequently, the vegetation ice covered by ice and that despite any signs of winter around.