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Signs of the Times for Fri, 29 Dec 2006

by Bahlol Lohdi
In 1996, Sir Robert Cooper published a pamphlet entitled "The Postmodern State and the World Order" [.pdf]. In it, he suggested,

"The postmodern world has to start to get used to double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis of laws and open cooperative security. But when dealing with old-fashioned states outside the postmodern continent of Europe we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era - force, preemptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary..."

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Michael Portillo
The Sunday Times
December 24, 2006
You cannot be in parliament long before some bore takes you aside to remind you of the old adage, "That is not the enemy in front of you. Your enemies are behind you." It means, of course, that the people you really have to fear are in your own party. The fact that it has been repeated ad nauseam does not make it less true.

It is logical. While you are in a struggle with the other political parties for power, it comes to a head only at elections every four years. In any case the rivalry is institutionalised and so rarely personal. Many MPs like to have friends in other parties, which is the political equivalent of being cool. If those friendships deliver intelligence it earns kudos with your own party.

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28 Dec 06
President Bush worked nearly three hours at his Texas ranch on Thursday to design a new U.S. policy in Iraq, then emerged to say that he and his advisers need more time to craft the plan he'll announce in the new year.

Burdened by low approval ratings on his handling of the war, the president is under mounting pressure to come up with a new blueprint for U.S. involvement in Iraq where the execution of Saddam Hussein - perhaps as early as this weekend - could incite further violence.

"We've got more consultation to do until I talk to the country about the plan," Bush said, appearing outside an office building at his ranch.

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Chris Floyd
Wise man Robert Parry, who has been a light shining in the darkness for decades now, identifies an important - and entirely sinister - change in Bush's description of the "Long War" that he has initiated around the world. This semantic shift portends an even greater level of bloodshed, state terrorism and tyranny than we have yet seen, as it indicates another stage in the inexorable expansion of the "enemies" that the "forces of civilization" must crush by violence.

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CRAWFORD, Texas - Peace activist Cindy Sheehan and four other protesters were arrested Thursday for blocking a road near President Bush's ranch, authorities said.

Sheehan and the others lay or sat in the road for about 20 minutes and didn't heed requests to move, Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. R.T. King said.

"They weren't going unless they were arrested," King told The Associated Press.

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29 December 2006
UK Independent
The steady decline in murder rates in America's biggest cities that began in the early 1990s and earned political points for urban leaders like New York's former mayor Rudolph Giuliani appears to be bottoming out, with signs of a sharp rise in urban violence this year.

With a few exceptions, notably in Los Angeles and San Francisco, police departments across the country are recording new increases in homicide rates for 2006. Officials blame gang turf wars, the ubiquity of guns, and a willingness among young people to shoot if they feel they have been shown disrespect.

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