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Signs of the Times for Fri, 29 Dec 2006

Joseph Stiglitz
December 29, 2006
The world survived 2006 without a major economic catastrophe, despite sky-high oil prices and a Middle East spiralling out of control. But the year produced abundant lessons for the global economy, as well as warning signs concerning its future performance.

Unsurprisingly, 2006 brought another resounding rejection of fundamentalist neo-liberal policies, this time by voters in Nicaragua and Ecuador. Meanwhile, in neighboring Venezuela, Hugo Chávez won overwhelming electoral support: at least he had brought some education and healthcare to the poor barrios, which previously had received little of the benefits of the country's enormous oil wealth.

Perhaps most importantly for the world, voters in the United States gave a vote of no confidence to President George W Bush, who will now be held in check by a Democratic congress.

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Polly Toynbee
Friday December 29, 2006
The Guardian
With regime change due at the top of the party in 2007, it's time to break free from the daily grind of limited possibilities

New year resolutions may be wildly unrealistic, trying to be nicer, thinner, kinder, fitter, more generous, more patient and every other good thing. But even if experience knows that resolutions are bound to be broken within days, if not hours, that's no reason not to contemplate doing better. So the same is true of politics. Next year will bring regime change at the top. In this low season for an administration that sometimes seems lost in a fog of government, drained of purpose by daily drudgery, here are some optimistic but not wildly unrealistic resolutions it might at least consider:

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By Rupert Cornwell
29 December 2006
Three years ago the US brought regime change in Iraq. Now Iraq has returned the favour. George W Bush, to the dismay of much of the world, could remain President of the United States until 20 January 2009. But in last month's mid-term elections, his Republican Party surrendered control of both House and Senate to the Democrats for the first time in a dozen years - the term "lame duck" does scant justice to the extent to which Bush has been diminished. In each case the prime reason was the President's disastrous war.

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By Robert Fisk
29 December 2006
If Lebanon survives into next year, it will be the only "democracy" in the Arab world to have done so. Afghanistan is crumbling, Iraq is already a mass grave. The Palestinians face their own inter-factional catastrophe. But desperate for the help of Syria and Iran to ease his trapped legions from Iraq, Bush is now urged to deal with Israel's Arab opponents. By year's end, the UN's tribunal investigator was no longer blaming Syria for Hariri's murder and the Lebanese awaited their second betrayal by the US: to be fed back to Damascus in return for salvation in Iraq. The world should watch what happens to little countries that believe in the promises of a superpower - and pray for their salvation.

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29 Dec 06
TALLINN - Northern Europeans have been poised to celebrate the passage to the new year in a way that is out of the ordinary for them: with an ice-free Baltic Sea.

"It's quite unusual that we welcome the new year with no ice in the Baltic Sea," Tarmo Kouts, senior researcher at the Estonian Marine Institute, told AFP on Friday.

Temperatures in Estonian coastal waters are warmer by one degree Celsius (around three degrees Fahrenheit) than at the end of last year, Kouts said.

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by Dirk Vander Ploeg
28 Dec 06
This year, 2006, has been a watershed of sorts in the field of UFOlogy.

From the stories I have investigated, to those contributed by writers and those from eyewitnesses, 2006 was indeed a monumental and unforgettable year for and ufologists.

I was discussing this very thought with Errol Bruce-Knapp, host of The Virtually Strange Network and the radio program Strange Days...Indeed (CFRB Toronto, Canada). Something was in the air we agreed. Sightings, some of a remarkable nature, were being reported monthly if not weekly and this phenomena seemed to be increasing. We could both remember when a single sighting of significance would incur once every few years or at best annually. Now it seemed the floodgates were opening, inch by inch, and month by month.

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Tom Simonite news service
29 Dec 06
For more than 30 years, patent sleuth Barry Fox has trawled the US patent applications for New Scientist. Here we provide a round-up of his most interesting, surprising and sometimes alarming, discoveries of 2006.

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