Top Secret! Clear Evidence that Flight 77 Hit The Pentagon on 9/11: a Parody - Simon Sackville Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 - and Neither Did a Boeing 757 - Joe Quinn Neoconservatism, the Israeli Lobby, and other Power Relations - Andrés Perez-Alonso Political Ponerology - Laura Knight-Jadczyk 94% - Laura Knight-Jadczyk Signs Monthly News Roundups! June 2005
site best viewed
Hurricane Katrina's aftermath: from
natural disaster to national humiliation
catastrophe that is unfolding in
Questions grow over rescue chaos
tourists in the Monteleone Hotel paid $25,000
for 10 buses. The buses were sent (I guess there were many buses
available, if you paid the price!) but the military confiscated them
to use not for transporting people in the Dome but for the military.
The tourists were not allowed to leave. Instead, the military ordered
the tourists to the now-infamous Convention Center… On
Wednesday a number of Greens tried to bring a large amount of water
to the SuperDome. They were prevented from
doing so, as have many others. Why have food and water been blocked from reaching
tens of thousands of poor people? … They
even refused to allow voluntary workers who had rescued over 1,000
people in boats over the previous days to continue on Thursday, using
the several gunshots (and who knows who shot off those rounds?) to
say "It's too dangerous". The volunteers didn't think the
gunshots were dangerous to them and wanted to continue their rescue
operations and had to be "convinced" at gunpoint to ‘cease
and desist.’ There is something sinister going down -- it's not just incompetence
or negligence. How
could FEMA and Homeland Security not have something so basic
as bottled drinking water in the SuperDome,
which was long a part of the hurricane plan? … We
need to understand that the capability has been there from the start
to drive water and food right up to the convention
center, as those roads have been clear -- it's how the National
Guard drove into the city.”
don't think this is a simple tale of incompetence. The reason the
military wasn't rushed in to help along the
Bush vows to step up Katrina aid
BBC's Matt Frei, in
New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights,
have M-16s and they're locked and loaded,’ Gov. Kathleen Blanco
said of 300 National Guard troops who landed in New Orleans fresh
from duty in Iraq. ‘These troops know how to shoot and
kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they
will.’ Tourist Debbie Durso of
Rapes, killings hit Katrina refugees
in New Orleans
killed a man here last night," Steve Banka, 28, told Reuters. "A
young lady was being raped and stabbed. And the sounds of her screaming
got to this man and so he
ran out into the street to get help from troops, to try to flag down
a passing lorry of them, and he jumped up on the truck's windscreen
and they shot him dead." Wade Batiste, 48, recounted another tale
of horror. "Last
night at 8 p.m. they shot a kid of just 16. He was just crossing
the street. They ran him over, the New Orleans police did, and then they got out
of the car and shot him in the head," Batiste said… One National Guard soldier who asked not
to be named for fear of punishment from his commanding officer said
of the lack of medical attention at the centre, ‘They
(the Bush administration) care more about
Sonic 'Lasers' Head to Flood Zone
of both companies say that within days, they will ship some units
of their respective products to areas hit by Hurricane Katrina, so
authorities can use the tools for crowd control, aid distribution
and rescue operations… When a subject is at close range in MAD's sonic path, and it is set to high volume, the sound
can be excruciating.”
Law Officers, Overwhelmed, Are Quitting
the Force
“…at least 200
September, a Category 5 hurricane battered
the small
Sniper Fire Halts Hospital Evacuation
evacuation of patients from
Gunmen Attack Contractors on La.
shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire
on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way
to make repairs, authorities said… Fourteen contractors were
traveling across the
Five dead were army workers: report
Press reports that at least five people shot
dead by police as they walked across a
Reuters Photojournalist Recounts
Disaster in New Orleans
Dozens Found Dead at New Orleans
Cover-up: toxic waters 'will make
New Orleans unsafe for a decade'
Love Canal-type landfill submerged
in New Orleans floodwaters
Mayor to feds: 'Get off your asses'
“…we authorized $8 billion to go to
last couple of weeks we’ve been learning some truly awful,
unbearable lessons. But one of the lessons has been perversely prosaic:
PR only goes so far. Not only have we been parsing anew the limits
of public relations, but the limits of people who have become perilously,
mindlessly dependent on PR in place of action. Their leadership limits,
their moral limits…”
Barbara Bush: Things Working Out
'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans
Bush said: ‘Almost everyone I've talked to says we're going
to move to
White House: Mrs. Bush Comment 'Personal'
Bush was making "a personal observation" when she said
poor people at a relocation center in Houston were faring better
than before Hurricane Katrina struck, President Bush's spokesman
said Wednesday…”
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for
the Poor
we have discovered the roots of George W. Bush's "compassionate
conservatism… On
the tape of the interview, Mrs. Bush chuckles audibly as she observes
just how great things are going for families that are separated from
loved ones, people who have been forced to abandon their homes and
the only community where they have ever lived, and parents who are
explaining to children that their pets, their toys and in some cases
their friends may be lost forever. Perhaps the former first lady
was amusing herself with the notion that evacuees without bread could
eat cake…"
U.S. military smuggled white vacationers out of New Orleans
Superdome squalor
Sachs, of Sheffield [
Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid
Hurricane Katrina - Our Experiences
“Bradshaw and Slonsky are paramedics frorm
noticed a man with a rifle and duffel bag walk up to the door to
the Mall. We see him try the door and find it locked. Then he simply
smashed out the door with the butt of his rifle and walked in. … Some
time passed, and then the person with the rifle returns again. This
time we notice he is a cop, and he is with four other cops, and they
all have arms and duffel bags. And their only purpose is to get whatever
they can…” Read more for an experience of surviving the famous Convention
Hurricane Expected to Cost Government
Up to $100 Billion
Katrina 'set to slow US economy'
Hurricane Katrina to Increase Joblessness
Summary Box: Katrina Wipes Out Job
is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive
and coordinated national weather modification policy… SEC.
DATE. This Act shall take effect
on October 1, 2005.”
Halliburton Hired To Do Storm Cleanup
Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric
power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in
with Bush ties snag Katrina deals
with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are
clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and
reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. At
least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh,
President George W. Bush's former campaign manager and a former head
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped
to start recovery work along the battered
Katrina clean-up contracts spark
“Major contracts for the
Hurricane Katrina clean-up have been awarded without bidding
or with limited competition, prompting controversy in the
Heritage Foundation Capitalizes on Katrina
Let's all be clear about one thing
Bush has now put us on notice, the
Memos Show Oil Companies Closed Refineries To Hike
This is a tactic straight
out of the Enron playbook. “the industry's own internal
memos show the intentional shrinking of American refinery capacity
in the 1990s was the oil companies' own idea to pump up profits. Take this internal
Texaco strategy memo: ‘The
most critical factor facing the refining industry on the West Coast
is the surplus of refining capacity, and the surplus gasoline production
capacity. (The same situation exists for the entire
New World Orleans: Microcosm for
the "New America"
Families Escape Worst of Flood And Plot
the Future
“The power elite of New Orleans
-- whether they are still in the city or have moved temporarily to
enclaves such as Destin, Fla., and Vail, Colo. -- insist the remade
city won't simply restore the old order.
Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private
security firm, infamous for their work in
If We Understand New Orleans; we understand the Bush strategy
won't accept Amtrak's help in evacuations.''
"FEMA turns away experienced firefighters.''
"FEMA turns back Wal-Mart supply trucks.''
"FEMA prevents Coast Guard from delivering diesel fuel.''
"Homeland Security won't let Red Cross deliver food.''
"FEMA bars morticians from entering
"FEMA blocks 500-boat citizen flotilla from
delivering aid.''
"FEMA fails to utilize Navy ship with 600-bed hospital
on board.''
"FEMA to
"FEMA turns away generators.''
"FEMA first responders urged not to respond.''
“The deployment of mercenaries to the region
should be of particular concern to Americans. Currently, more
than 40,000 National Guardsman from
Former Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury on New Orleans: "Americans Are Being Brainwashed"
is ‘like that of the brown shirts that followed Hitler’ … Roberts
agreed that FEMA has deliberately withheld aid, and cut emergency
communication lines, and automatically made the crisis look worse
in order to empower the image of a police state emerging to ‘save
the day’ … ‘The power of the Federal Government
is now greater than at any time, it'll never go back and the Posse Comitatus Act
has been eroding ever since it was passed in 1878...’ Roberts
urged listeners to look at the Patriot Act, which suspends Habeas
Corpus, where they can now suspend you indefinitely, a massive erosion
of civil liberties…”.
New Orleans collects dead as officials
dodge blame
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld toured a medical
facility at
Generals recommend national plan for emergencies
weighs military's role in large disasters…”
Bush to investigate handling of disaster without finger-pointing
President says his inquiry will only be to determine ‘what
went right and what went wrong… ‘What
I intend to do is to lead an investigation to find out what went
right and what went wrong, but
the enquiry won't be pointing the finger at anyone. We want to make sure that we can respond properly if there's
a WMD attack or another major storm.’"
Brown Shifts Blame for Katrina Response
“Brown described FEMA as a politically powerless arm of Homeland Security,
which he said had siphoned more than $77 million from his agency
over the past three years. Additionally, he said Homeland Security
cut FEMA budget requests - including one for hurricane preparedness
- before they were ever presented to Congress…”
Time for a Truth & Justice Commission -- Back Inside
New Orleans
asked Okra, in his house off of
New Orleans Police Chief Resigns
of British aid donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims to be BURNED
by Americans… HUNDREDS
of tons of British food aid shipped to
Vice President Cheney heckled on
hurricane tour
f--- yourself Mr. Cheney!" the unidentified man shouted. The
man then repeated: "Go f--- yourself!"
Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist
experts for years had warned of threat to
Brown pushed from last job: Horse
group: FEMA chief had to be 'asked to resign'
joining the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a deputy director
in 2001, GOP activist Mike Brown had no significant
experience that would have qualified him for the position.”
Agencies were drilled for 'worst-case
a five-day, tabletop exercise last summer, emergency preparedness
officials faced an imaginary "worst-case scenario" in which
a hurricane hit the New Orleans, Louisiana, area. A
fictional Category 3 Hurricane Pam, with "winds of 120 mph,
up to 20 inches of rain... and a storm surge that topped the levees," was
the picture presented to officials from 50 federal, local and volunteer
organizations, according to a Federal Emergency Management Agency
dispatch from July 23, 2004.”
'Weather nerd' in Indiana warned
New Orleans mayor
"’At the risk of being alarmist, we could be
3-4 days away from an unprecedented cataclysm that could kill as
many as 100,000 people in New Orleans,’ Brendan Loy, who
is 23 and has no formal meteorological training, wrote on Aug.
26… He called
for Mayor Nagin to issue an evacuation
order days before the mayor issued one…”
FEMA Head Bears the Brunt of Katrina
“The vilification of federal disaster chief Michael Brown, emerging
as chief scapegoat for whatever went wrong in the government's
response to Hurricane Katrina, has ratcheted into the stratosphere… But the dim view of Brown's qualifications
by senators seems to have emerged only in hindsight. Members of
both parties seemed little troubled by his background at 2002 Senate
hearings that led to his confirmation as deputy FEMA chief… ‘Brownie,
you're doing a heck of a job,’ the president told him
last week…”
Bush tours New Orleans as emergency
chief quits
Brown's departure from FEMA is long overdue, and his resignation
is the right thing for the country and for the people of the
Michael Brown Helped Bush Win
Bush administration 'negligent" over
Katrina: Chinese press
Daily, the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece, said there was no
excuse for Bush's slow reaction to the unfolding tragedy…”
Neither Compassionate, Nor Conservative
“The worst
storm in our history proved perfect for exposing this president because
in one big blast it illuminated all his failings: the rampant cronyism,
the empty sloganeering of 'compassionate conservatism,' the lack
of concern for the 'underprivileged' his mother condescended to at
the Astrodome, the reckless lack of planning for all government operations
except tax cuts, the use of spin and photo-ops to camouflage failure
and to substitute for action…”
Post-Katrina military response slowed
by state-federal dispute: report
I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp
“I'm afraid the camp is not going to be used as the kind people
of the churches who own the cabins believe it was going to be used. Jesse
Jackson was right when he said "refugees" was not the
appropriate word for the poor souls dislocated due to Katrina.
But he was wrong about why it is not appropriate. It's
not appropriate because they are detainees, not refugees.” Long, but valuable
story, with photos, about one of the many FEMA camps, of which
most people are unaware.
“Not only is it the most powerful entity in the
California Earthquake Could Be the
Next Katrina
Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones remembers attending an
emergency training session in August 2001 with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency that discussed the three most likely catastrophes
to strike the
Major L.A. quake could be worse than
Quake Will Kill Children and Elderly
in California
11 Ohio children found locked in
in northern
Army Faces Worst Recruiting Slump
in Years
Army has not published official figures yet, but it apparently finished
the 12-month counting period that ends Friday with about 73,000 recruits.
Its goal was 80,000. A gap
of 7,000 enlistees would be the largest - in absolute number as well
as in percentage terms - since 1979, according to Army records. The
Army National Guard and the Army Reserve, which are smaller than
the regular Army, had even worse results… ‘The
future looks even grimmer. Recruiting is going to get harder and
harder,’ Moskos said.”
Students Score Below Average on Tests
the country, in reading, only 30 percent of fourth-graders and eighth-graders
reach at least the key level, proficient, which means competency
over difficult material. In math, 31 percent of fourth-graders and
27 percent of eighth-graders do at least that well.
In almost every case, the city students did worse. That means less
than three out of 10 students achieved at the level they should have,
based on federal standards. [...]”
Studies: Don't Believe Homework Hype
image of students lugging home heavy packs of books may be familiar
in many homes, but two new studies offer a different picture: The
nation's homework load is light. [...] Most students have less than
an hour of homework a night, according to a Brookings analysis of
a broad range of homework research… Only about one in 10
high school students does a substantial amount of homework
- more than two hours a night… The figure has held fairly stable for 50 years. [...]”
The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated
and Docile
the turn of the century,
The Underground
History of American Education
National Adult Literacy Survey represents 190 million
of Modern [American] Education
real makers of modern schooling weren't at all who we think. Not Cotton Mather. Not Horace
Mann. Not John
Dewey. Andrew Carnegie,
the steel baron... John D. Rockefeller,
the duke of oil... Henry
Ford, master of the assembly line which compounded
steel and oil into a vehicular dynasty... and J.P.
Morgan, the king of capitalist finance... Men like
these, and the brilliant efficiency expert Frederick
W. Taylor, who inspired the entire "social efficiency" movement
of the early twentieth century, along with providing the new Soviet
Union its operating philosophy and doing the same job for Fascist
Italy and Nazi Germany; men who dreamed bigger dreams than any had
dreamed since Napoleon or Charlemagne, these were the makers of modern
schooling. Traditional forms of instruction in
“How public education
cripples our kids, and why. I
taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in
you know who Halliburton is? Dick Cheney? How about Karl Rove? Alas,
most Americans don't. Let's
be honest. Percentage-wise, few people in
The War on Teachers and Students: The Devil in New England
states don't exist without help and acquiescence... Most recently,
a cop in the small town of
Americans have not learnt the lessons
of history
had a conversation in
Half of Europe's Citizens Know 2 Languages
“In the
recent trip to the
'Intelligent Design' Court Battle
Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'
to the study, belief in and
worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but
may actually contribute to social problems. The
study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to
provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society… ‘In
general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate
with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality,
STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous
democracies. The
The Roman Catholic Church of Corruption
larger than usual headline of
the Philadelphia Inquirer lastThursday read, “An
‘Immoral’ Cover-up.” A grand jury indicted the
A dumbed-down
public education system turns out generations of people who don’t
know the lessons of history. For
manipulative leaders, that’s a perfect populace – clueless
and easily swayed. Crimes, cover-ups, false-flag operations,
phony pretexts, inventing imaginary foes, harassing peaceful
protestors – anything goes with a public that just can’t
think by itself.
A little bit of German
history from the
With Adolf Hitler's ascendancy to the chancellorship, the Nazi Party
quickly consolidated its power. Hitler managed to maintain a posture
of legality throughout the Nazification process.
Domestically, during the next six years, Hitler completely transformed
Starting in 1938, Hitler began his aggressive quest for Lebensraum,or more living space.
On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building went up in flames. Nazis
immediately claimed that this was the beginning of a Communist revolution.
This fact leads many historians to believe that Nazis actually set,
or help set the fire. Others believe that a deranged Dutch Communist
set the fire. The issue has never been resolved. This incident prompted
Hitler to convince Hindenburg to issue a Decree for the Protection
of People and State that granted Nazis sweeping power to deal with
the so-called emergency. This laid the foundation for a police state.
was Goering so certain that the fire had been set by communist terrorists?
Arrested on the spot was a Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe. Most historians now
believe that van der Lubbe was
actually duped by the Nazis into setting the fire and probably was
even assisted by them, without his realizing it. Why
would Hitler and his associates turn a blind eye to an impending
terrorist attack on their national congressional building or actually
assist with such a horrific deed? Because they knew what government
officials have known throughout history - that during extreme national
emergencies, people are most scared and thus much more willing to
surrender their liberties in return for ‘security.’ And
that's exactly what happened during the Reichstag terrorist crisis… The
day after the fire, Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to issue
a decree entitled, "For the Protection of the People and the
State." Justified as a "defensive measure against Communist acts
of violence endangering the state," the decree suspended the
constitutional guarantees pertaining to civil liberties… Within
a month, the Nazis had transferred jurisdiction over treason cases
from the Supreme Court to a new People's Court, which, as
Shirer points out, soon became the most dreaded tribunal in the land. It consisted of two professional judges and five others chosen
from among party officials, the S.S. and the armed forces, thus giving
the latter a majority vote. There was
no appeal from its decisions or sentences… The Nazis also implemented a legal concept
called Schutzhaft or "protective custody" which
enabled them to arrest and incarcerate people without charging them
with a crime…”
This must-read account
of one German’s description of living through the creeping
fascism of the Nazi years illuminates how a criminal government
manipulates the masses and exerts its will. "’What
no one seemed to notice,’ said a colleague of mine, a philologist, ‘was
the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and
the people… What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people,
little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation
was so complicated that the government had to act on information
which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that,
even if he people could understand it, it could not be released
because of national security… This
separation of government from people, this widening of the gap,
took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised
(perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure
or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social
purposes… The dictatorship, and the whole process of
its coming into being, was above all diverting. It
provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to
think anyway… Each
step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or,
on occasion, ‘regretted,’
that, unless one were detached from the whole process from
the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing
was in principle, what all these
‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could
resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing
from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn
growing. One day it is over his head… you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel
as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It's not
so bad’ or ‘You're seeing things’ or ‘You're
an alarmist.’ And you are an alarmist. You are saying
that this must lead to this, and you can't prove it. These
are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when
you don't know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise,
the end? … you see
that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely
under your nose. The world you live in –
your nation, your people – is not the world you were in
at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all
reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the
visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which
you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying
it with the forms, is changed. Now
you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate
and fear do not even know it themselves… Once
the war began, the government could do anything ‘necessary’ to
win it…”
9/11--Who Done It? - Part I --CM/P
Read for 29 questions
that cast doubt on the “official” story of 9/11.
Incoming FDNY chaplain questions
9/11 story
imam slated to be sworn in Friday as the second Muslim chaplain in
Fire Department history said he questioned whether 19 hijackers were
responsible for the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and suggested a broader
conspiracy may have brought down the
Fire Dept Tape Invalidates Key Points
Official 911 Story (from 2003)
people -- or certainly many people, especially in the
Congressman says Pentagon employee ordered to destroy hijacker
Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified
Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks,
a congressman said Thursday. The employee is prepared to testify next week before the Senate
judiciary committee and was expected to identify the person who ordered
him to destroy the large volume of documents… Weldon
has said Atta, the mastermind of the Sept
11 attacks, and three other hijackers were identified in 1999 by
a classified military intelligence unit known as Able Danger, which
determined they could be members of an al-Qaida cell.” So, do you believe that it makes sense to identify terrorists
and then destroy documents on them? Do
you wonder what is being hidden?
Pentagon blocking September 11 inquiry:
“The Republican chairman of the Senate judiciary committee accused
the Pentagon on Wednesday of stonewalling an inquiry into claims
that the
Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of
Lawmakers Ask CIA to Open Sept. 11
leaders of the House Intelligence Committee want CIA Director Porter
Goss to provide a public version of his agency's hard-hitting report
on the failures leading up to Sept. 11, 2001… Such bids for disclosure could put Goss in a tight spot. As a chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, he helped
lead a congressional inquiry into the attacks and requested the inspector
general's investigation.”
Tight Constraints on Pentagon's Freedom
Remembering 9/11, Troops to Be Kept 'Sterile,' Limited to Preregistered… Officers
are prepared to arrest anyone who joins the march or concert without
a credential and refuses
to leave, said Park Police Chief Dwight E. Pettiford. The event,
the America Supports You Freedom Walk,
is billed as a memorial to victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks
and a show of support for those serving in the military, topped off
with a concert by country singer Clint Black, known for his pro-troops
anthem, ‘Iraq and Roll.’ … One restricted group
will be the media, whose members will not be allowed to walk along
the march route.” There isn’t even a pretense anymore that the government
considers “freedom” to be something quite different from
the traditional concept. Whenever
you hear “freedom”
spoken by the president, substitute “
the past five years the relationship between government and industry
has been transformed. Now, an assortment of K street
Corporate shills write legislation, develop tax proposals,
and formulate foreign policy, sometimes in their industry’s
self-interest, sometimes at the behest of a few right wing ideologues
in Congress or the Administration…” Mussolini himself defined fascism primarily as the marriage
of corporate and government power.
A Brief History of U.S. Interventions:
-- 1945 to the Present
Read about over 30
destabilization campaigns.
Negroponte Says Terror Database Is
American Herods & The Fallacy Of A Free Press
writers and essayists on the Internet--that last bastion of a truly
free press--have thoughtfully and passionately compared George W
Bush to imperial leaders throughout history. Everyone from Richard
Nixon to Adolf Hitler to Nicolo Machiavelli… If we Americans realize
that those in power are never hindered by any feelings of conscience
or guilt, if we realize that our rulers freely act in their own self
interest, (unless forced to do so by popular outcry), that they conduct
policy as insatiable predators would, we begin to see them with a
new clarity… When we realize
that the Biblical Herods wielded limited
but absolute power backed by imperial
if by accident, the
U.S. agency blocks photos of New
Orleans dead
ABC, CBS Secretly Searching for Anchors
Why Katrina Won't Change The Media --
The news media's fake transformation
FBI, Michigan Police Tag Peace, Affirmative
Actions Groups as 'Terrorists'
FBI document, released on August 29 by the ACLU, shows extensive
monitoring of a whole bunch of organizations, ranging from the
Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan
Includes Preemptive Use Against Banned Weapons… At
a White House briefing that year [2002], a spokesman said the United
States would "respond with overwhelming force" to the use
of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, its forces
or allies, and said
‘all options’ would be available to the president… The first example for potential nuclear
weapon use listed in the draft is against an enemy that is using ‘or
intending to use WMD’ against
Confessions Of An Economic Hit
Perkins' book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" explains
American foreign policy better than any of the academic tomes you
might read on the subject… In
a nutshell, the game is played this way: People
like Perkins work for consulting firms, and their job is to entice
a foreign head of state to go deeply in debt. They do this by greatly
exaggerating the economic returns on big projects such as dams and
electrification systems… The payoff comes in two ways. The foreign
country hires American contractors to build the systems, and they
make big profits. Then,
mired in debt, the head of state will do what the
US destination address required for
passengers travelling to the US
4 October 2005, the
FAA to propose cameras, wireless
devices in planes
purpose of monitoring is to identify anyone requesting entry to the
flight deck and to detect suspicious behavior or
potential threats,’ the FAA said in a notice to be published
on Wednesday… Pilots have strongly objected to that use for cameras because of privacy
Air travellers face biometric
Brain imaging ready to detect terrorists, say neuroscientists
scans can pick up lies, but raise ethical issues…”
About 200 go on hunger strike in
“…as many as 200 prisoners -- more than a third of the camp's population
-- have refused food in recent weeks to protest conditions and
prolonged confinement without trial…”
Them Die or Let Them Go… If
the Pentagon allowed the media to visit
People with the Blood-Soaked Hands
“Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy
Sheehan's Anti-War Campaign Now in D.C.
activist Cindy Sheehan pledged Wednesday to "force change to
during protest speeches outside the White House and Capitol. Sheehan
arrived in
Anti-War Demonstrators March on Washington
rally stretched through the day and into the night, a marathon of
music, speechmaking and dissent on the National Mall. Police Chief
Charles H. Ramsey, noting that organizers had hoped to draw 100,000
people, said, ‘I think they probably hit that.’” Did the allegedly “liberal media” show
this rally to you on TV? What? No? ”Thousands
of people attended smaller rallies in cities on the West Coast, including
Los Angeles, San Diego, San Franciso and
Seattle. In
Police forcibly break up Cindy Sheehan rally
New York City Police Department forcibly broke up this afternoon's
rally for Cindy Sheehan, moving in as Cindy was speaking at about
3 p.m. in
Sheehan arrested during White House
and several dozen other protesters sat down on the footpath after
marching along the pedestrian walkway on
'Peace Mom' Cindy Sheehan Meets McCain
tried to tell us what George Bush would have said,’ Sheehan,
who protested at the president's
“A sea of humanity descended upon the nation's capital yesterday
to voice its opposition to the invasion and occupation of
Harvard Will Cooperate With U.S.
“…Harvard has reversed, at least for now, its policy of barring
the Pentagon from using the law school's career services office
for recruiting… Last week, three law schools, including New York Law School, were listed
in the federal register as ineligible for federal funds for denying
full cooperation to military recruiters, according to Kent
Greenfield, a
Universities asked to inform on students (from
June 2004)
Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) has asked the employees at
the universities to keep track of all suspicious students and researchers… ‘This
reminds me of
Goss Plans To Expand CIA Spying And Analysis
Former White House Official Arrested
former Bush administration official was arrested Monday on charges
he made false statements and obstructed a federal investigation into
his dealings with lobbyist Jack Abramoff,
according to court documents and government officials. David Safavian,
then-chief of staff of the General Services Administration and a
former Abramoff lobbying associate, concealed from federal investigators
that Abramoff was seeking to do business
with GSA when Safavian joined him on a
golf trip to Scotland in 2002, according to an FBI affidavit and
the officials.”
Official: British troops freed in
“…British armored vehicle escorted by a tank crashed into a detention
center Monday in
So what were two undercover British
soldiers up to in Basra?
“The search for answers to those questions reveals that the picture
the British public has been allowed to gain of our occupation of
southern Iraq - one of relative tranquillity and
co-operation compared to the bloody mayhem further north - is at best misleading, at worst deliberately distorted… It is not impossible that one or both of
the men are not British. Special forces from
evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos… In more than two
years since the
Al-Zarqawi, An American False Flag
Operative (from 2004)
How US fuelled myth of Zarqawi the mastermind
“Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist
leader believed to be responsible for the abduction of Kenneth Bigley, is 'more myth than man', according
to American military intelligence agents in
Al-Qaida denies
aide to Zarqawi killed in Iraq
“An internet statement denied on Tuesday reports that the right-hand
man of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
the most wanted militant in
The 'myth' of Iraq's foreign fighters
When nature and man conspire to expose
the lies of the powerful, the truth will out
The Enemy and the Nuremberg Principles
Read about the principles
and about how, unfortunately, under their definition, the current
Why Is George W. Bush Above the Law?
not talking mistakes, here. We're not talking poor judgment or failed
policies. We're not talking politics as usual, with its underhanded
array of pork and perks. But we are talking about very serious violations
of the public trust, and very possibly the law, perpetrated by the
elected leader of this nation and his handlers… In
every one of the scandals in question, calls for a nonpartisan, independent
commission were thwarted by the very people accused of misdeeds and
crimes. Something is really wrong when an American president who
is accused of misconduct can determine who will delve into the facts
behind his own actions? Something also is really wrong when incriminating
evidence can be redacted and withheld from the public by the very
people incriminated by that evidence… George Bush has had a free pass to do as he pleased for nearly five years
now. He and his henchmen have not been held accountable for any crime
against the people of this country or the world. He is above the
law. George Bush and his entire band of brigands
have perfected their sting. They use it because it works. They use
it because they can. They use it because we allow them to.”
ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings Dies
at 67
Brokaw urges Montanans: Seek common
"Our national leaders and
their hired guns create fears and exploit them," Brokaw
"Politics always has been a rough business, but now it's a cold,
take-no-prisoners attitude.”
Emotional Rather blasts 'new journalism
“Dan Rather said Monday that there is a climate of fear running
through newsrooms stronger than he has ever seen in his more than
four-decade career… Addressing
the Fordham University School of Law in
Bush ally quits as Congress leader
over finance indictment
“DeLay, widely considered one of the most powerful political
operators in
As White House Anxiety Grows, Bush
Tries to Quell Political Crisis
with one of the worst political crises of his administration, President
Bush abruptly overhauled his September schedule on Saturday as the
White House scrambled to gain control of a situation that Republicans
said threatened to undermine Mr. Bush's second-term agenda and the
party's long-term ambitions. In
a sign of the mounting anxiety at the White House, Mr. Bush made
a rare Saturday appearance in the Rose Garden before live television
cameras to announce that he was dispatching additional active-duty
troops to the
“…a new NEWSWEEK Poll suggests the post-Katrina political storm
may just be rising. And her ultimate casualty could be President
George W. Bush… most Americans,
52 percent, say they do not trust the president ‘to make
the right decisions during a domestic crisis’… Amazingly, a new disaster might help Bush more than hurt him. As Jeff Wells noted,
Bush governs from disaster to disaster and each new disaster blots
out memory of previous ones. How many people talk about Enron any
more? "
a slew of stories this weekend about the embattled presidency and
the blundering government response to the drowning of
images of Bush at the U.N. tell us a lot about what we already know. But
they also start to tell us about what we can expect. We know Condi
is the teacher and Bush is her pupil. We also know Bush is monitored
for every word that comes out of his mouth… Previously visible only in snippets (usually
clamped down by those all too familiar pursed lips), the hurricane
battered Bush can now seem outwardly brooding; bored; withdrawn and
distracted: and also sarcastic and snide. (And, judging by
the hostility coming out of his wife and mother, perhaps the whole
family may be starting to show its true colors.)”
“Robert Novak, of all people, wrote a column last week chronicling
his experience watching rich Republicans at an Aspen retreat bash
the idiocy of Bush administration policies on
Ignorance and abdication that amounts
to madness
political leaders sometimes parry with the truth, but with Bush the
disconnections are systematic… Is it possible
that this administration is mad? Let us try to define the
variant of madness…
Bush likely to steer US high court
rightward, after death of chief justice
George W. Bush promised to quickly nominate a successor to Supreme
Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, whose death has given the
president a chance to put a conservative stamp on the court for decades
to come.”
Bush Nominates Roberts for Chief Justice
last time a president chose a chief justice outside the court was
half a century ago, when Earl Warren was selected by President Dwight
D. Eisenhower.”
How would Roberts, as chief justice,
affect you?
“Right to privacy. … he disparaged the notion that there is a constitutional right
to privacy…
Abortion. he signed a government brief urging
reversal of Roe v. Wade…
Civil rights. argued for standards that would make it
easier for school districts to evade desegregation orders…
Powers of Congress. Roberts parted company with the majority of conservative
judges on his appeals court two years ago to take a swipe at the
constitutional basis of the Endangered Species Act…
Freedom of speech. …argued that a federal law prohibiting flag burning did not
violate the First Amendment
Freedom of the press. Roberts wrote a memo challenging
the 1964 Supreme Court decision New YorkTimes v.
Sullivan, a cornerstone of the freedom to report aggressively on
public officials
Church-state entanglement. He argued for lowering the wall between church and state
and allowing officially led prayers at public school graduations.
Women's rights. Roberts ridiculed the notion that
women are subject to workplace discrimination or entitled to constitutional
Roberts Sidesteps Landmark Abortion Ruling
After Roberts, next Supreme Court
fight takes shape
confirmation as the 109th Supreme Court justice is assured because
most of the Senate's 55 Republicans are supporting him and Democrats
have decided not to filibuster his nomination.”
First Bush Supreme Court pick Roberts
sworn in as 17th US Chief Justice
Bush Drops 'Diversity' Hint About Nominee
Bush hinted on Monday that his next nominee for the Supreme Court
would be a woman or a minority, saying that ‘diversity is one
of the strengths of the country.’ The
president also expressed optimism that the Senate would confirm John
Roberts as chief justice this week - which seems virtually certain… ‘I
am deeply concerned that he and President Bush's next nominee will
shift the Supreme Court close to the extreme right for many years
to come,"
The stream of reporting
is endless, but Americans remain unaware thanks to the lack of
objective, investigative news from the mainstream, corporate media. The
a speech by Bush at the Rose Garden May 2004: ‘There's
a lot of people in the world who don't believe that people whose
skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self-govern.
I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who
practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people
whose skins aren't necessarily -- are a different color than white
can self-govern.’"
America is Running Out of Time
Downer: Hicks should face justice
terror suspect David Hicks will be dodging justice if he gets out
White House Wants Gitmo Appeal Rejected
Bush administration asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to turn
away a challenge to the military commissions the Bush administration
created to put some detainees at
Did You Torture During The War, Daddy? Or,
We Are All Torturers Now
miss the Saturday paper. Because it's the skimpiest and least-circulated
edition of the week, it's the venue of choice for lowballing the
stories the government can't completely cover up. September 24's
New York Times, for example, contained the bombshell revelation that the
American Held in Iraq Tells of Torture
“Hallums, who worked for a contractor supplying food to the
Iraqi Army, was captured Nov. 1 during an armed assault on the
Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Photos
“U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ordered
the release of certain pictures in a 50-page decision that
said terrorists in
Army Officer, Soldiers Charged in
Army officer and two more of his soldiers from a reserve unit have
been charged in a prisoner abuse investigation in
Captain Courageous -- Captain Ian Fishback blows the whistle on
firmly, relentlessly, the good captain laid out the list of atrocities
committed at the order of the enemies of freedom: ‘Death threats,
beatings, broken bones, murder, exposure to elements, extreme forced
physical exertion, hostage-taking, stripping, sleep deprivation and
degrading treatment.’ A catalogue of depravity, all of it designed
-- with diabolical sophistry -- by self-exalted men cloaking their
violent perversions with sham piety and righteous sputum. This was
terrorism on a grand scale, chewing up the innocent and guilty alike. The
good man is of course Captain Ian Fishback,
the born-again
Troops tortured detainees, Human
Rights Watch alleges
in the Army's elite 82nd Airborne Division vented their frustration
by systematically torturing Iraqi detainees from 2003 into 2004,
hitting them with baseball bats and dousing them with chemicals,
Navy Secretly Contracted Jets Used
by CIA
“A branch of the
do American religious leaders stand on torture? Their deafening silence
evokes memories of the unconscionable behavior of German church leaders
in the 1930s and early 1940s…”
US troops upload photos of dead Iraqis
in exchange for porn
“The US military said yesterday
it was opening an investigation into reports that soldiers based
in Iraq were posting gruesome photographs of dead Iraqis, including
explicit shots of severed body parts and internal organs, on
a Florida-based website in exchange for access to the site's
pay-only archive of pornography… Some of the graphic website images are accompanied by openly racist
comments from the soldiers who posted them. ‘What every
Iraqi should look like,’ is the commentary next to a picture
of a corpse whose brains and entrails are spilling out. In
another image, six men wearing US Marine uniforms are smiling
for the camera as they point to a burned body at their feet. The
caption: "’Cooked Iraqi.’"
US forces 'out of control', says
Reuters chief
has told the
Bush forecasts increased violence
in Iraq
can expect they'll do everything in their power to try to stop the
march to freedom,’ Bush said.”
'This is ten times worse than under
"It really makes you sad and angry when you find yourself a target.
You see your friends and relatives getting killed daily without
knowing who is doing that and why. What
happened was just part of the deteriorating situation in
Extended tours of some US military
units eyed in Iraq: Pentagon
Iraqi women say freedoms are slipping
“’Women cannot walk freely out in the street,’ said
activist Ban Jamil, who directs the Rasafa Branch of Assyrian Women Union, a local non-governmental organisation in
Baghdad… She blamed ‘imported extremist doctrines,
which were never experienced in the past’ for the new restrictions.”
Bush Has No Exit Plan for Iraq, Say
“72 per cent of respondents believe their president has not developed
a clear plan for getting American troops out of
say we must stay in Iraq to save it from chaos is a lie
is a fiasco without parallel in recent British history. Iraqis must
run their country: we've made enough mess of it already. Don't be
fooled a second time. They told you
Bush waives some arms export restrictions
on Libya
George W. Bush on Wednesday waived some defense export restrictions
U.S. deploys warfare unit to jam
enemy satellites
top priorities of the space command are monitoring space and knowing
the threats. Two other missions are defending satellites and conducting
offensive operations against enemy spacecraft or ground signals that
Explosions in Karachi's KFC, McDonald's
injure two
Bombs almost topple main power supply
tower in Pakistan
Tension high in Belfast after worst
violence in years
Clinton launches withering attack
on Bush on Iraq, Katrina, budget
Florida tourists warned that locals could shoot them
Brady Campaign to Control Gun Violence, based in
Venezuela's Chavez wants UN out of
United States
we know there were never weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but
despite that, and going over the head of the United Nations, Iraq
was bombed and occupied. So the United Nations must be pulled out
of the
Chavez Revolts in UN: I will Speak
as much as Bush
the world leaders were asked to speak for five minutes and when Chavez
kept talking, the presiding diplomat passed him a note that his time
was up. The Venezuelan leader threw the note on the floor and said, ‘If
Bush could speak for 20 minutes at Wednesday's opening session, so
can I,’ and spoke for 20 minutes. At the end, Chavez's remarks
got the loudest applause of the summit.”
Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela
President Hugo Chavez said Friday he has documentary evidence that
U.S. Envoy Denies Plan to Invade
President Chavez's Speech to the United Nations
Excellencies, friends, good afternoon: The
original purpose of this meeting has been completely distorted. The
imposed center of debate has been a so-called reform process that
overshadows the most urgent issues, what the peoples of the world
claim with urgency: the adoption of measures that deal with the real
problems that block and sabotage the efforts made by our countries
for real development and life…” Wow! Chavez
tells it like it is. The
truth is that superpowers, deliberately and for their own benefit,
block and sabotage the growth and progress of the third world. However,
I don’t think I’ve ever heard it admitted in US media. You didn’t hear it at Live 8, either. ”It is unpractical and
unethical to sacrifice the human race by appealing in an insane manner
the validity of a socioeconomic model that has a galloping destructive
capacity. It would be suicidal to spread it and impose it as an infallible
remedy for the evils which are caused precisely by them… In just seven years of Bolivarian Revolution,
the people of
Transcript: Hugo Chavez Interview
his first American broadcast interview since the Rev. Pat Robertson
called for his assassination last month, Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez told ABC News' Ted Koppel today that he
has evidence of a United States plan to invade Venezuela…”
Venezuela condemns US ruling against
extradition of wanted exile
U.S. Assassinates Puerto Rican Independence
China Unlikely to Cut Venezuela's
U.S. Oil
Shapiro, a senior Western Hemisphere specialist at the State Department,
told a Senate panel looking at
Evidence from Israeli soldiers forces
inquiries into deaths of Palestinians
Israeli Defence Forces have opened 17 investigations
into lethal shootings of Palestinians after former soldiers made
a series of testimonies about incidents in which they say the deaths
should have been prevented… In
one testimony, a former staff sergeant in an elite unit claims a
brigade commander told his men that
‘every kid you see with a stone, you may shoot him’ on
the grounds that a stone is a ‘murder weapon’ …”
Top Palestinian military aide Arafat
security chaos blighting the Gaza Strip claimed its highest-profile
victim when local strongman Mussa Arafat, an advisor to Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas, was assassinated by militants… After an hour-long gunfight between
the assailants and his bodyguards, he was shot in front of his family
and then dragged into the street where gunmen continued to pump bullets
into his body. His killers
then fled, taking hostage his son, Manhal.”
are the Navajos of the 21st century, forever to be marginalized after
they are exterminated down to acceptable, zoo-like levels. Palestinians
are the prototype for future Earth citizens ineligible for membership
in corporate elysia, a herd that needs to be
managed and occasionally culled. Unless
you understand that this has been the fate of the majority of humankind
throughout history, you probably are unable to comprehend that this
is the inevitable future forecast for all of us.”
Israel general 'avoids UK arrest'
former head of Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip has told how he dodged
arrest on war crimes charges after receiving a tip-off at Heathrow… The warrant relates to the bulldozing
of more than 50 houses in the Rafah refugee
camp in the Gaza Strip, when Maj Gen Almog was
head of
Investigation urged after Israeli
officer avoids arrest
“Scotland Yard was urged yesterday to launch a criminal investigation
into officials at the Israeli embassy in
The Lethal Dinner - Who Murdered Arafat?
Israelis' "Blazing Synagogues" Fire Up Press
Israel presses forward with offensive, despite Palestinian
truce pledge
Palestinian rockets hit Israel, none hurt:
ANALYSIS-New phase of conflict takes shape in Middle East
When the Truth Comes to Town -- What You Can't Say About
to have nuclear bomb in six months, says Israel
opposes EU move against Iran
Europeans Drop Harsher Stance on
Military action against Iran 'inconceivable',
says Straw
Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals
“General Musharraf and the Recognition of
Jordan slams Sharon's claim to Jerusalem
Israel launches 'prolonged' offensive
against Hamas
Israeli Roots of Hamas Are Being
Exposed (from 2002)
Creating Terrorism - The Zionist Way
Saudi envoy claims link between Zionists
and Al Qaeda (from 2004)
claims responsibility for London bombings
Oh, really? ”Al-Qaeda deputy Ayman al-Zawahri said his terror network carried out the July 7 London
bombings in a statement broadcast on an Arab satellite television
station, marking the group's first direct claim of responsibility
for the attacks that killed 52 people.”
There’s a trend
in government and media to raise cold-war-era-style fears concerning
China outlines its terror problem
top Chinese counter-terrorism official said Monday East Turkistan
forces in the country's far west posed the largest current and future
terrorist threat. The Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region,
U.S. Forces Leaving Base in Uzbekistan
China says no double standard on
senior Chinese law enforcement official said there should be no double
standards in the fight against terrorism, state-run media reported
Tuesday… He said efforts
need to be made to prevent the spread of terrorist and extremist
ideologies that promote violence, racism, nationalism and religious
hatred.” Maybe best to beware that these offenses
will, of course, be defined, by governments.
China seen world leader in clean
35 million homes in
Britain now faces its own blowback
interests may thwart the July bombings investigation…” No surprise, folks, more secrecy, because
the truth is, as usual, unsavory. “During the Soviet occupation of
claims responsibility for London bombings
really? ”Al-Qaeda
deputy Ayman al-Zawahri said his terror
network carried out the July 7 London bombings in a statement broadcast
on an Arab satellite television station, marking the group's first
direct claim of responsibility for the attacks that killed 52 people.”
FBI agent threatens former USDA federal agent, now staff
reporter for The New Criminologist.
“Haroon Aswat – the
man British Police believe was behind the
Woman arrested over Menezes leak
woman has been arrested over the leak of findings about the fatal
police shooting of Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes on
Blair apology to ejected heckler Security
staff tackle hecklers
Anti-yob powers trigger police
state gibe
BLAIR denied that he was creating a police state atmosphere in
is an act of censorship worthy of Joseph Goebbels
plan to draw up a list of historical events that people can be prosecuted
for celebrating is a sign of a leader losing his grip… The home secretary has promised the prime minister that he will
lock away for five years anyone who "glorifies, exalts or celebrates"
a terrorist act committed in the past 20 years…”
Blair's insistence a challenge for
“To hear Blair in full, shameless flight is
to listen a man whose self-esteem seems also to have survived, miraculously
intact, his catastrophic adventure abroad and flagging record at home,
for he told us that he is now even more convinced of his rightness
- on everything - than he was before.
‘Every time I've ever introduced a reform in government, I wish
in retrospect I had gone further.’ [...]”
Australia tightens terror laws
Prime Minister John Howard has announced plans for tough new counter-terrorism
laws including the detention and control of suspects and tighter
citizenship requirements. Suspects
could be fitted with tracking devices and have their movements restricted
through 12-month
‘control orders’ under the new legislation to be discussed
at a summit meeting of state government leaders on September 27, he
said. The government would also create new offences
including inciting violence against the community or Australian troops
abroad, Howard said. Australian
states would also be urged to introduce longer periods of preventative
detention without charge of up to 14 days. Describing
the changes as ‘significant’, Howard said police would
be given greater powers to stop, question and search people.”
Australia to impose
"draconian" anti-terror laws
laws will be unfair and could lead to the creation of a fascist state…”
House arrest for terror suspects
pave way for secret new world. New laws raise fears of targeting,
loss of rights. Suspected
terrorists as young as 16 will face house arrest for up to a year
without being convicted of an offence under sweeping laws agreed
to by all Australian governments… Mr Howard said
‘these are unusual remedies for an unusual situation" to
fight "this shadowy, elusive and lethal enemy’. In
other circumstances I would never have sought these new powers,’ he
said. ‘But we live in very dangerous and different and threatening
circumstances … I think all of these powers are needed.’” So, Howard seeks
greater power – nothing new about that for a political leader. Note that it is he who is defining the
times as dangerous and the enemy as elusive.
VIDEO claiming that
'Hundreds' may pose terror threat,
says Clarke
Clarke said today that hundreds of terror suspects were being closely
watched in
EU ministers, under British pressure,
examine terror response
interior ministers are to meet to try to hone
German Minister: Bush must be 'shot
conservative German minister in a southern state has caused uproar
by saying U.S. President George W. Bush should be "shot down" for
his handling of the crisis in hurricane-struck
Terrorism ruled out as Indonesian
crash deaths rise to 150
Engine failure suspected in Indonesian
air crash
U.S. Submarine Collides With Cargo Ship in Gulf
U.S. Navy submarine collided early Monday with a Turkish merchant
ship in the Gulf, the U.S. Navy reported. No one was hurt on either
Theater fire kills 29 in Egypt
candle fell over and set fire to a crowded theater in the Egyptian
town of
Teenage girls started latest Paris
fire, killing 16
- Two teenage girls confessed Monday to starting a fire that killed
sixteen people over the weekend, including three children, and injured
more than 30 in an apartment block fire in a suburb south of Paris
early Sunday -- the third fatal fire to hit the French capital in
nine days… Thousands
of protesters marched through
Another Paris squat fire; this time
no casualties
France's Sarkozy to
Boost Surveillance Amid Threat of
Sarkozy is being
molded into the next French leader. "It's
my duty to draw consequences from what happened in
France holds nine in anti-terrorist
French tighten security after alert over Paris terror attack
arrests were made in the Eure and Yvelines regions
Algerian group calls France 'enemy
number one'
US airline
losses could hit $10 billion
Delta, Northwest file for bankruptcy
“With the twin filings Wednesday, nearly half of the domestic industry's
capacity is now on carriers operating in Chapter 11, according
to an estimate from Bear Stearns.”
may cost insurers $60 bln
all the deserved criticism the Bush administration has received for
its tardy and ragged response to the storm's ravages on
of big SUVs dropped dramatically in August, hurting both American
and Japanese manufacturers, which have been trying to edge into the
segment over the past five years. The
decrease came despite a fierce price war among the Detroit Big Three
-- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- which have offered customers
the same price on autos that their own employees pay.”
Automakers shift from bad to worse
"SUV sales aren't just slowing -- they're crashing
to a halt…”
Britain set to run out of fuel warns CBI boss
could be forced to close down and lay off workers this winter because
the country's energy reserves are so low, the director-general of
the CBI warned yesterday. "If
we have a cold winter, we are going to throw the switch, businesses
will shut down, people will lose their jobs," Sir Digby Jones
said. "If we don't
sort out our decrepit supply system, we are, this winter, going to
run out of fuel."” Let’s hope
The UK economy: Things can only get
Natural gas prices to climb in B.C.
bad news is that officials agree that prices will continue to increase
for the foreseeable future.”
Red flag raised over
gas price floor repeal
Gold settles at new 17-year peak
“U.S. benchmark gold futures closed
at a 17-year high on Friday as robust demand for bullion and jitters
over inflation and the U.S. economy stoked a buying spree in the
precious commodity for a second straight day… ‘The
inflation signals are getting to be stronger and stronger and that's
what is attracting the buying,’ said Frank Aburto,
a broker at Rosenthal-Collins Group in
Federal Reserve Boosts Interest Rates
saw the quarter-point rate increase by the Fed on Tuesday and the
explanation for why it was needed as a clear signal that the central
bank is growing more concerned about inflation…” This is the eleventh
time in a row, all in fifteen months, that the Fed has raised rates. ”While
30-year mortgage rates have stayed below 6 percent for most of this
year at some of the lowest rates in four decades, that is expected
to be coming to an end.”
Greenspan to French finmin: US lost deficit control
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told
France's Finance Minister Thierry Breton the United States has ‘lost
control’ of its budget deficit, the French minister
said on Saturday… Breton said: ‘The situation that is creating tension today on the currency market ...
is clearly the American deficit.’”
Merchants sue Visa, MasterCard, banks
merchant groups have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa USA,
MasterCard Inc. and dozens of major banks, saying they colluded to
set excessive credit card fees…’The
credit card interchange system serves as a hidden tax, both on merchants
and consumers, and raises the costs of all products,’ said
Hank Armor, chief executive of the National Association of Convenience
Stores. ‘These credit card fees have rapidly increased over
the past several years…’”
U.S. Michigan September Consumer
Sentiment Falls to 76.9
Sony to cut 10,000 jobs worldwide
Hurricane Rita may be 'national disaster':
oil CEO
Indonesia clears way for fuel hike
Exuberance leads to asset drops:
International press pours scorn on German voters
international press has reacted to the German parliamentary (Bundestag)
election held on Sunday with a mixture of horror and indignation.
The message given by voters was clearly understood. The result
expressed a rejection of the policies of welfare cuts and "free
market" reforms which are currently being pursued by all European
governments. The anticipated clear-cut victory of the conservative opposition,
consisting of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Christian
Social Union (CSU) and the Free Democratic Party, over the ruling
coalition of the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens, failed
to materialize… Following the "no" vote in
the European Union referendum in France, the German election marks
the second time voters in a major European country have delivered
a decisive blow to plans by the ruling elite to reorganize Europe
on the basis of strict ‘free market’
We don't
need no stinkin'
US style capitalism! -
Sweden tells Europe to hold its head high
In defense of the welfare state,
by Jonathan Power, International
Herald Tribune:
FBI to get veto
power over PC software?
“According to the three-page document, to
preserve the openness that characterizes today's Internet, ‘consumers
are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement.’ Read the last seven words again.”
U.S. insists on controlling Web
will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet," said
Ambassador David Gross, the
Newscast purports to be from Al Qaeda
broadcast featured an anchorman who wore a ski mask and an ammunition
belt. … The origins of the broadcast could
not be verified. If the program was indeed an Al Qaeda production,
it would mark a change in the group's use of the Internet to spread
its messages…”
House Press Briefing: Save Energy! Turn Off Those Computers!
Magnitude 5.9 Earthquake - CELEBES
Medium Earthquake In West Coast
Of Western Sumatra
Minor Earthquake Hits Northeastern
Major earthquake exercise under way in Russian Far East
Magnitude 5.6 Earthquake -
Earthquake shakes Alpine region in Italy
Magnitude 5.1 Quake - SWITZERLAND
Magnitude 5.7 - MOLUCCA SEA (Indonesia)
Moderate Earthquake In Nicobar
Magnitude 5.7 Quake - FIJI REGION
Slow seismic slip begins in Pacific Northwest
Earthquake hits north-west Greece
Tremors may mean 'Big One' on its
morning temblor rattles Santa Cruz, Santa Clara counties
Strong Earthquake Again Rocks Aceh
Hundreds sleep in the open as tremors
strike Azores
Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake - KURIL
Second quake in two days hits Ethiopia: Magnitude 5.0
Powerful Earthquake Rocks Northern Peru
Minor Earthquake Shakes Northern
No injuries reported from small Southern
California quake
Earthquake shakes Bosnia, no injuries
Earthquake rocks Kuril Islands, Russia
Geologists Report Quake Cluster in
Small earthquake hits Northern Mississippi
4.4-strong earthquake jolts Northern
Retreating Glaciers Worrying Greenlanders
Global warming 'past the point of
no return'
Fears over climate as Arctic ice
melts at record level
Warming world blamed for more strong hurricanes
Increase in Major Hurricanes Linked
to Warmer Seas
Earth Trembles As Big Winds Move
Earthquakes Up to 4.9 Strike Near L.A.
Earthquake jolts Firoozabad in
Fars province
Mount St. Helens' dome still growing
a year after its birth
Japan braces for round two with killer
Typhoon Nabi leaves
32 dead or missing in Japan
Typhoon Khanun Nears
Shanghai; Evacuations Ordered
Japan braces for round two with killer
This year's fast-forming hurricanes
buck trend, puzzle meteorologists
Typhoon sweeps through north Philippines,
16 dead
Indian downpour, floods kill 56
Fires rage in Brazil's rainforest
Rita ravages region near state line
Typhoon Damrey hits Vietnam,
breaches vital dykes
'Caveman' Conditions in Texas Follow Rita
Rita causes record damage to oil
Typhoon Damrey toll
mounts as floods sweep in
Mexico Rains Flood Homes, Kills at Least 3
Fires Burn More Than 2,500 Acres
in Calif.
Hundreds evacuated as wildfires sweep
Southern California
Hundreds forced from homes as Stephenville,
N.L. flooded
Double trouble brews in tropics
Expert warns of likely worldwide
flu outbreak
“Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the
U.S. Buys $100 Million of Bird Flu
Mice with plague vanish at top-level
N.J. lab
“…the disease-carrying lab mice may never be accounted for, federal
officials said…”
World has slim chance to stop flu
“The initial outbreak of what could
explode into a bird flu pandemic may affect only a few people,
but the world will have just weeks to contain the deadly virus
before it spreads and kills millions… the successful containment
measures used against SARS, such as quarantining those infected
and cross-border checks, would fail against an avian pandemic,
as people spreading bird flu may not show early symptoms.”
Many people report symptoms of electromagnetic
radiation sickness, WHO
“sleep disturbances, dizziness, heart palpitations, headache, blurry sight, swelling, nausea, a burning skin, vibrations, electrical currents in the body, pressure on the breast, cramps, high blood pressure and general unwell-being. According to many testimonies of victims the symptoms appear in the vicinity of sources of electromagnetic radiation, like GSM and 3G (UMTS) antennas, cellphones, DECT wireless telephones and WIFI wireless networks. Many times the experiences are blind. Radiation measurements taken afterwards and investigations show, that the radiation density indeed is increased. Many sufferers find out the relationship with the radiation, when they stay for a while elsewhere, where the symptoms diminish or disappear. When they return home the symptoms immediately appear again.”
Study:Superbug Germ Kills 3 in Chicago
Capital May Be Facing a Bird Flu Epidemic (Update1)
says bird flu outbreak may become epidemic
moves to tighten bird flu defences
outbreak may 'overwhelm' NHS
launches flu pandemic contingency plan
flu pandemic could kill up to 150 million people
in 'meteor' sighting over town
lights up night sky - Callers alert Coast
encounters of the seventh kind
shower scares villagers out of their wits
customs officers seize haul of meteorites on Russian
'like a fireball' flies across Florida skies
not storm, blamed for Florida big waves
has binary partner, may affect the Earth
Probe Pulls Alongside Asteroid
Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
matter highlights extra dimensions
Animals In Weird Ley Line Weirdness
Asteroid Might Contain More Fresh Water than Earth
Monkeys Reject Unequal Pay
develop molecule machine
find growing land bulge in Oregon
distant cosmic blast sighted
takes up cause of UFO believers
mystery leaves experts baffled
in Saturn Rings Baffle Scientists
Spotted on Saturn's Moon Titan
Stars Surround Andromeda's Black Hole
Predict Infinite Genomes
Bush & his mystical buddy
disorder drug 'raises risk of suicidal thoughts in children'
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