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Signs of the Times for Tue, 10 Oct 2006

Signs Editorial:

Wing TV
On October 8, 2006 Christopher Bollyn was fired from the American Free Press. According to Bollyn, two explanations were cited for his dismissal:

(1) submitting false stories
(2) disloyalty to his employer

As you will see, both of these reasons are extremely valid.

One: Christopher Bollyn was one of the primary factors behind the Sam Danner Pentagon hoax even though this story was practically debunked from day one by Russell Pickering, who directly e-mailed Bollyn with a plethora of data disproving Danner's ruse. Despite overwhelming evidence, Bollyn continued to perpetuate this disinformation on a widespread scale over the course of many weeks.

Two: Bollyn also initiated another false story by stating that Sam Danner had been "run off the road by government officials" prior to a scheduled interview. Although Danner later admitted that this tall tale was a lie (as well as his Pentagon hoax), Bollyn refused to issue a retraction of any sort, even though his fingerprints were all over both stories.

Note: Many other newspapers have fired writers for far less damning infractions, and the AFP was well within their rights to protect their good name from being destroyed by someone who had quickly lost much of his credibility due to shoddy reporting of the worst kind.

Three: During a debate between Christopher Bollyn and Victor Thorn on Michael Collins Piper's radio show, Bollyn - when asked repeatedly if he felt the AFP was infiltrated by agents from the ADL (as purported by his associate Eric Hufschmid on numerous occasions) - refused to deny these blatant lies or come to his employer's defense.

Four: In an e-mail following the above-mentioned event, Bollyn accused Michael Collins Piper of arranging the debate on RBN with Victor Thorn and ... the Department of Homeland Security! Not only is this notion preposterous on every level, but it's also a bold-faced lie that will forever be an embarassment to Bollyn.

Five: Phil Jayhan reported on his Let's Roll 9-11 forum (August 27, 2006) that "Chris [Bollyn] has said often to me that many CIA spooks infiltrated and try to subvert the AFP."

Note: Obviously anyone with even the tiniest inkling of business sense can see that the creation and dissemination of such libelous information (much of it directly from Bollyn's own mouth) is detrimental to a company, and Bollyn's refusal to negate these allegations and set the record straight is reason enough for his termination. In other words, the AFP was well justified in releasing him, for any personnel manager in the world would agree that an employee (whoever they may be) deserves to be fired if they don't have the common decency to show loyalty to their employer and instead outwardly (and very publicly) sides with its most ardent and vicious detractors.

For Bollyn to write in his press release that AFP managing editor Christopher Petherick "has failed to clarify his accusations and statements" is a glaring example of Bollyn's deceptiveness, for the charges against him have been very well documented in a variety of different venues [see below]. To pretend otherwise is not only disingenuous, but also a profound illustration as to why he had become an obvious liability to this much respected publication. If this were a court case, Bollyn would most certainly be found guilty of offenses against his employer, and anyone viewing this matter fairly would have acted in the same way as the AFP.

Final Note: The AFP could have very publicly humiliated Bollyn via their dismissal of him, but instead they handled it with class and discretion. On the other hand, Bollyn immediately lashed-out at his former employer (ala tactics used by Eric Hufschmid and Daryl Bradford Smith) via a posting on Rumor Mill News. The distinction between these two entities is obvious - one acted in an upstanding manner (the American Free Press), while the other resorted yet again to deception, innuendo, and yellow journalism.

We urge everyone to support the AFP for having the courage to make this move, and to continue standing behind them - America's finest newspaper - well into the future.


American Free Press

Signs of the Times thread exposing Bollyn's deception and underhanded tactics (now 40+ pages long with nearly 20,000 views)

Discredited Christopher Bollyn Chickens Out

Christopher Bollyn: Man or Mouse?

Child Abuse: Christopher Bollyn Shows His True Colours

Christopher Bollyn Betrays American Free Press

An Urgent Warning to American Free Press

Sam Danner: The Bottom Line

The Sam Danner Story (Russell Pickering)


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