About a year ago, I wrote on my blog:

Tragedy, or finally an excuse to get rid of "being always available" and get my life back?

I'll probably just end up getting another cell phone, but it might be interesting seeing what happens in the meantime...
So, it's been a year, and I still don't have a cell phone, and it's really great.
Why no cell phone?

Being a developer, I really need long stretches of uninterrupted time to get wired in and be productive. Having a cell phone quickly became a nightmare as I grew my client base. I would get a call every half a hour or so, and that was pretty disrupting to my work, since I had to start over 1,000 times, and right when I got back to work the phone would ring again.

Turning it off or worse yet not answer? People would accuse me that I was ignoring them on purpose, even if I'd call them back, and they'd say stuff like "what if it was an emergency! You're not reliable", bla bla bla.

All right, so what now?

When I decided to take the opportunity to drop the cell phone thing once and for all, I was a little scared. I was scared that clients would complain, and take their business elsewhere.

Then, I thought: all right, I might lose 50% of my clients, but I bet I'll be at least 100% more productive, so I'll still make the same amount of money (make sense somehow?)!

You know what happened? I didn't lose a single client (and yes, I'm at least 100% more productive than I used to be).

Read the remainder of this blogpost here.