Top Secret! Clear Evidence that Flight 77 Hit The Pentagon on 9/11: a Parody - Simon Sackville Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 - and Neither Did a Boeing 757 - Joe Quinn Neoconservatism, the Israeli Lobby, and other Power Relations - Andrés Perez-Alonso Political Ponerology - Laura Knight-Jadczyk 94% - Laura Knight-Jadczyk Signs Monthly News Roundups! June 2005
site best viewed
20% of Seniors Flunk High School Graduation
exit exam - which has come under criticism by some educators, legislators
and civil rights advocates - is geared
to an eighth-grade level in math and to ninth- and 10th-grade levels
in English.”
Bush administration found involved in
illegal 'covert propaganda'
administration of President George W. Bush broke the law as it resorted
to illegal "covert propaganda" in trying to sell its key education initiative to the public,
Probe of Armstrong Williams Widens
The Government Accountability Office has concluded that
the Education Department engaged in illegal "covert propaganda" by
hiring Williams to promote the No Child Left Behind Act
without requiring him to disclose that he was being paid… Now the
The ‘Texas Miracle’ (from CBS 60 Minutes, 2004)
was called the “Texas Miracle,” a phrase you may remember
because President Bush wanted everyone to know about it during his
2000 presidential campaign. It was an approach to education that was
showing amazing results, particularly in
Texas Education, Miracle or Mirage? (from 2000)
weeks before the election, a new study on student test scores in
Media, media everywhere, and no time
left to think?
The average American is a ravenous media junkie, consuming up to nine
hours a day of television, web time or cellphone minutes.. Some experts question whether as consumers are swamped by information,
they lose the ability to decipher fact from rumor, or find it hard
to think through what they hear.”
A brief video of Australians
interviewing random Americans on the street. Speaks for itself.
the book The Underground History of American Education
Ninety-six and a half percent of the American population is mediocre
to illiterate where deciphering print is concerned. This is no commentary on their intelligence,
but without ability to take in primary information from print and
to interpret it they are at the mercy of commentators who tell them
what things mean. A working definition of immaturity might include
an excessive need for other people to interpret information for us.
Inglis breaks
down the purpose - the actual purpose - of modem schooling into six
basic functions…
The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are
to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course,
precludes critical judgment completely.
The integrating function. This might well
be called "the conformity function," because its intention
is to make children as alike as possible.
The diagnostic and directive function. School is meant
to determine each student's proper social role.
The differentiating function. Once their social
role has been "diagnosed," children are to be sorted by
role and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine
merits - and not one step further.
The selective function. This refers
not to human choice at all but to
The propaedeutic function. The societal
system implied by these rules will require an elite group of caretakers.
To that end, a small fraction of the kids will quietly be taught
how to manage this continuing project, how to watch over and control
a population deliberately dumbed down and declawed in
order that government might proceed unchallenged and corporations
might never want for obedient labor.
One-third of high school graduates never read another book
for the rest of their lives.
The Politics
of the Closed Mind
met a man today who did not know the difference between Saddam Hussein
and Osama bin Laden; he did not even know the difference between
Learning to Be Stupid in the Culture
of Cash
question my experiences in the classroom raise is why have
these young people been educated to such abysmal depths of ignorance. "I
don't read," says a junior without the slightest self-consciousness. The novel she has trouble reading is Isabel Allende's "Of Love and Shadows," set in the post-coup
terror of Pinochet's junta's Nazi-style regime
1967, a middle school history teacher found himself being asked the
following kinds of questions by his students in regards to the atrocities
committed by the Nazi regime during World War II. --How could the German
populace claim ignorance of the slaughter of the Jewish people? --How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers,
doctors, etc., claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and
human carnage? --How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends
of the Jewish citizens say they weren't there when it happened? His answer was to try a social experiment
with his students…
Drug Up Your
Teen Today! -
This just in: Prozac is a better treatment than talking to your
kid. Isn't life fabulous?
U.S. Alters Test Policy On Psychiatric Drugs - FDA Won't Require 6-Month Studies
…the policy would cause drug companies to scale back on developing
new drugs because of the potential increase in expense and risk. The drug business is staggering in size and
profitability and virtually owns major arms of the
Colleges Expand Mental Health Services
seeks power to gather secret intelligence in US
US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is seeking authority to secretly
collect information about US citizens and emigres,
a department official told The Washington Post. DIA General Counsel
George Peirce said the agency was seeking to expand its powers to help
recruit sources of intelligence information, the paper reported. "This
is not about spying on Americans," Peirce was quoted as saying
in an interview with the Post.
Bush Call
to Expand Military Powers at Home Seen as Unnecessary, Political
Bush recently suggested that the military be given broader powers to
deal with domestic crises like Hurricane Katrina or a potential bird
flu epidemic, but emergency response and security groups in the U.S.
say the military already has the power it needs to provide both relief
and protection to citizens, and question whether the president's real
motives aren't political. He is always, always seeking more power Earlier this week, Bush asked Congress to review
the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which prohibits
the armed forces from engaging in police-type work within
Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police State Preparation - Ron Paul says indictment story
is far more damaging than media is portraying, avian flu martial
law provisions aimed at gun confiscation
Judges liken terror laws to Nazi Germany
powerful coalition of judges, senior lawyers and politicians has warned
that the Government is undermining freedoms citizens have taken for
granted for centuries and that
Harper's Magazine: We Now Live in a Fascist State
The Sorrows of Empire is a book in which author Chalmers
Johnson writes:
sorrows ... are certain to be visited on the
there will be a state of perpetual war, leading to more terrorism against
Americans wherever they may be and a spreading reliance on nuclear
weapons among smaller nations as they try to ward off the imperial
is a loss of democracy and Constitutional rights as the presidency
eclipses Congress and is itself transformed from a co-equal 'executive
branch' of government into a military junta.
is the replacement of truth by propaganda, disinformation, and the
glorification of war, power, and the military legions.
there is bankruptcy, as the
This is a long article,
but a recommended read. OFFICES OF STRATEGIC DECEPTION - the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently accused
the Bush administration of systematic misrepresentation. They
concluded that Bush had prior knowledge of the absence of any evidence regarding Saddam
Hussein's chemical and biological weapons programmes before
taking the decision to go to war… The
Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld went out of his way to bypass the enormous intelligence
agency briefings and to go to his own personalized office where he
could sift through and present the intelligence that supported the
war on Iraq and to jettison any embarrassing data that could lead
them away from a unilateral military expansion… PSYOPS/"INFORMATION
DOMINANCE" - A rather infamous military unit with a less than
all-American, apple pie history has been assigned to implement the
policies of the OSP: the Army's Psychological Operations Command
is the tool of an oligarchy and an empire that is highly secretive
and conspiratorial by nature.
Former CIA Analyst: Government May Be
Manufacturing Fake Terrorism
… Mr McGovern stated that the war "has nothing to do with
democracy or freedom or defending "our way of life", it is
to do with enriching the pockets of those who support this administration… it does seem that those who have his (Bush's)
ear are hell bent on giving away or providing wider responsibilities
to our military. Witness what they are talking about now with giving
the military primary responsibility for catastrophes, for hurricanes
and so forth." …
He amazingly went on to suggest that if another attack took place we
should not accept what the government tells us because it could be them
carrying out the terror. "We
have to be careful, if somebody does this kind of provocation, big violent
explosions of some kind, we have to not take the word of the masters
there in
has been perhaps the most consistent trait of the George W. Bush presidency… But
perhaps the most egregious example occurred on Nov. 1, 2001, when President
Bush signed Executive Order 13233, under which a former president's
private papers can be released only with the approval of both that
former president (or his heirs) and the current one… Mr. Bush can prevent the
public from knowing not only what he did in office, but what Bill Clinton,
George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan did in the name of democracy… Mr. Bush can prevent the public from knowing
not only what he did in office, but what Bill Clinton, George H. W.
Bush and Ronald Reagan did in the name of democracy… George
W. Bush and his father can see to it that their administrations pass
into history without examination. Their
rationales for waging wars in the
Harper's Magazine: We Now Live in a Fascist State
the source of this piece makes it all the more disturbing. It is not every day that the editor of a respected national magazine
publishes an essay claiming that
· Parliamentary democracy is by definition rotten
because it doesn't represent the voice of the people, which is that
of the sublime leader.
· Doctrine outpoints reason, and science is
always suspect.
· Critical thought is the province of degenerate
intellectuals, who betray the culture and subvert traditional values.
· The national identity is provided by
the nation's enemies.
· Argument is tantamount to treason.
· Perpetually at war, the state must govern with
the instruments of fear.
· Citizens do not act; they play the supporting
role of "the people" in the grand opera that is the state.
FBI Claims 84 Videos Show NO Flight 77 Impact
taken after the Pentagon crash do not support the Government conspiracy
theory that Flight 77, a Boeing 757 airliner, demolished a major portion
of the masonry structure… Even
though America's Coverup Agencies, the FBI
and the Pentagon, have fought tooth and nail to prevent disclosure
of what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 photos, witnesses have
already filled in the blanks. Get up to speed by reading the RENSE
article, Sneak Preview
- 911 Pentagon Tapes.
ISRAELIS were 9-11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC
terror strikes, story killed...
To get away with crimes, pretend to be a crime fighter
people think I am exaggerating when I tell them that the 9-11 "truth
movement" is dominated by wolves in sheep's clothing… Those of us who expose corruption actually
face two problems: · Convincing people that our government
is corrupt beyond anything they dreamed possible · Convincing people that most of the
"truth seekers" are trying to cover up the corruption, or they are
rival criminals trying to take over while Bush appears vulnerable. The 9-11 attack is not a game. This
article exposes the details of the tricks: Deception
is the preferred weapon, Warn the victim ahead of time, Offer to help solve
the crime, Give false evidence, Find naive people to pay for the cover-up,
Bury the truth with nonsense, Give conspiracy theories a bad image, Find
useful idiots to promote nonsense, etc.
summit police lied, says report
trial of 28 police officers accused of beating up anti-globalisation protesters
during the G8 summit in
The Great Green Scare – FBI turns its sights on
environmental groups
nothing much better to do and an unlimited budget to burn, the FBI
is turning its mighty inquisitorial arsenal on environmental groups
across the country… Now
that…Communism has faded…, the corporate world's PR mavens
have had to concoct a new spine-tingling metaphor to evoke the threat
environmentalism poses to their bottom line: eco-terrorism… Of
course, the feds haven't had much luck finding Bin Laden. And our mean-spirited Clouseaus didn't
stop any of his kamikazes, even though their own agents shouted out
repeated internal alarums. And when the whistleblowing agents
went public, the FBI brass cracked down on them, gagged some and gave
others, such as the courageous Sibel Edmunds,
the boot. Several of the feds' biggest
terrorism arrests have blown up in their faces... Even the feds can't cite a
single death resulting from an alleged act of eco-terrorism. But that
doesn't matter. After the horrors of
FBI, Michigan Police Tag Peace, Affirmative
Actions Groups as 'Terrorists'
FBI document, released on August 29 by the ACLU, shows extensive monitoring
of a whole bunch of organizations, ranging from the
of Arizona Professor Reported to FBI for "Hating" America
series of ads have been running in student newspapers across the country
charging that universities are dominated by liberal or left-wing professors.
The ads are paid for by well-funded groups like Students for Academic
Freedom and the Independent Women's Forum. Some of the ads encourage
students to report any so-called anti-American faculty or statements
made by professors. And that is apparently what happened to David Gibbs, an Associate professor of History and Sociology
at the
Wal-Mart Turns in Student's Anti-Bush
Photo, Secret Service Investigates Him
separation of the Bush political machine from organized crime is often
like the thin layer of rock between a seemingly ordinary surface and
volcanic activity rumbling below. Sometimes, the lava spews forth and
the illusion of normalcy is shattered… So
far, the mainstream news media has focused mostly on the white-collar
abuses of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay… or
on deputy White House chief of staff Karl Rove… Both offenses
represent potential felonies, but they pale beside new allegations
linking business associates of star GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff – an ally of both DeLay and
Rove – to the gangland-style murder of casino owner Konstantinos “Gus” Boulis in
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 2001. These
criminal cases also are reminders of George H.W. Bush’s long
record of unsavory associations, including with a Nicaraguan contra
network permeated by cocaine traffickers, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s multi-million-dollar money-laundering
operations, and anti-communist Cuban extremists tied to acts of international
terrorism. [For details on these cases, see Robert Parry’s Secrecy
& Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq.]
Protest is criminalised and the huffers and
puffers say nothing
police abuse terror and harassment laws to penalise dissent
while we insist civil liberties are our gift to the world… All politicians who seek to justify repressive
legislation claim that they are responding to an unprecedented threat
to public order. And all politicians who cite such a threat draft measures
in response which can just as easily be used against democratic protest.”
Mother of slain US soldier arrested in
Iraq war protest
Woman Sees Husband Off to War, Gets Fired
gave her sufficient time to get back to work," Clark Galloway,
vice president of operations for Benefit Management, told The Grand
Rapids Press for a story published Wednesday.
SEALs Launching Public Recruiting Effort
Deadly bacteria detected in US capital
during anti-war march
Bush administration attack peace movement with military grade
biological bacteria?
do we make of the Saturday, October 1 Washington Post headline “Poison
Found in Air During Anti-War Protest”? Washington
D.C. Public Health Director Greg A. Pane posed the right question in
the Post article, “Why that day? That’s what is not explained.”
Pane pointed that it was “just this 24-hour period and none since.” The
Post noted that Pane found “. . . it was puzzling that the finding
was from a day when the mall was packed with people.” Puzzling?
Indeed. Biohazard sensors detected tularemia bacteria at the mall on
Saturday, September 24… Unfortunately, tularemia has been long
used as a military biological weapon. We should consider the presence
of tularemia a shot across the bow to the peace movement from an administration
willing to cheat, steal, torture, lie and kill to further its political
agenda. Karl Rove, the president’s brain, brags of his worship
of Machiavelli and will do anything to keep his
The Nexus of Politics and Terror
referred to the latest terror threat - the reported bomb plot against
Media, Democrats Complicit in Rush to War
President Bush and his War Cabinet bear full moral responsibility for
Iraq, they could not have taken us to war without the complicity of
"adversary press" and "loyal opposition." … indispensable
enablers of war are the New Democrats and potential presidential nominees, Sens. Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, Biden, and Bayh. Fearful that Bush and Rove would
use their refusal to authorize war in October 2002 to impeach Democrats' patriotism,
they voted to give him a blank check for war. Six months later, Bush cashed
it… the Senate surrendered the war powers the Founding Fathers reserved
for Congress to the president and abdicated its constitutional duty. [...]
hobbled by security concerns
but one of
Landowners must yield to ballpark
Another Military Blogger Silenced
ago, in response to a post I wrote about the military blogger Colby Buzzell,
Kate of Broken Windows told me to pay attention to Daniel Goetz, a
soldier writing a blog called All
the King's Horses. Regrettably, I never followed her advice.
And now, as Lizzy, Fred, and Navyswan tell us, it is too late. It is too late because Daniel has been
silenced, against his will. And not only has he been silenced - he has been forced to publicly declare
himself "a supporter of the administration and of her policies."
US wants to
push ocean boundaries to limit terror threat
The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The
a result of nine-eleven's jarring impact upon our nation, journalists
have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals
attempting to expose governmental malfeasance. Increasingly government
officials have begun punishing individuals for nothing more than reasoned
attempts to inform the American public concerning: How the military
has systematically abused (tortured) foreign detainees; How the government
intentionally withheld evidence suggesting that an attack upon the
United States by Al Qaeda had been eminent; How the military has begun
to wage war upon soldiers who, in good conscience, have come to believe
that it is wrong for them to kill in a war that, according to international
law, is illegal, one that, the reasons for going to war, were fabricated
by the President of the United States; How the United States has a
sixty-year history (1945-2005) of assassinating foreign leaders who
have chosen not to support the government's foreign policy goals, initiating
the overthrow of duly-elected foreign democracies, while simultaneously
supporting brutal authoritarian dictatorships all in order to fill
the coffers of America's military-industrial complex, an egregious
imperialistic force with but one goal: To take command of the world
economy. As a result, many
of these individuals have been incarcerated, accused of being a traitor,
of having sided with the enemy, told that their career will be destroyed,
and threatened with extended imprisonment…
Casualties of the Bush administration
Read this important
article for over a score of cases of demoted, fired, or resigned
professionals who dared not to go along with the Bush administrations
insane assertions, shockingly bad judgment, or unethical behavior.
US to crack down harder on illegal immigrants
U.S. Ranks 44th in Worldwide Press Freedom
openness sinking after Sept. 11, northern
RFID Chips To Travel in U.S. Passports
Powerful Government Accounting Office report confirms key 2004
stolen election findings
a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove
inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the
legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling. The latest critical confirmation of key
indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely
powerful, penetrating report from the General Accounting Office that
has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage.
Proposal would use military in disasters
Timothy Keating, head of the military's defense command for the
Rumors of rescue copters under fire
the rumors that spread as quickly as floodwaters after Hurricane Katrina,
reports that gunmen were taking potshots at rescue helicopters stood
out for their senselessness… more than a month later, representatives from the Air Force, Coast Guard,
Department of Homeland Security and Louisiana Air National Guard say
they have yet to confirm a single incident of gunfire at helicopters. Likewise, members of several rescue crews
who were told to halt operations say there is no evidence they were
under fire. Yet this was used as an excuse for suspending rescue operations. The storm
created so much confusion that government officials cannot even agree
on whether they ever issued an order to halt flights or other rescue
Anger simmers in New Orleans' dead
Ninth Ward
focused over there," she said, gesturing toward the relative bustle
of the city's French Quarter and Uptown district, where restaurants
have opened and residents have returned. "They should be here,
where we need help." … Many residents
have not been allowed back to retrieve what they can from their homes… "There's
almost a concerted effort to keep African Americans from returning
to the city."
Republicans in Congress Propose Budget Cuts to Fund Storm Relief
Jettisoning earlier reservations, congressional Republican
leaders say they intend to cut spending to pay for hurricane relief
along the Gulf Coast, setting up a major confrontation over what programs
to pick and how deep the reductions… "As usual, the prime targets are the
poor and others who rely on federal programs for their health, education,
disability, agriculture, and veterans' benefits," said Sen. Tom
Harkin, D-Iowa, the senior Democrat on the
Agriculture Committee.
Iraq war delayed Katrina relief effort,
inquiry finds
efforts to combat Hurricane Katrina suffered near catastrophic failures
due to endemic corruption, divisions within the military and troop
shortages caused by the
New Orleans Police Beating Caught on
Lawyer: Taped Beating Subject Wasn't Drunk
Bush picks loyalist for Supreme Court
W. Bush nominated White House counsel and longtime loyalist Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, a move that may shape legal battles
on divisive issues like abortion for decades… Miers, 60, has never served as
a judge, but has been a close aide to Bush ever since he was governor
of Texas.” Newsweek (July 9, 2000) reported that the
Bush campaign "launched a secretive research operation designed
to scour all records relating to his Vietnam-era service" while
preparing for Bush's 1998 re-election campaign. They
Bush: Miers' Religion Key Part of
Her Life
Embarrassing setback for Bush's nominee - Problems mount over supreme court candidate
Bush Works
to Reassure G.O.P. Over Nominee for Supreme Court
a blistering week, the White House is scrambling to control a conservative
uprising over the nomination of Harriet E. Miers to
the Supreme Court, with President Bush pitching his choice directly
to the public on Saturday as his Republican allies plotted strategy
to shore up support… It
was the third time since he picked Ms. Miers on
Monday that the president has come to her defense.
Right Wingers Getting Nervous as Miers' Role in Bush Corruption Unfolds
"It's time for the President to withdraw this dreadful
nomination or, if politics dictate, Harriet Miers to
withdraw herself from consideration," arguing " so we might
avoid another long, painful, and needless examination of old matters
that probably would be better off never exhumed.” … Putting Judge Hill's
potentially crooked connection with the
Calls for Miers to
withdraw get louder – Moves to mollify critics aren’t working
Bush Lays Groundwork for Miers to Back Out
Miers Withdraws Supreme Court Nomination
The Miers Fiasco – White House in Meltdown
after five years, is now at the point Clinton reached in the early
summer of his first year in office: a total collapse in political credibility.
Bush's Pick for State Post Criticized
Ellen Sauerbrey, a Republican loyalist chosen by President Bush
to head the State Department's refugee program, is the latest nominee
to face tough questions from senators about her qualifications… Sauerbrey, a two-time Republican
candidate for
Declaration of Dependence and the Fall of
the American Empire
America's sense of itself - its pride
in its power - has been profoundly damaged… a crippled and tone-deaf president, a negligent government, corruption,
military atrocities, soaring debt, racial conflict, poverty, bloated
bodies in floodwater, people dying on camera for want of food, water
and medicine - it seemed things were falling apart in the land where
happiness is promoted in the constitution… AMERICA, which has the world's costliest health care, had, it turned
out, higher infant mortality rates than the broke and despised
Espionage Case Breaches the White House - Accused Marine Worked in Vice
President's Office
the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of espionage in the White
House in modern history… "I don't know of a case where
the vetting broke down before and resulted in a spy being in the White
House," said Richard Clarke, a former White House advisor who
is now an ABC News consultant… Officials say the classified material,
which Aragoncillo stole from the vice president's office, included
damaging dossiers on the president of the
US official admits spying for Israel
A top
US Defence Department analyst with expertise
in the
his January 28, 2003 State of the Union Speech, President Bush uttered
16 words that have since come back to haunt him. "The British
government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant
quantities of uranium from
The Scandal isn't the Leak, But the
Illegal War
unraveling of the Valerie Plame affair is
but a step toward exposing this truly epic scam. Beyond
compromising the identity of a CIA officer, the Bush administration
had carried out what former intelligence official Larry Johnson called "a
classic 'covert action' program against the citizens of the
Michael Ledeen, Rove's
"brain," is one of the leading advocates for a
Tell us
who fabricated the Iraq evidence
Bush's principal adviser Karl Rove is to be questioned again over the
improper naming of a CIA official. Mohamed ElBaradei,
accused by the American right of being insufficiently aggressive, wins
the Nobel Peace Prize for his stalwart work at the helm of the International
Atomic Energy Agency. Pentagon official Larry Franklin pleads guilty
to passing on classified information to
CIA leak illustrates selective use of intelligence on Iraq
Rep: Nadler: "Expand the investigation"
light of recent developments in the CIA leak investigation and other
recent revelations, Congressman Jerrold Nadler
today called for Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to expand his investigation
to include a criminal investigation to examine whether
the President, the Vice President, and members of the White House Iraq
Group conspired to deliberately deceive Congress into authorizing the
war in
Republicans Testing Ways to Blunt Leak
US officials brace for decisions in CIA leak case
The federal prosecutor investigating who leaked the identity
of a CIA operative is expected to signal within
days whether he intends to bring indictments in the case, legal sources
close to the investigation said on Wednesday… The inquiry has ensnared President George W. Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove,
and Vice President Dick
Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
The White House had long maintained that Rove and Libby had nothing
to do with the leak but reporters have since named them as sources… The
outcome of the investigation could shake up an administration already
reeling from criticism over its response to Hurricane Katrina and
the indictment of House Republican leader Tom DeLay on
a conspiracy charge related to campaign financing.
In ominous move, prosecutor in CIA leak
case sets up Web site
aides to Patrick Fitzgerald urged reporters not to read too much into
the move, its timing Friday gave new fodder to speculation that White
House political strategist Karl Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby,
chief of staff for Vice President Richard Cheney, could be in legal
trouble. [...]
White House prepares for possible indictments
NBC's Fineman:
White House in civil war over Karl Rove by John in DC
this whole thing. “Right now, my sense, in reporting this, Chris,
is that the Bush family, political family, is at war with itself inside
the White House. My sense is, it's Andy Card,
the chief of staff, and his people against Karl Rove, the brain.”
'Hidden Scandal' in Miller Story, Charges
Former CBS Newsman
Colleagues call for removal of New York
Times journalist in CIA leak case
Will the French Indict Cheney?
another sordid chapter in the murky annals of Halliburton might well
lead to the indictment of Dick Cheney by a French court on charges
of bribery, money-laundering and misuse of corporate assets. …three
days before Christmas, the
Plame charges could sink dollar, bonds, stocks
Charges would be "detrimental to the dollar, a psychological
blow," said Alex Beuzelin, senior
market analyst with Ruesch International
Blunt Money Laundering; DeLay, Successor
Swapped Donations
Tom DeLay deliberately raised more money than he needed to throw
parties at the 2000 presidential convention, then diverted some of
the excess to longtime ally Roy Blunt through a series of donations
that benefited both men's causes. When
the financial carousel stopped, DeLay's private
charity, the consulting firm that employed DeLay's wife
and the
nuclear agency and its chief, Mohamed ElBaradei,
win Nobel Peace Prize
You may remember ElBaradei as one of the men that the Bush administrations
did not find credible when he said there were no weapons of mass
destruction in
Bushies feeling
the boss' wrath - Prez's anger
growing in hard times
the darkest days of his presidency, President Bush is frustrated, sometimes
angry and even bitter, his associates say. With
a seemingly uncontrollable insurgency in
unhappy with Bush performance: poll
Republican women, Southerners and other critical groups in
Support for Bush policies falling: poll
Dean calls for end to 'culture of corruption'
Bush White House is the most corrupt administration in
Viggo Mortensen Interview:
Impeach Bush
Q: Are you anti-Bush, as the pundits say?
Mortensen: No, I'm not anti-Bush; I'm anti-Bush behavior. In other
words, I'm against cheating, greed, cruelty, racism, imperialism, religious
fundamentalism, treason, and the seemingly limitless capacity for hypocrisy
shown by Bush and his Administration.
Poll: Americans Want Bush Impeached
a margin of 50% to 44%, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching
President Bush if he lied about the war in
Kristol: "One or More Indictments in the Next Three Weeks"
Standard Editor Bill Kristol on Fox News
Sunday: “Criminal defense lawyers I've spoken
to who are friendly to the administration are very worried that there
will be one or more indictments in the next three weeks of senior administration
officials, just looking at what Fitzgerald is doing and taking him
at his word, you know, being a serious prosecutor here. And I think
it's going to be bad for the Bush administration.” Someone
like Bill Kristol doesn't get information like this by accident. It's
being fed to him so, if there is an indictment, he can prepare the
base. Towards the end of the segment, Kristol got
started, saying, "I hate the criminalization of politics." Too bad that such a large part of politics is a criminal
Is the Bush presidency unraveling?
recent front-page headlines on a single day testified to the unraveling
of the Bush presidency. The
lead story in The Washington Post on Sept. 29 reported that "the
Senate defied the White House yesterday and voted to set new limits
on interrogating detainees in Iraq and elsewhere," with 46 Republicans
joining the Democrats to pass restrictions on prisoner abuse so unacceptable
to President Bush that he has threatened his first-ever veto. A
second story on the same page recounted that "the conservative
uprising against President Bush escalated yesterday as Republican activists
angry over his nomination of White House Counsel Harriet Miers to
the Supreme Court confronted the president's envoys during a pair of
tense closed-door meetings." Participants
described it as the biggest split with the GOP base in his five years
in office. And elsewhere on the page
was the news that the Central Intelligence Agency's director had rejected
a recommendation from its inspector general that he convene a formal
"accountability board" to judge the possible complicity of senior
officials in the failures that preceded the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The action triggered a statement of concern from the Republican
chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and criticism from families of
9/11 victims.
Fun with Dick and George: The biggest
story of 2005 is hiding in plain sight
Cheney and George W. Bush don't like each other anymore.
Bush credibility haunts Rice testimony
U.S. May Still Be in Iraq in 10 Years
Bush Calls Recent Woes 'Background Noise'
Saddam's defense team wants to put Bush
on trial
Bush Acting Like Stalin in 1953, Claiming A Foreign
Cabal Is Out to End His Presidency
said Bush has been ranting and raving in the White House, claiming "the
Jews, the French and a foreign cabal" are conspiring to take down
his Presidency and are behind the well-known and imminent Fitzgerald
indictments… "Reports are
Bush also has made a last ditch effort to go to the Supreme Court to
have the indictments quashed but only two of the nine high court justices
were in favor of listening to his story." … when
Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez recently met with Fitzgerald, seeing
the severity of the indictments, he immediately disqualified himself
from the case, refusing to sign or issue the indictments against his
colleagues in the White House.
Berlusconi faces possible Milan trial
for TV fraud
Major Republican Donor Indicted in Ohio
Tom Noe was accused in a federal indictment of giving money to
24 friends and associates, who then made the campaign contributions
in their own names. In that way, he skirted the $2,000 limit on individual
contributions, prosecutors said.
Barbara Bush not welcomed in DC area
The Greatest Strategic Disaster in US History
"It's like working in an insane asylum. People walk around
like they're in a trance. We're the dance band on the Titanic, playing
out our last songs to people who know the ship is sinking and none
of us are going to make it… it is one temper tantrum
after another from Bush, whose
"cakewalk war" has turned into interminable conflict, whose idiocy
in diverting funding for New Orleans' levees to war in Iraq was disastrous
for the famous city, and whose Social Security privatization has been rejected
by the electorate. Even rah-rah Republican Newt Gingrich says the White House
is surrounded by failure… Condi Rice was dispatched to
US policy and the 'Oval Office cabal'
top officials in the White House and Vice President Dick Cheney's office
await possible criminal indictments for their efforts to discredit
a whistle-blower, a top aide to former secretary
of state, Colin Powell, on Wednesday accused a "cabal" led
by Cheney and Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld of
Americans' anger at an all-time high
have become increasingly frustrated with their President's
Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK,
US forces
percent of Iraqis believe attacks on
noticed the great contradiction in Bush's speech. On
the one hand, he claims steady progress toward freedom and democracy
son returned from
2000th Death Sparks New Protests by Sheehan,
Peace Movements
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers
Was Staged
was billed as a conversation with
White House prepares for possible indictments
week, there were signs that the White House's usual clinical competence
at staging events was coming unstuck. In one omission, broadcasters were able to watch live footage of military officials prepping
soldiers in
Ex-Marine publishes French book on US-Iraq
military training has created troops so desensitised to
violence that battleground brutality in Iraq is rampant -- and has
helped fuel the bloody insurgency seen there today, according to a
new book written by a former Marine and released Thursday in France. In his book, 'Kill! Kill! Kill!', he says
he and other Marines in his unit killed dozens of unarmed Iraqi civilians
because of an exaggerated sense of threat, and that they often experienced
sexual-type thrills doing so… violence exhibited by him and his men was the deliberate result of combat
training approved by the very highest US authorities… The briefings
they received, he said, made
Iraq rebuilding slows as U.S. money for
projects dries up
paper, the Iraqi Army barracks was a gleaming example of the future
Billions of dollars short, U.S. must
scale back Iraq reconstruction
Bush administration cannot fulfill all its grand promises to rebuild
Drinking the Kool-Aid by Col. W. Patrick Lang
does drinking the Kool-Aid mean today? It signifies that the person
in question has given up personal integrity and has succumbed to the
prevailing group-think that typifies policymaking today. This person
has become "part of the problem, not part of the solution." What
was the "problem"? The sincerely held beliefs of a small
group of people who think they are the "bearers" of a uniquely
correct view of the world, sought to dominate the foreign policy of
Casualties of the Bush administration – no-bid contracts awarded
KBR called abusive
late August 2005, after 20 years of service in the field of military
procurement, Bunnatine ("Bunny") Greenhouse, the top official
at the US Army Corps of Engineers in
charge of awarding government contracts for the reconstruction of
Pentagon late on reimbursing troops for
Iraq gear
Pentagon has not devised rules for reimbursing
Ex-Iraqi Officials Sought in $1B Theft
ongoing American and British slaughter of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan
civilians constitutes a blatant war crime…
Rally in Warsaw demands Polish troops
back from Iraq
Danish PM faces Iraq war lawsuit
citizens have brought a suit against the Danish prime minister over
Bush will veto anti-torture law after
Senate revolt
Bush administration pledged yesterday to veto legislation banning the
torture of prisoners by US troops after an overwhelming and almost
unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen. This debate is absurd. We
have laws against torture, yet the administration has made torture
an official policy, as many have come forth to admit, so we have to
pass more laws against torture? Why? So
the administration can violate them, too? The late-night Senate vote
saw the measure forbidding torture passed by 90 to nine, with most
Republicans backing the measure. Most senators said the Abu Ghraib abuse
scandal and similar allegations at the
U.S.: License to Abuse Would Put CIA Above the Law
The Bush administration is now the only government in the
world to claim a legal justification for mistreating prisoners during
interrogations, Human Rights Watch said today. The administration
recently approached members of the U.S. Congress to seek a waiver
that would allow the CIA to use cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment
on detainees in
C.I.A. to Avoid Charges in Most Prisoner Deaths
prosecutors reviewing cases of possible misconduct by C.I.A. employees
have recently notified lawyers that they do not intend to bring criminal
charges in several cases involving the handling of terrorism suspects
and Iraqi insurgents, the officials said.
The Real Indictment of Dick Cheney
Vice President of the
HUMAN RIGHTS - US: Dozens of Abu Ghraibs
U.S. human rights groups have denounced before the U.N.
Human Rights Committee that there are perhaps dozens of secret detention centres around the world where Washington is holding an unknown
number of prisoners as part of its "war on terror"… "There are locations you know about, like Guantánamo,
Abu Ghraib, and Bagram in
Afghanistan," commented Patel, "but there are other locations
which you know exist, but you don't know exactly how many or where
they are." …
"There are around 20 of them in
Mr Bush
has at last admitted what we all knew: the Lynndie England's
and all the other poor soldiers who have been punished for torturing
and mistreating their captives in Abu Ghraib and
elsewhere were in fact following orders… In
January, an Italian judge, Clementine Forieo ruled
that five North Africans accused of terrorism could not be so described
because they were in reality resistance fighters against an illegal
occupation force. That judgment is supported
more recently, by the
Yee entered
UN Official: US Troops 'Starving' Iraqi Civilians
drama is taking place in total silence in
White House denies Bush God claims
senior White House official has denied that the
Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel
new information that Cheney and Libby blocked information to the Senate
Intelligence Committee further underscores the central role played
by the vice president's office in trying to blunt criticism that the
Bush administration exaggerated intelligence data to make the case
to go to war. [...]
Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars
in interminable conflict in
Syria warns 'gates of hell will open'
if U.S. attacks
Premier Naji Otari said "all the gates
of hell will open on the
Iran not to invite Solana to next round
of Iran-EU nuclear talks
Rice, French official warn Iran on nukes
Rice Fails to Win Russian Support on
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has
caused a political storm by calling for
Blair delivers blunt 'action' warning to Iran
Blair last night issued a clear threat to
British MK Suggests Sanctions Against Israel
Russia is ready to expand cooperation with Iran
Russia says will defend Syria against
UN sanctions
Interview with Cindy Sheehan… ‘I think even more than oil,
it has to do with the industrial military complex that Eisenhower warned
us about. They have to keep us afraid of something or someone. During
the 1950s and 60s it was the Communists. We lost that focus in the
1970s – so the evil Rumsfeld, Cheney and Perle, along
with the rest of the neocons, kept that alive.
With the fall of the
Neo-Cons for a "Strong Europe"
is a little scoop :
Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan,
Gary Schmitt and other members of PNAC (the Project for a New American Century) (possibly the most
violent and immoral of the right-wing think tanks, who openly advocate
American involvement in wars (that means killing people and destroying
their property) just to keep other nations in fear of us and to keep
money flowing into the war machine, in which they heavily invest) are launching a new club called “Committee
for a Strong Europe.” By “Strong
Europe”, of course, they don’t mean “A Europe in
which governments would be strong enough to say no to any crazy American
military invasion plan,”
but the statement
of principle of the committee is so broadly crafted than many people could
sign it. The purpose is to promote democracy, to have a stronger economy, to
keep confidence in our values, etc. Have no doubt that
they intend to achieve these noble aims by, that’s right, killing people
who don’t want to be “democratized” (code for submitting
to US economic hegemony) and that the values they speak of equate to US global
economic hegemony. PNAC is the organization that penned the
infamous “Rebuilding
Many Iraqis are now wondering whether Zarqawi is
a real figure or not. "Zarqawi is a good pretext for striking any Iraqi
city or town," Professor Ali explains. "If Zarqawi is
defending the Sunnis and his followers are operating in the Sunni
areas, why were Najaf and Sadr city (mostly Shiite areas) targeted by the Americans
and Iraqi forces several times before?" Many
Iraqis believe the Americans and the government are behind the Zarqawi communiqué of targeting Shiites. "Do you think
that Zarqawi, if he is real, is ready to gain more enemies by
such a communiqué?" asks Al-Ubaidi.
Does Zarqawi have
an infinite supply of lieutenants/deputies/aides/associates/second-in-commands/etc., or do we just arbitrarily declare
that every 100th insurgent we capture or kill is "a top aide" to Zarqawi? … Below is an almost comprehensive list (I'm
sure I missed a few) of Zarqawi's "top
lieutenants" we've captured, killed, or acknowledged over the
last two and a half years. I count 33. Read on and start to recognize propaganda for what it is. Think
about why the government wants to keep a name, a boogeyman, in the
headlines, and to keep building his legend. Could
it be so that they can claim an enormous victory, when they need
it, by“capturing him” someday? Propaganda
is mostly fiction. Do
you think that the media don’t realize that they’re constantly
reporting on a man that was reported dead years ago?
in the blanks to Make Your Own Zarqawi propaganda story.
[top | important | most wanted | close | key] al-Zarqawi [aide
| lieutenant | associate | "cell prince" | figure] [captured | arrested]
[Iraqi | US | US and Iraqi] forces have [nabbed | captured | arrested] [a | one | two] [senior | middle] [figure | operations
chief | terrorist operative] of [Jordanian | al-Qaeda-linked |
Some real examples of “journalism” made
from this template.
June 16, 2005 U.S. Says It Has Captured Al Qaeda Leader for Mosul Area
June 5, 2005 Militant linked to Zarqawi arrested
May 25, 2005 Top aide to al-Zarqawi arrested north
of Baghdad
May 25, 2005 US: al-Zarqawi aides arrested
May 9, 2005 Gains seen
after new arrest of al-Zarqawi aide
April 19, 2005 Iraqi Security Forces Capture Two Zarqawi Associates
March 12, 2005 Female Al Qaeda member arrested
March 9, 2005 A Zarqawi cell "prince",
six others captured in Baquba
March 1, 2005 Major Arrests Show a Shift in Iraq
February 26, 2005 Top al-Zarqawi aide captured
January 28, 2005 Three Top Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested
January 24, 2005 Zarqawi's 'Most Lethal' Lt. Nabbed
January 8, 2005 Zarqawi-linked leader arrested
December 15, 2004 Iraq
says aide to Zarqawi killed, two
December 12, 2004 US Marines Arrest 2 Zarqawi-linked
Insurgent Leaders
November 25, 2004 Iraq
says top Zarqawi aide arrested in
October 23, 2004 Senior Terrorist Arrested in Iraq
July 7, 2004 Zarqawi's brother-in-law arrested in Jordan: family
April 30, 2003 Associate of Al Qaeda-Linked Fugitive Caught in Baghdad
John Pilger blames
Basra on the British – al-Zarqawi has been dead for years
Here are questions that are not being asked. Were explosives and a remote-control
detonator found in the car of the two SAS men
"rescued" from prison in
Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy
complains about money, Iraq tactics – letter to Zarqawi intercepted
Zawahiri Letter to Zarqawi: A Shiite Forgery?
The letter then says how much Zawahiri misses
meeting with Zarqawi. Zarqawi was
not part of al-Qaeda when he was in
US cannot explain suspicious Zawahri letter passage
"And especially, by God, if by chance you're going
to Falluja, send greetings to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," it states. [...]
Al-Qaida says letter from its No.2
leader to al-Zarqawi is a U.S. fake
"We in al-Qaida declare that
there is no truth to these claims, and they are baseless, except
in the imagination of the politicians of the Black (White) House," according
to the statement on a website known as a clearing house for al-Qaida material.
Bin Laden to surface after new attack
on US soil: ex-CIA expert
Osama bin laden is expected to remain
in hiding until he stages another attack on the United States, an ex-CIA expert who had tracked
the terror mastermind for two decades warned in an interview… "We mistake quiet for defeat or irrelevance.
And all quiet is disquiet," said Scheuer,
a fierce critic of the Bush administration and its "War on Terror"
policy since he left the CIA in November last year. The
gist here is, “don’t forget to fear the original Arab boogeyman,
because we can pull him out of the hat when needed, too.
chief says he has 'excellent idea' where Osama bin Laden is (from
CIA 'knows Bin Laden whereabouts' (from June)
And don’t forget
all of the “terrorist plots detected” and “terror
cells broken up”-- unproven claims that can be made up any
time the president, Homeland Security, or the PATRIOT Act needs a
Iraqis apprehend two Americans disguised as Arabs trying to
detonate a car bomb
minutes after the arrival of the Iraqi puppet police on the scene a
large force of US troops showed up and surrounded the area. They put
the two Americans in one of their Humvees and
drove away at high speed to the astonishment of the residents of the
area… Quds Press pointed out that about a month ago, the Iraqi puppet police
in the southern Iraqi city of al-Basrah arrested
two Britons whom they accused of attempting to cause an explosion in
the city. The Britons were taken into custody by the Iraqi puppet
police only to be broken out of prison by an assault of British occupation
troops. Maybe the whole war on terror is being faked?
10 terrorist plots detected: Bush
States President George Bush says at least 10 serious al-Qaeda terrorist
plans have been detected and disrupted by the
Mayor Bloomberg announces New York Subway
possible target of terrorism
Police flood New York subway system in response to terror threat
By now you’ve learned
enough to run a propaganda state yourself,
right? If you were given control of a country
and wanted to sap its money and resources for yourself and your friends
in government and industry while keeping your domestic political
opposition in check, you would make up several “news story” templates
(the bogeymen and the threats on one side, the detections, arrests,
and victories on the other) and rotate them in the press ad infinitum
in a prearranged design. Maybe sprinkle in the idea that your political
opponents are giving “aid and comfort to the enemy,” too.
This will keep your whole population afraid, forking over money to
you, and blessing you as their savior and protector.
Bush Says War in Iraq Isn't Cause of
Rising Terrorism
Wow! Could it be statements like this that
cause, for instance,Gordon Liddy recently saying on the Sean Hannity Show that Bush 'ought to be put in a monkey cage?
had a number of catchphrases,
including 'Would you believe . . .?', used
at the beginning of each of a series of preposterous lies. The increasingly
preposterous stories told by the British government to explain what
recently happened in
Lawyer for Saddam Co-Defendant Found
protection was provided for prosecutors and judges in the Saddam trial… But security
measures do not appear to have been extended to the defense lawyers
for Saddam and his seven co-defendants. Their identities have been
known, though most of them have not been prominent in the press.
Iraqis Probe 'Unusually High' Yes Tally
Voting Tallies Provoke Investigation
Suspicions of irregularities in the voting tallies being reported
in some provinces in
Spain issues warrant for U.S. soldiers
judge in
Afghanistan Addicted to Heroin Economy
the country is facing another threat to its stability — its growing
addiction the production and trafficking of heroin, which is controlled
by some of the most powerful people in the country.
Bush equates bin Laden with history's
greatest tyrants
U.S. President George W Bush said Thursday that al-Qaida was bent on building a "totalitarian empire" grounded
in radical Islam, and put its leader Osama bin Laden on a par with
Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin. Psychopaths accuse others of the
very crimes they commit themselves. Bin
Laden is not a national leader, not even a political leader.
Bush's Terrifying Terror Speech
George W. Bush's Oct. 6 speech demanding "complete
victory" in the "war on terror" unnerved some Americans
who saw a president who looked and sounded like an obsessed sea captain
charting the ship of state into an endless storm.
Pentagon nominee aims for more positive
Iraq stories
George W. Bush's nominee to be the Pentagon's chief public affairs
official told Congress on Tuesday he hoped to
encourage more positive stories about the Iraq war by encouraging the
practice of embedding reporters with U.S. troops in Iraq. There
you have plain admission that embedding generates positive reports
about the military obliteration of
US, Israeli game theory duo win economics
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences gave the 10 million crown prize to
Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann for work
that has found uses in
"security and disarmament policies, price formation on markets, as well
as economic and political negotiations." … Schelling,
whose career began with work on the U.S. Marshall Plan to help rebuild
Given the tyrannical,
power-tripping, freedom-restricting behavior the British and Australian
prime ministers, you’d think that the US,
British troops in Iraq to be cut by 500
in November: minister
British Government publishes anti-terror bill
Blair today insisted the case for holding terrorism suspects without
trial was
"absolutely compelling" as the government published new legislation
allowing detention for 90 days wihout charge... This sound familiar? The bill includes new offences
of making preparations for a terrorist act, distributing terrorist publications
and undertaking terrorist training, and also aims to tackle extremist preachers
who glorify or encourage terrorism.
Britain recruited terrorists, Meacher claims
astonishing claim that M16 recruited Muslim extremists in
Tony Blair – Former MI5 Informant?
officer David Shayler alleged so at a public
meeting in
London Bombing ringleader, Haroon Rashid Aswat – double
agent for MI6?
a lengthy statement that will send shockwaves around the world, John
Loftus, a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the US Justice
Department, has publically revealed that the so called mastermind of the
7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is a British ‘Intelligence Asset'. Just as Osama bin Laden was irrefutably a
Iran 'has proof' of British role in bombings
Who's Blowing Up Iraq? (from September)
evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos…
UK security services filmed London bomber
British intelligence officials secretly filmed one of the
four bombers who killed 52 people on
Dissent isn't taken lightly Down Under
Terror bill will make Australia a police state
its draconian anti-terrorism laws being rushed through parliament in
frenetic hurry,
Labor spokesman Stephen Smith says the Government is out of
Federal Opposition has accused the Government of being "drunk
with power" after announcing it will present two major pieces
of legislation into Parliament on consecutive days… "Now
we've seen them do some pretty low things over the years but hiding behind
Foreknowledge of the
Bali Terror Bombings? – According to
Indonesian &
Australian reports
the past five years, the Howard
government has, with Labor’s parliamentary and political support,
already used the “war on terror” as a pretext to introduce
a barrage of laws, each granting unprecedented powers to the federal
government and its security agencies. “Terrorism” has been made
punishable by life imprisonment and defined so widely that it covers
many traditional forms of political dissent. Cabinet has been given
the power to outlaw organisations that it labels terrorist. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has been authorised to
secretly detain and interrogate people without trial, even if they
are not suspected of links to terrorism. Terrorist trials can be
held behind closed doors. The military can be called-out to combat “domestic
violence,” that is, civil unrest. Note that these powers of control over citizens
are the same ones that GW Bush has garnered, and from the same pretext.
Police 'had role in' Bali blasts
police or military officers may have played a role in the 2002
Claims military involved in Jakarta blast (from
advisor to the Indonesian government claims the armed forces may have
been involved in the recent car bomb attack on the Marriott Hotel in
the Indonesian capital,
CIA behind Jakarta, Bali blasts, alleged
Islamic militant leader says (from August)
prosecutors were due later to recommend a sentence for alleged terror
group chief Abu Bakar Bashir,
as the Muslim cleric accused
Bashir condemns embassy bombing (from 2004)
The jailed cleric accused of heading a militant group blamed
for last week's Australian embassy bombing condemned the attack today,
while accusing Indonesian authorities of trying to frame him…
US Embassy cancelled the booking of Marriott
Hotel 4.5 hours before the explosion.
was something interesting happened just hours before the explosion
shocked the JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan,
Jakarta police 'knew hotel was a target'
Downer denies
Marriott on hit list
Minister Alexander Downer today rejected claims that Indonesian police
had discovered a list of terrorist targets, including the JW Marriott
Hotel, in recent raids on terror suspects… Downer seems to
have made quite a career of denying knowledge of interesting things:
Downer Denies Receiving Bali Warning
Downer Denies Knowledge of Indonesian Summit
Downer Denies Butler Report Damages Case For War
Downer Denies Hicks Move An Election Ploy
Indonesian Terror Suspect Omar Al-Faruq Recruited
by The CIA
State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang has
said that Kuwaitd citizen Omar Al-Faruq, a terrorist suspect who was arrested in Bogor, West
Java, on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US three days later, is
a CIA-recruited agent. Al Faruq was assigned to infiltrate Islamic radical groups and
recruit local agents within these groups. "When
Al Faruq finished his assignments, the CIA
created a scenario that he had been arrested," Manulang told
Tempo News Room in
controversial leader of the Respect Party George Galloway this week
provoked a fresh wave of condemnation after he launched a stinging
attack on Zionism and
Come and get me, British MP Galloway
challenges US Congress
MP George Galloway has challenged the
1986, Mordechai Vanunu, an engineer at
the Dimona nuclear centre, revealed to the
Sunday Times the existence of the secret Israeli nuclear program. He
was Kidnapped in
Telegraph 'irresponsible' over Galloway,
court told
In Kurdistan, Mossad is
an embarrassment to the U.S.
secret long standing ties between Iraq’s Kurds and Israel, which
were resumed after the former leader Saddam Hussein was ousted by the
U.S.-led occupation, came to a crushing end in the past few months,
under pressure from Washington… The Israeli government deployed instructors, often disguised as businessmen
Aside from the overwhelming American
presence, there is also the less obtrusive but no less important
presence of the Israelis. Seymour Hersh broke the
story of how the Israelis have penetrated Kurdistan in
the wake of the American invasion and are using it as a forward base
from which to keep a close eye on the Iranians. This piece, which
first appeared in Le Figaro, reports some trouble on that front,
"conflict of interests" between the Israelis and Talabani,
who has a history of good relations with the Iranians and has to keep up the
pretense of upholding the fictitious unity of the Iraqi state… Read the full article for more insights into the complexity
of what’s going on in Kurdistan and how it is completely left out of
More Israeli
Jews favor transfer of Palestinians, Israeli Arabs - poll finds
Israeli-Arabs pose a threat to Israel's
security, according to 61 percent of the Jewish population, while around
80 percent are opposed to Israeli-Arabs being involved in important
decisions, such as delineating the country's borders, up from 75
percent last year and 67 percent in 2000. Imagine
a country in which the majority would like to remove nearly half
its own citizens on the basis of race. Can
you see the conflict that is building in
The Real
fifty years Ariel Sharon tried to fool us. Now we are willing to fool
ourselves. It may be rather unusual, but it is a
fact: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's most valuable
asset is his lack of credibility. For fifty
years at least, since David Ben-Gurion wrote that he (Sharon) could have been an excellent military leader had he been accustomed
to telling the truth,
Israel opposes transferring control of West Bank towns to Palestinians
Israeli army kill three
Palestinians on Gaza border
Israel citing 'security' to limit Palestinian
rights: UN
Palestinians: Cause of Yasser Arafat's
death remains a mystery
Three Israelis shot dead in West Bank
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Sunday
attack, the first of its kind in four months…
Israel clamps down after West Bank attacks
Staff and agencies
Jund El Sham Threatens to Slay Mehlis,
Calling him Mossad Officer
throat-slitting threat has been served against
Syrian general in UN inquiry found dead
General Kenaan, 63, was one of several top officials caught up in
a UN investigation into the murder of
Robert Fisk: The Ghazi Kenaan I knew was not the sort of man who would commit suicide
Al-Hariri murder probe implicates Syria
the infiltration of Lebanese institutions and society by the Syrian
and Lebanese intelligence services working in tandem, it would be difficult
to envisage a scenario whereby such a complex assassination plot could
have been carried out without their knowledge," the report said… The Mehlis commission
said its findings to date indicated that the truck bombing that killed
al-Hariri and 20 others in the streets of
Israel and the US -
A God-ordained alliance?
believe the main reason the
Israel redraws the roadmap, building
quietly and quickly
P.A denies Israeli reports of Al Qaeda
infiltration into Gaza Saed Bannoura
Murdoch sells lunch date on eBay
mogul Rupert Murdoch is selling himself as a lunch date for $25,000
on the internet site eBay to raise money for
History Proves That Israel Will Kill
US Military Personnel
people on the internet are watching the killings of US military personnel
in western
to name new security coordinator to Palestine
At Least 30 Wounded in Israel Bombing
A suicide bomber blew himself up Wednesday next to a food stand in the central Israeli
town of
Sharon vows broad offensive after bombing
The real story on
China military spending larger than reported: Rumsfeld
Pentagon fires off new China report
Brace yourself - it turns out that
Rumsfeld Spars With Chinese Officers
In a rare face-to-face encounter with an American defense
secretary, a small group of Chinese officers held a spirited and
sometimes pointed debate Thursday with Donald H. Rumsfeld over
the two countries' clashing views about the size and meaning of
agencies are revealing that US private military contractors, active
Chavez and Chirac affirm 'common vision'
Hugo Chavez of
Nationwide strikes test Villepin's resolve on reforms
Anti-government strikes to tie up France
disruption to business and travel is expected in
Trends evident this
month: US foreign debt
is out of control, oil and gas prices are up and oil-company profits
are immense, weak US dollar is directionless, price of gold is strongly
up (an indicator of weak dollar and lack of confidence in economy),
airline and auto companies going bankrupt, other big corporations
cutting pension plans, US gov’t still
handing out corporate welfare and manipulating markets, new Fed chaiman Bernanke is on the way.
Japan's National
Debt Hits $7.1 Trillion
Gas prices may last six months
nation's energy chief says it will take six months for
Consumers fret over high gas prices
Consumers Could Face Price Spikes at Pump
Exxon Mobil Profit, Sales Soar to Records
Exxon Mobil Corp. rewrote the corporate record books Thursday
as the
oil company's third-quarter earnings soared to almost $10 billion
and it became the first public company ever with quarterly sales
topping $100 billion… Those
results led Democrats in Congress to demand a new windfall profits
tax. "Big oil behemoths are making out like bandits, while the
average American family is getting killed by high gas prices, and
soon-to-be record heating oil prices," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.,
said in a statement.
Rising bank fees hit consumers
year, banks, thrifts and credit unions collected a record $37.8 billion
in service charges on accounts, more than double what they got in 1994… For years there has been a growing trend among corporations
to pad their bottom lines by adding and increasing fees, to avoid the
open raising of prices. Yes,
it’s deceptive, and what does deception say about their ethics?
U.S. Investment Income Close to 'Tipping
Point': John M. Berry
Steven Lagavulin commentary
I want to highlight a handful of the many signs that are flooding in to
indicate that the first significant "wave" of social crisis
appears to be breaking upon us… The
movement in Gold has been catching my eye of late, and after watching
it rebound so smartly from the bashing it took early this week...well,
I believe this is a major signal that things are slipping "out
of hand" (which is actually a double entendre if you believe the
price of gold has been manipulated down in recent years...)… I
also experience a healthy and understandable sense of dread over the
coming collapse, precisely because I know that it will not unfold in
the way I believe it will… All
in all, I've been growing more and more convinced in recent months
that what we're seeing are the battle-lines of a broadly-drawn civil
war within the Corporatocracy. On one side there's the Neo-Con administration,
now backed-into an increasingly "loan-ly"
corner, watching their troops desert, and facing the rising backbone
of many formerly "third-world" countries (that phrase may
become obsolete soon) and the Iranian Oil Exchange coming online in
March. They may be feeling the need to gamble it all on one final,
decisive act right now...or lose the reins of power altogether. On
the other side there are the more complacent Captains of Industry,
who undoubtedly never really felt quite the pseudo-religious fervor
of the Neo-Con's they nominated to lead the charge. They may not really
wish to stake the whole game on the coin-flip of World War...at least
not at this time, not at these odds. They'd probably like to draw back,
wave the flag of humanitarianism, carpet-bag the
Marshall Auerback commentary
…markets in the 21st century are rife with destabilizing
speculation and possess no wisdom whatsoever. As we have explained
in earlier pieces, today's markets are driven to an unprecedented degree
by a combination of impulses from an ignorant public
and amplifying actions by herding institutional money managers
who have left their brains on the doorstep… Ultimately,
it would not surprise us to see various restrictions imposed in regard
to the holding of foreign currencies and gold. As recently as
the early 1970s, Arthur Burns, then Fed Chairman, railed against the
"unsound practice" of Americans having foreign currency bank accounts. This
notion may seem far-fetched in today's high-tech financial world, but the
story of the
Al Martin believes 2008 elections will be canceled due to economic crisis
It becomes more likely that this regime
would use its Patriot Act powers to cancel the 2008 elections. They,
of course, wouldn't come out and cancel them. What they would do
is formulate some sort of incident where they could invoke Patriot
Act powers to 'suspend' the elections, which would, in fact, be a
permanent cancellation… The actual economic crisis at that point might be a reason for
"postponing" the election. Let's put it this way. If the Dow-Jones
were trading between 3000 and 4000 by the Fall of
2008, they would declare a national emergency. Of course, it would be Bushonomics that caused it to happen… Not only are the numbers unprecedented,
but they are clearly unsustainable. We have reached levels of debt in this
country that, statistically speaking, no other nation in the history of the
planet has reached.
Gold May Extend Longest Rally This Year
on Inflation Concerns
lust for gold has reached record levels worldwide as
Inflation Soars on Surge in Energy Prices
Ohio Delphi workers denounce company plan
to halve wages and slash jobs
…One of the central purposes of
Right-wing Social Democrat Steinbrück named finance minister in German grand coalition
The nomination Wednesday of the former North Rhine-Westphalian prime minister, Peer Steinbrück (Social
Democratic Party - SPD), to the post of finance minister in Germany's
new grand coalition is a clear
signal that future government policy will involve new welfare cuts
and a further redistribution of wealth from the needy to the rich.
Industrial output down 1.3 percent
from U.S. factories, mines and utilities tumbled by a surprisingly
sharp 1.3 percent in September due to a big drop in oil and gas output
after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, a Federal Reserve report showed
on Friday.
Delta Expects to Post Big Loss for 2005
airline is trying to get its pilots to agree to another $325 million
in concessions. That would be on top of $1 billion in annual concessions
the pilots accepted last year. If
the two sides can't agree on the new round of cuts, Delta has said
it is willing to try to use the bankruptcy court to impose the cuts.
Union officials held meetings starting Monday to discuss their options. Delta
has already posted nearly $10 billion in losses since January 2001.
Slowing Is Seen in Housing Prices in
Hot Markets
The king of real estate's cashing out
Barrack, arguably the world's greatest real estate investor, is methodically
selling off his
House narrowly approves bill to help
US refineries
The bill wants to add 2 million
barrels per day of capacity by offering abandoned military bases for
refinery construction sites… When over two dozen Republicans initially
voted no, DeLay, Barton, House Speaker Dennis
Hastert and new Majority Leader Roy Blunt circled the chamber to cajole
The Invisible
Hand (of the U.S. Government) in Financial Markets
Bush Picks Bernanke As New Fed Chairman
first priority will be to maintain continuing with the policy and policy
strategies under the Greenspan era," Bernanke added.
last attempt to shut us down came shortly after the London Bombing,
which saw our traffic go through the roof after we released a plethora
of articles exposing government involvement… This
is part of a growing trend of authoritarian censorship of the Internet
in preparation for the emergence
of Internet 2, where only government approved websites
will be allowed to exist and the old Internet will be shut down. Monolithic corporations in lock-step
with government are following the Chinese model, where any website
mildly anti-establishment is immediately shut down and its owners arrested.
The vast majority of Internet cafes in China were
shut down in 2002 after the government started
a fire in one Beijing cafe and then demanded all the rest be shut down
for 'safety reasons'.
Breaking America's grip on the net
troubled negotiations in
Network feud leads to Net blackout
major Internet backbone companies are feuding, potentially cutting
off significant swaths of the Internet for some of each other's customers.
More lawmakers back U.S. control of Internet
lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives called on Friday for
the Internet's core infrastructure to remain under
2 die, thousands flee as El Salvador
volcano erupts
Quake shakes city (
Huge Alaska landslide gets attention
of seismologists
Earthquake strikes the South Pacific island of Tonga – no
injures or damage
Earthquake Rattles Three Argentine Provinces
No problems after large earthquake rocks
Magnitude 6.0 rocks Greece's eastern Aegean islands
Second quake hits Turkey's Aegean coast
Magnitude 4.0 Quake reported off California
Aleutian volcano begins to quake
Small Quakes Hit Central California
Guatemala villages 'mass graves' after landslides
Guatemalan landslides unearth bones
Strong earthquake jolts Indonesia's Aceh
Three Alaska volcanoes showing signs of unrest
Geologists say 'bulge' may turn into volcano
Volcano erupts in PNG's West New
Warning: Possible Volcano Eruption in
El Salvador
Minor earthquake hits San Francisco region
Strong Earthquake Hits Northeastern Japan
4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes San Diego Coast
Light earthquake shakes area – Ontario
Magnitude 3.0 Quake - GREATER L.A. AREA,
Magnitude 5.5 - ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
Magnitude 5.0 - PAKISTAN (followed 6.0 quake on October 23)
Magnitude 4.4 - TARAPACA, CHILE
Magnitude 4.3 - SOUTH OF ALASKA
Up to 2.5m Pakistanis homeless after
West's response to Pakistan quake condemned
as slow and inadequate
Fresh aftershocks jolt Pakistan, trigger
Pakistani extremists take lead on earthquake
disaster aid
Quake help 'yet to reach 500,000'
Asian earthquake death toll to reach
Pakistan earthquake death toll rises
to 79,000 Leader promises housing for homeless
Earthquake again jolts Pakistani cities
Earthquake aid efforts hindered by image ban
'Losing race against the clock' to help
quake survivors, UN official says
"I've never seen such devastation before. We are in the sixth day
of operation, and every day the scale of devastation is getting wider," said the UN undersecretary general
and emergency relief co-ordinator, Jan Egeland. The UN estimates two million people have been left
homeless from the quake that killed about 35,000 people and levelled hundreds
of villages.
Has the Age of Chaos Begun? – interesting insight in this article
Global warming to bring heavier rains,
Polar regions take
center stage in climate crisis
A fern grows in the Arctic Ocean
World Helpless Against Assaults of Nature
Typhoon, quake leave Taiwan shaken, stirred
Flash Flooding in Kansas Traps Many
High Hurricane Activity
Foreseen in Oct.
Hurricane Stan kills 46 people in Central
Early Blizzard Knocks Out Power in West
At least 250 killed as storms lash Central
Tropical Storm Vince forms in unusual
Amazon rainforest suffers worst drought
in decades
Second tornado strikes Birmingham
Floods hit Quebec's Eastern Townships
Thousands evacuated as dam threatens
to burst in Massachusetts
Wilma Strengthens to Category 5 Hurricane
Flood hits Vietnam's southern city
Wilma Batters Florida; One Death Reported
Record-breaking Tropical Storm Alpha
in Caribbean
Wilma Causes Havoc at Florida Airports
Tropical Storm Beta Forms in Caribbean
Sea - Beta is the season's 23rd
tropical storm, the most since record keeping began
Beta to Become Yet Another Hurricane
Record heat raises climate fears -
Asia Scrambles to Contain Dengue Virus
Bird flu jumps transmission barrier in humans
U.S. may use military quarantine to contain flu
Mysterious illness claims four more lives
in Toronto
Security fears as flu virus that killed
50 million is recreated
died of Legionnaires' disease: official
Bird flu reported in eastern Romania
EU experts meet as avian flu spreads
Greece proposes to host meeting on bird
flu threat
Venezuela to partly close border with
Colombia to avoid bird flu
Britain responds to bird flu threat
Four children in Minnesota contract polio
Bird flu pandemic 'will hit UK'
Greece becomes first EU country to confirm bird flu
Bird flu is global threat, say EU ministers
European avian flu fear leads to drug
Avian flu shows signs of drug resistance
Nunavut screens expectant mothers, tracks cases of rare virus
Likely course of UK bird flu pandemic
China, Europe report new bird flu outbreaks
Ukraine orders emergency measures to
fend off bird flu
The Excuses Begin to Fly: Bush and Avian Flu
Second case of bird flu virus confirmed
in Croatia
Green light in sky was likely a meteor
fireball across sky likely a meteor, experts say
Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible
hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document
instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually
true… the first
11 chapters of Genesis, in which two different and at times conflicting
stories of creation are told, are among those that this country’s
Catholic bishops insist cannot be
“historical”. At most, they say, they may contain
“historical traces”… They
go on to condemn fundamentalism for its “intransigent intolerance” and
to warn of
“significant dangers” involved in a fundamentalist approach. “Such an approach
is dangerous, for example, when people of one nation or group see in the Bible
a mandate for their own superiority, and even consider themselves permitted
by the Bible to use violence against others.” Bingo.
Supernova Storm Wiped Out Mammoths?
supernova blast 41,000 years ago started a deadly chain of events that
led to the extinction of mammoths and other animals in
Bali II: Another Elusive
Terror Mastermind on the Loose
“Azahari bin Husin, said to be the
explosives “mastermind” behind the
Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
THE GREENBAUM SPEECH - Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse
Fluoride water 'causes cancer' - Boys at risk from bone tumours, shock research reveals
campaigners argue that the whole issue has become highly politically
sensitive. If health scares about fluoride were to be recognised in
the courts, the litigation, especially in the
Unmasked: the 'real Shakespeare'
First day of school for aspiring Vatican
Apocalyptic anxiety runs high in disasters'
Apocalyptic beliefs have long been an American staple. A June 2001 survey
by the Barna Research Group, for instance,
found that 40 percent of adults in the
One-Fifth of Human Genes Have Been Patented,
Study Reveals
Of the patented genes, about 63 percent are assigned to private firms…
According to the research, the number of adults aged 20-44
using sleeping medications doubled from 2000 to 2004, and rose by
85 percent for children from 10-19. The increase in spending on these
medications was highest for 10-19 year olds -- up 223 percent…
Rape Up, While Murders Down in 2004
across the
Slow Burn: The Great American Antismoking
Scam (And Why It Will Fail)
The book examines the most important studies into smoking
since the 1964 report and reveals that many if not most of them are
fatally flawed by deep antismoking bias on the part of researchers
who are supported by abundant antismoking grant money… At the same time
he reports on numerous studies exonerating smoking that the public
has never heard about… Amazon Reviewer: Though written in a conversational
and highly accessible tone, this exhaustively-researched book exposes
the wildly misleading conclusions drawn by the anti-tobacco fanatics,
based on their junk science "studies" and other misinformation…This
book ISN'T just for smokers! If you're a nonsmoker who's concerned
about the
"danger" you're in from other peoples' smoke you should read this
book as well... you might find yourself surprised at
some of the lies you've been told! Given that the
government knowingly allows and supports exposing its people to a shocking
array of toxic chemicals and pollutants in our food, water, and air, it makes
no sense for them to show concern about smoking. What could be the reasoning? Lung cancer rates among smokers are not what you’ve been
led to believe (see charts).
In Defense
of Smokers: Online book
When I began researching the subject, however, I found that,
like the myth about smoker's lungs turning brown from cigarette tars,
"thousands and thousands of studies" was also a myth.
of the countries with the highest rates of smoking have the lowest
rates of lung cancer… If,
as the anti smokers postulate, smoking is a deadly "addiction",
trimming years off the life of the smoker, how do they explain such
examples as
The anti-tobacco campaign of the Nazis: a little known aspect
of public health in Germany, 1933-45
and epidemiologists have only recently begun to explore the Nazi anti-tobacco
CIA Invests In No-Fuel Power Generators
Already used as a topical antibiotic in the medical industry,
silver may now come under consideration as an alternative to drugs
when it comes to fighting previously untreatable viruses such as
the Tamiflu resistant avian flu.
Donald Rumsfeld,
until he resigned and joined the Bush Administration, was the chairman
of something called Gilead which just happened to make something
called Tamiflu. Now anyone who hasn't been on Mars
for the last month or two, knows that
there were only two things that were going to stop the human version
of bird flu. One was a bird flu vaccine (which probably would work
better if you were a bird) and the other was something called Tamiflu. …somehow
or other it became established that Tamiflu really worked. This
was the party line, anyway, for about a week, until
word began trickling back in that maybe Tamiflu didn't
work. In fact, the word on Tamiflu has
always been positive at first and then eventually negative. It's
a kind of pattern. Now isn't it an
'amazing coincidence' that the drug Tamiflu patented
by Gilead Sciences is being pushed by the National Institutes of
Allergies and Infectious Diseases as the NUMBER ONE choice for
flu, which, wonder of wonders, is sweeping through in one epidemic
after another."
Is Bush Nuts? – or, at least, an
aspartame addict?
Another big clue to Dubya's displays of
dementia comes in "photo-ops" showing him slugging back
diet Coke with other
Aspartame addicts, like
Aspartame - Anxiety, Depression And Suicide
Among Children
of the population and 40% of the children in this country are using
products with aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderel, Benevia, E951, etc.). It is a neurotoxic drug,
a deadly chemical poison, and masquerading as an additive. The 50% phenylalanine in it as an isolate is neurotoxic and
goes directly into the brain. It lowers the seizure threshold and depletes
serotonin. When you lower serotonin it triggers manic depression or
bipolar, mood swings, anxiety, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, panic attacks,
paranoia, hallucinations, etc. It also interacts with ALL antidepressants. In
fact, it interacts with just about every drug used to treat the problems
it causes. This is all discussed in the huge medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored
Epidemic by H. J. Roberts, M.D. www.sunsentpress.com or
1 800 827 7991 … The Trocho Study in 1998 showed the formaldehyde converted from
the free methyl alcohol in aspartame accumulates in the cells and damages
DNA with most toxicity in the liver.
Department of Health and Human
Services – Symptoms Attributed to Apartame
Accidental invention could light up the future - Quantum dot
mixture takes LED lighting to a new level
Explaining how the brain creates false memories
Remote Control Device 'Controls' Humans
imagine being rendered the rough equivalent of a radio-controlled toy
car… Indeed, a small defense
contractor in Texas, Invocon Inc., is exploring
whether precisely tuned electromagnetic pulses could be safely fired
into people's ears to temporarily subdue them. [...]
What kind of animal makes a pawprint as big as this?
Red Planet set for close approach
India's astrologers warn of impending
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