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Signs of the Times for Fri, 08 Dec 2006

28 Nov 06
1) What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and kills innocent people?

- A terrorist.

What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills innocent people?

- A brave American pilot.

What do you call it when a Palestinian uses violence against the Jews who have illegally occupied his land?

- A terrorist attack.

What do you call it when an Israeli helicopter fires rockets at Palestinian youths armed with stones?

- Self-defence.

What do you call it when someone gives money to a government official in return for favors?

- Bribery.

What do you call it when a large corporation gives money to a government official in return for favors?

- A campaign contribution.

What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits and intimidates the citizens?

- A dictatorship.

What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits and intimidates the citizens, and the citizens can choose every few years which part of the elite should occupy the government buildings?

- A democracy.

What do you call it when someone carrying a gun enters your house and steals your valuable possessions?

- An armed robbery.

What do you call it when a multinational corporation supported by armed forces enters your country and steals your valuable possessions?

- Free trade.

What do you call it when a group of people take the law into their own hands and kill people without a fair trial?

- A lynching.

What do you call it when the US takes the law into its own hands and kills people without a fair trial?

- Operation Enduring Freedom. (The invasion of Afghanistan)

What do you call someone who steals from the rich and gives to the poor?

- Robin Hood.

What do you call someone who steals from the poor and gives to the rich?

- The US government.

What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of people?

- A weapon of mass destruction.

What do you call a weapon that killed 1.5 million Iraqis, including more than 500,000 children?

- Sanctions.

What do you call an army that will fight for whoever pays the most money?

- Mercenaries.

What do you call an army in Afghanistan that will fight for whoever pays the most money?

- The Northern Alliance (or United Front).

What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a military command and control center in the US?

- A cowardly attack on American freedom and democracy.

What do you call the destruction of an Afghan village by US bombs?

- An attack on a Taliban military command and control center.

What do you call it when just over 3 thousand people were killed in the September 11 attack on the US?

- An atrocity.

What do you call it when nearly 5 million people were killed in the Vietnam war?

- A mistake.

What do you call it when very rich people exploit poor people?

- Greed and selfishness.

What do you call it when very rich countries exploit poor countries?

- Globalization.

What do you call a foreign oppressor in the last century that controlled the economic and social life of a country?

- A colonialist power.

What do you call a foreign oppressor in this century that controls the economic and social life of a country?

- The International Monetary Fund.

What do you call it when people are slaughtered?

- A massacre.

What do you call it when 100,000 to 200,000 Iraqis are slaughtered by the US at a loss to American forces of 148 (46 of which were killed by friendly fire)?

- Gulf War I.

What do you call members of the Ku Klux Klan, a white racist organization?

- American patriots.

What do you call members of the Black Panther party, a black racist organization?

- Prisoners on death row.

What do you call the extermination of a people?

- Genocide.

What do you call the extermination of native Americans in the US?

- A glorious episode in American history.

What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd and tells stories?

- An entertainer.

What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd at the Pentagon and tells stories?

- Donald Rumsfeld.

What do you call a television station that broadcasts only the government's views?

- A propaganda station.

What do you call the BBC when the World News consists solely of half an hour of a Pentagon briefing?

- Fair and impartial.

What do you call the 2002 presidential election in Zimbabwe where there were serious irregularities?

- A flawed election.

What do you call the 2000 presidential election in the US where there were serious irregularities?

- A victory for democracy.

What do you call it when American Whites advocate an exclusively White state and the expulsion of all non-Whites?

- Racism.

What do you call it when Israeli Jews advocate an exclusively Jewish state and the expulsion of all non-Jews?

- Zionism.

What is the name of the leader wrongly accused of trying to create an ethnically pure Greater Serbia?

- Slobodan Milosevic, on trial as a war criminal until his death.

What is the name of the leader trying to create an ethnically pure Greater Israel?

- Ariel Sharon, a "man of peace".

What do you call a leader who sells out his country to a foreign power?

- A traitor, or Quisling.

What do you call a British leader who sells out his country to a foreign power?

- Tony Blair.

Which Middle East country (whose name begins with I) does not possess nuclear weapons, agreed to allow access to UN weapons inspectors, and has been occupied by the US?

- Iraq.

Which Middle East country (whose name begins with I) possesses nuclear weapons, refuses to allow access to International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors and receives around $5 billion p.a. in aid from the US?

- Israel.

What do you call it when innocent people are killed by those resisting a brutal occupation?

- Terrorism.

What do you call it when innocent people are killed by an occupying army?

- Collateral damage, self-defense, or caught in the crossfire.

What do you call it when Saddam Hussein kills his own people with chemical weapons?

- A crime against humanity.

What do you call it when the FBI uses chemical weapons to murder 96 US citizens (including women and children) in Waco, Texas?

- Law and order.

What do you call a serial killer who claims that God told him to do it?

- A psychopath.

What do you call a serial killer who claims that God told him to invade Iraq?

- George W. Bush.

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