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Signs of the Times for Fri, 24 Nov 2006

Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times

How easily our logic fails us in the face of the all-knowing mainstream media. ex-Russian intelligence agent Alexander Litvinenko has succumbed to the effects of a radioactive isotope polonium 210, one of the rarest substances on the planet and one few could obtain according to Dr Andrea Sella, lecturer in chemistry at University College London, which he may or may not have ingested at a sushi bar in London.

Litvinenko, a critic of Putin, had been investigating the killing of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, also a vocal critic of Putin, who was gunned down at a Moscow flat last month. There is also the fact that Litvineko had penned a piece back in July for the now-defunct Chechen press where he claimed that Putin was a pedophile. See here for the google cached article.

So, case closed? I mean, all the evidence would seem to point to Putin as the cause of Litvinenko's untimely demise. Well, no, actually. Thinking logically about it, or rather, thinking 'conspiratorially' about it (since this is, after all, a very clear case of conspiracy) it is far more plausible that Litvinenko's murder was carried out by an enemy of Putin. As with all cloak and dagger cases, in the absence of any empirical evidence, the closest approximation to the truth is generally achieved by asking "who benefits?"

Consider how utterly masochistic the Putin government would have to be to murder a man who had been publicly attacking Putin himself. Consider further how amazingly crass it is for Putin, having supposedly decided that Litvinenko had to be "taken care of" to opt for a method of assassination that was absolutely certain of being identified as poisoning. Has the Russian SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) never heard of "accidental death"? What about a "heart attack"? For god's sake, even pushing the man under a number 9 bus would have been less obvious than poisoning him with an "extremely rare radioactive isotope".

Consider the Israeli Mossad. According to ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky, the fine upstanding members of Israel's 'cut-throat incorporated' have made covert assassination into a fine, if very unsavory, art form. For example, there was the case where the 'assassinee', who was laid up in a Belgian hotel room, was given a sedative in his drink to first render him unconscious at which point a group of Mossad operatives entered his room, stripped him naked, inserted a tube into his anus, inserted several tablets into the tube which raised his body temperature to dangerous levels, before dumping him in a bath full of cold war. The result? The man was found the next morning in his bath having suffered an "obvious" and verifiable "heart attack".

Do you think the SVR would not capable of something similar if the need arose?

Speaking of Israel; Over the past 6 months, Zionist politicians such as Bibi Netanyahu have gone through dozens of pairs of pants in their excitement at the thought of a US and/or Israeli attack on Iran. Sadly, over the same period, Putin has repeatedly stonewalled Israeli-American attempts to have the UN sanction some "shock and awe" for the Iranian people, and has even gone so far as to ink big contracts to supply advanced weaponry to Ahmadinejad.

In a message from his death bed, Litvinenko himself accused the Kremlin, but then who else was he going to accuse? Litvinenko was poisoned, but as the SVR stated, neither he nor his claims were important enough to cause Putin to lose any sleep, let alone make the crass error of setting himself up for some extremely bad press.

Demonization of Putin by way of a third party, or rather, "by way of deception", is what we are dealing with in the death of Litvinenko. Which reminds us of the recent murder of Lebanese minister Pierre Gemayel by "parties unknown", an event which has served to "destablize" Lebanon.

Who benefits?

Before you answer:

Andrei Kozlov was the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from 1997 to 1999 and again in 2002 to 2006. On September 14th this year he was shot to death in his car by unknown gun men. Before his death, Kozlov was busily shutting down Russian banks that had been accused of money laundering.

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky is a Russian Jewish billionaire who was head of Russian National Security under Boris Yeltsin. When Putin came to power he opened investigations into Berezovsky's business activities, including money laundering. Berezovsky responded by fleeing to the UK where he was granted political asylum.

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky

Berezovsky has been accused of money laundering by the French authorities.

Berezovsky either holds or has held, Israeli citizenship.

In its Dec. 30, 1996 issue, Forbes Magazine published an extensive article called "Godfather of the Kremlin?," in which it charged Berezovsky with responsibility for the 1995 killing of popular television journalist Vladimir Listev. The magazine also accused Berezovsky of having numerous mafia connections and embezzling $50 million collected by his company from thousands of Russians who purchased AVVA shares-allegedly to start producing a new passenger car.

Boris Berezovsky has admitted that he is plotting the violent overthrow of the Russian government and was "warned" by Jack Straw, (who was subsequently sacked from his position as British Foreign Secretary) not to "abuse" his asylum status in Britain. Putin has demanded that Berezovsky be extradited to Russia. Blair had refused to do so.

Boris Berezovsky's lawyer is Alexander Goldfarb. Goldfarb helped Berezovsky secure asylum in the UK. Goldfarb is a Russian dissident who now holds American citizenship.Goldfarb was also a close friend of Litvinenko. Litvinenko's death bed accusation that Putin was being his killer was publicly read out by Goldfarb in a recent BBC broadast. Goldfarb claims that the document was dictated to him by Alexander Litvinenko.

Now, tell me again who killed Alexander Litvinenko.

A final note: All of this has much more to do with Douglas Reed's book The Controversy of Zion, that you could possibly imagine.

Go to Part 2

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