Run for your lives (and take your shoes off)!! It's a toner cartridge covered in oven cleaner!
Yawn. Here we go again. Two days ago, senior figures in the British airline industry, including the Chairman of British airways, said that Britain should stop "kowtowing" to excessive US security demands that were "completely redundant". Then today, in a crass and very obvious attempt to refute the BA Chairman's statements and reaffirm the fake reality of a 'terror threat', two 'suspect packages' are found on planes in the East Midlands and Dubai, both planes originated in Yemen and were destined for the US, specifically, Jewish synagogues in Chicago, or so we are told.

Initial reports stated that the package found in the East Midlands, a toner cartridge, had tested negative for explosives. Apparently that was the wrong conclusion for bomb disposal experts in the UK to arrive at however, because Obama later declared that the printer cartridge(s) constituted a "credible terrorist threat to our country" and that "initial examination of those packages has determined that they do apparently contain explosive material."

As with most other such terror alerts, evidence is simply made up as they go along in the interest of political gain:

Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain.

The main goal appears to have been achieved though because, "the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Americans could expect yet more security in and around air travel". That's the point, the reason, the motivation. Everything else is charade.

The fact that one of the packages was found in Dubai is not surprising, given that Dubai is essentially the playground of the Mossad and the CIA and has been ever since the CIA checked up on their spokesman Osama bin Laden in a Dubai hospital just before he didn't carry out the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

But the true litmus test of just how obviously false these terror alerts are is when you hear dyed-in-the-wool mainstream media pundits questioning the timing and likely motivation:
