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Signs of the Times for Fri, 09 Jun 2006

Signs Editorial:

by Victor Thorn
Wing TV

I’ll admit it: last Tuesday when I heard that the Pentagon was going to release a new 9-11 video of Flight 77, my heart jumped into my throat because I thought: okay, the government has had 4 ½ years to get one of their Hollywood gurus like Stephen Spielberg or George Lucas to produce a primo high-tech special effects video that would clearly show Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001.

But when I turned on the TV, what I saw was mind-boggling. It looked like the same exact Pentagon video that was released four years earlier. In fact, if I hadn’t been told otherwise, I would have sworn it was the same footage.

The only difference, we were told, was as Brett Baier of Fox News reported, “The Pentagon believes there’s a nose cone, then a blur into the Pentagon.” The operative word, of course, is believes because no one can see anything except a miniscule blob in the right side of one fleeting frame. And that’s it.

Vinnie Sammartino summed it up best: “I love when the Pentagon deception is talked about. It’s such a right-in-your-face lie it’s almost comical. It’s almost like they (the neocons) did this on a bet between themselves just to prove how stupid the masses are.” He continued, “There was no way anything they show us can be real. You can’t physically fly a passenger jet six feet off the ground horizontally at any high speed, which is what the video suggests happened. The lack of a vertical stabilizer mark on the wall doesn’t even matter. The very concept of FLIGHT gets in the way of the neocon lies.”

Vinnie is absolutely correct, for there are potentially 84 other confiscated videotapes available which could be shown to the American public, yet the best they can do is one fuzzy blur on one frame of a doctored video.

Russell Pickering, one of the foremost Pentagon researchers in the country, likewise blew the government’s story out the window with an appearance on WING TV (May 17, 2006). Using a conservative, logical, scientifically-based approach, Pickering explained the profound impossibilities of the Pentagon’s latest charade.

Some may ask: why did the Pentagon even produce this updated version if it was such an embarrassment? Answer: because they’re getting scared of the truth, and this was yet another opportunity to lay heavy doses of propaganda on the unwitting and the duped. But why didn’t they get a Hollywood whiz kid to create a stellar new video, you may ask? Answer: the risk was too great. All it would take was one slip-up and the entire 9-11 fiasco would be blown wide open. Sure, they’d love to conjure something up in a state-of-the-art editing room, but the potential for a major screw-up is too immense.

Yet, we’re warned, the government is going to release “more” videos in the future. Sadly, there are people in the 9-11 movement who are actually allowing this obvious reverse-psychology technique to be used on them. They say, “We better stay away from the Pentagon issue because if the government releases more footage we could be embarrassed.”

But don’t they get it? There IS no legitimate footage of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. None. Zero. That’s why we need to push even hard to get this information out to anyone that has eyes to see. Don’t fall for the con-job where they threaten us with more tapes. It’s a ruse, and we need to look ‘em square in the eyes and expose their lies.

The World Trade Center controlled demolitions are already an accepted fact; now the two primary physical evidence keys are: no Flight 77 at the Pentagon, and no Flight 93 in the Shanksville crater.


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