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Those who said Russia's missiles launched from the Caspian Sea targeting Islamic State targets in Syria earlier in the month crash-landed in Iran are "indulged in wishful thinking," Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan said Friday.

He added that Russia actively cooperates with Iran in regard to the fight against terrorism in Syria and that the Russian Embassy is very actively involved.

"And I'd like to say that the launch of 26 missiles on October 7 from our ships deployed in the Caspian Sea was naturally agreed with Iran because the missiles crossed Iranian airspace. I'd like to use this moment to say that not a single missile fell on Iranian territory and those who spread these fabrications are indulged in wishful thinking," Dzhagaryan said.

In early October, media reports emerged, citing unnamed US officials, of four Russian cruise missiles fired at Syria from the Caspian Sea having allegedly landed in Iran.

Russian attack aircraft commenced precision airstrikes against IS targets in Syria on September 30, following a request from Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Since the beginning of the air campaign, the Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out some 930 strikes, killing several hundred militants and destroying dozens of command centers, and depots used by the terrorists.