Omaha, NE - On a flight from New York to Los Angeles, former member of the Phoenix Foundation, Angus MacGyver, foiled airport security by building a bomb out of a sick bag, a fork and a cologne sample from the in-flight magazine.

MacGyver made the bomb on camera for a Channel 7 Action News investigation entitled "Terror in the Skies", which showed how lax security still is at our airports.

After completing the bomb MacGyver stood up and said, "You are all safe, but I just made a bomb." Several First Class passengers armed with complimentary loofah sponges then subdued him. After regaining consciousness, MacGyver defused the bomb by eating a candy bar.

Action News reporter, Tom Dangernow, said, "Our skies are at risk until all passengers are forced to fly naked and handcuffed without seats or paper products. If a former Special Forces agent with extensive training can make a bomb with everyday materials, just think what an average terrorist with no training could do. It's chilling."

Security officers at JFK said that they had "followed security procedures" and even had x-rayed MacGyver's shoes.

After the incident, the plane made an emergency landing in Omaha. Department of Homeland Security agents took MacGyver and the news crew into custody. Agents also arrested one swarthy passenger who congregated near the lavatories.

MacGyver is reported to have escaped police custody through the ingenious use of a stick of gum.