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Signs of the Times for Thu, 06 Jul 2006

Signs Editorial:

By Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The subject of COINTELPRO in the 911 Truth Movement is becoming more and more contentious everyday. By way of shedding some light upon this problem, I want to paraphrase a story from the Bible found in II Chronicles, Chapter 18. It's a classic description of COINTELPRO:

Once upon a time there were two kings of two small kingdoms who were related by marriage. King One decided to pay a visit to his brother-in-law, King Two. When he arrived for his visit, he was welcomed by the King Two who had prepared all sorts of goodies and entertainment.

After a great deal of feasting and merriment, King Two told his brother-in-law, King One, that he was inclined to think of all of his possessions as mutual and he hoped King One felt the same. This made King One a bit nervous and he wondered what all of this was leading up to -- and he was not long in finding out. King Two wanted to make war against one of his neighbors and take territory and spoil, but, in order to do this, he needed help. He knew that his brother-in-law, King One, had no such warlike ambitions, and he had been softening him up to ask for his aid.

King One was a bit taken aback at this request and asked if they could call in some prophets to find out if this plan was a wise course to pursue. King Two immediately called in 400 "approved" prophets. All of them, to a man, commended the plan and praised the acumen and ambition of their king. But, King One was still uneasy -- something just did not feel right in his gut. He asked if there was not just one more prophet to consult. As it turned out, there was, but King Two warned the first king not to expect much from this fellow for there was hatred between himself and this obnoxious fellow and this bad feeling made this last prophet prejudiced against any plan of King Two. Having thoroughly assassinated the last prophet's character, he then called him in.

Sure enough, the last prophet contradicted all 400 of the other prophets and told King Two that he would die if he went into battle. To punish this rudeness, King Two had the offending oracle cast into prison to meditate on his negativity until the return of the two kings and the triumphant army. The 401st prophet got in the last dig by commenting acidly to King Two that he would certainly be amazed if he returned!

But, King Two had a plan. Having now persuaded his brother-in-law, King One, to accompany him on this war, he arranged to go into battle dressed as a common soldier, while his relation went attired in his kingly robes.

As it turned out, the enemy soldiers had been instructed to immediately seek out and kill only King Two. During the course of the engagement, the enemy soldiers chased after the only man attired as a king, and, finding him to not be the man they were after, they turned in rage and frustration and killed the nearest common soldier -- who happened to be King Two.

There are several important lessons in this story. The first is that when dealing with COINTELPRO, we are dealing with many unknown terms and unless fundamental alterations in activity and direction are made by knowing things that are not apparent on the surface, you have no possibility of success.

The second is: truth very often manifests in the very same ratio depicted in this story -- 400 to 1.

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