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Signs of the Times for Tue, 05 Sep 2006

Manuel Valenzuelas
Inside the belly of the beast can the harbinger of what is to come be seen, for the internal machinations of the Pax Americana have become rusted and decrepit, its lifeblood infected and diseased by the spoils of its conquests and the narcissism of its hubris.

In pursuit of unmatched wealth and power its internal organs have been infected by the malignancies of greed, arrogance and corruption, spreading from coast to coast, a haze of barrenness infiltrating every city and every town, afflicting a society 300 million strong, slowly yet invariably eroding the foundations of an Empire on fast-forward time, as if America's domination has been accelerated, her reign compressed and her demise made absolute.

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By Indira Rai-Choudhury
04 September, 2006
Almost beyond speech. I, am an attorney, an activist, a former Air Force Officer who served in Desert Storm, a veteran who waited more than 10 years for her VA claim, a champion of the underdog and tireless fighter, am almost without words, and I am afraid....

I do not fear for myself, though perhaps well I ought to...but I have real and palpable fear for this country, for what is left of Democracy, for the future of my children and, for the rest of the world.

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By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House
The Pentagon's latest quarterly "progress" report to Congress on Iraq is a grim tale of a lost war. The Pentagon told Congress what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and propaganda organs such as Fox "News" never tell the American public...

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Signs of the Times Reader Comments
Today I had an opportunity to learn about a very specific type of person, or to be exact, a scientist, that probably will be (or maybe is) proud to be a part of a project that will likely result in the death of thousands, if not millions of people.

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The Bleeding of Lebanon

reptile_eye.png Israel blockade on Lebanon prevents oil spill clean-up

reptile_eye.png Lebanon bomb blast kills two

attention_sign.png Bomb blast targets Lebanese assassination investigator

reptile_eye.png Israel said to fear war crimes charges

reptile_eye.png Lebanese Father Mourns Loss of Family

reptile_eye.png Israel denies asking Annan to mediate talks with Hezbollah

Killing Palestinians for Fun and Profit

reptile_eye.png Israeli soldier-swap deal reached: paper

reptile_eye.png Genocide in Gaza

reptile_eye.png Gaza doctors encounter 'unexplained injuries'

reptile_eye.png "You don't see, you don't feel, and you don't look"

reptile_eye.png Israel To Build New Settlement Houses In Gaza

reptile_eye.png PM didn't know in advance of tenders for West Bank houses

Dollars and Nonsense

wine.png Frenchman breaks record by running to Japan

money.png Chevron in "record-setting" Gulf of Mexico test

money.png Globalization is inflationary risks: Bank of France

money.png As Bush Regime Faces Twilight Slide, How Much Havoc Can Paulson Wreak?

star.png Worst is over, recovering Castro says

The War on Islam

attention_sign.png 33 bodies found scattered across Baghdad; State of emergency extended

u-s-flag.png Iraq's inflation rate hits 70%: minister

red_flag.png Nine arrested in Denmark's 'most serious' terrorism case

alarmclock.png Al-Qaida terrorist has Jewish roots

attention_sign.png Abu Abdullah: the Perfect Psycho Patsy

u-s-flag.png Bush says Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11: Tell that to the Troops

flower.png Afghan opium production soars to new high

Life in Amerika

republican.png Democratic lawmakers want DOD changes

republican.png G.O.P. Sets Aside Work on Immigration

u-s-flag.png Immigration activists spar at Phoenix rally

money.png US drivers hop on scooters to dodge rising gas prices

spying.png Fingerprint compression to speed up search for criminals

u-s-flag.png Book: Bush told reporter Jews are 'all going to hell'

u-s-flag.png Justice in America: Jail Time For Taking Rotten Fruit and Vegetables

Global Chaos

blackbox.png Calderon prepares for victory in Mexico

attention_sign.png Missile fired at McCain escort helicopter during European visit

smiley-tongue-out.png Leaked memo fuels speculation over Blair resignation

smiley-tongue-out.png Russia cancels military exercise with US

attention_sign.png UK Father arrested for refusing to give back boys' ball

stormtrooper.png Ozzie Police caught red-handed

dr_evil.png An Unimaginable Loss of Life

Targeting Iran

nuclear.png Merkel rules out military option for Iran

red_flag.png Full Text of Pres. Ahmadinejad's Letter to German Chancellor

nuclear.png Powers should not isolate Iran: Annan

reptile_eye.png Israel plans for war with Iran and Syria

Fattening You Up for the Slaughter

burger.png Health Experts: Obesity Pandemic Looms

alarmclock.png Five-year-old girls worried about weight, obesity conference told

syringe.png Fears of 'extreme' TB strain

grocery_bag.png GMO Chinese rice found in EU: greens

money.png EU healthcare 'must brace for revolution'

Weathering It Out

fireman_hat.png Montana wildfire still spreading

earth.png Ice core evidence of human impact on CO2 in air

earth.png Race is on to save the Dead Sea

lightning.png Remnants of Hurricane John reach U.S.

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The Debris of History

The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy

The Bushes and The Lost King

Sim City and John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy and All Those "isms"

John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Organized Crime and the Global Village

John F. Kennedy and the Psychopathology of Politics

John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War

John F. Kennedy and the Titans

John F. Kennedy, Oil, and the War on Terror

John F. Kennedy, The Secret Service and Rich, Fascist Texans

John F. Kennedy and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy

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