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Signs of the Times for Thu, 25 May 2006

Signs Editorial:

Wednesday May 24th 2006, 7:57 pm
Kurt Nimmo
Another Day in the Empire

According to Reuters, the National Post, the "conservative" (actually neocon) Canadian newspaper, has apologized for publishing the Iranian zonar story, as it turns out to be a complete fabrication. "The story was based on a column by Iranian expatriate writer Amir Taheri, who said a law being debated by Iran's parliament would force Jews to sew a yellow strip of cloth to their clothes. Christians would wear a red strip while Zoroastrians would wear a blue one," notes the news organization. "The story and the column appeared at a time when the international community is pressuring Tehran over its nuclear program." In other words, the bogus story was designed to slander Iran at a crucial moment during negotiations over Iran's completely legal nuclear energy program.

Of course, the National Post's so-called apology matters naught, as politicians and religious leaders around the world over the past week have condemned Iran as a Nazi menace eager to feed Jews into ovens and crematoria. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Iran "is very capable of this kind of action.... It boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the Earth would want to do anything that could remind people of Nazi Germany," a predictable comment (or slander) considering Harper is a Canadian version of a neocon and sincerely believes the worst about the Iranians.

Meanwhile, Canada's ambassador to Iran, Gordon Venner, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, according to the Associated Press. "Iranian television gave no reason for Ambassador Gordon Venner's summons. But it came days after Harper criticized Iran over a report last week in the National Post, quoting Iranian exiles as saying Iran's conservative parliament was debating a draft law that would force Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims in the country to wear special patches of colored cloth to distinguish them from Muslims," a normal reaction, considering Harper did not bother to apologize to Iran after the National Post retracted the story.

"I'm glad to hear that the government of Iran is not considering this,'' said Harper, when he should have formally apologized for essentially characterizing the Iranians as Nazi racists determined to commit genocide.

In fact, it would be spot on if Ahmadinejad had accused the Bush crime family of Nazi connections, as documents in the National Archives and the Library of Congress reveal Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current resident of the White House, "served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942," as John Buchanan reported for the New Hampshire Gazette on October 10, 2003. In other words, the Bush family has more to do with persecuting Jews (and plenty of Roma, homosexuals, political dissidents, communists, socialists, "deviant" artists, and others) than Iran ever will. But never mind. Bush's neocons are waging a crusade against Muslim culture and facts will not be allowed to get in the way-not that most Americans, steeped in a ceaseless flow of propaganda vomit, know the difference.

As for the neocon Harper, he simply was unable to restrain himself. Regardless of the fact the National Post published a crude bit of factitious propaganda, that "doesn't make me any less concerned about the comments that the government of Iran has made on issues like Israel's right to exist, on denial of the Holocaust and these kinds of positions," in reality positions Ahmadinejad never took.

Upon proper translation, it is discovered Ahmadinejad called for the removal of the regimes in Israel and the United States. He has not demanded the elimination or annihilation of Israel and the Jews, as the hysterical corporate media in this country claims, based on a deliberately mistranslated Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) transcript. Naturally, this sort of behavior should be expected as MEMRI is run by Yigal Carmon, a former IDF (or IOF, Israel Occupation Forces) intelligence bureaucrat, and Meyrav Wurmser, wife of the neocon David Wurmser, both chalking up a long and sordid track record of dredging lunatic fringe rantings from the Arab and Muslim press and passing them off as typical fare.

Harper, Bush, Blair, Howard, the neocons and other criminals will continue to demonize Iran-as an attack is in the cards, probably sooner before later, although predicting an exact or even ballpark date is an exercise in futility-and it is the assigned task of a complaisant corporate media to feed us a steady diet of feeble fabrication, outright lies, slander (a neocon specialty), and basically soften us up for mass murder and war crimes stacked upon war crimes like cord wood stacked outside a Maine cabin in November.

No doubt, in the next few weeks, as the "negotiations" with Iran continue (i.e., threats to impose sanctions on the country and inflict misery on the Iranian people), we will be subject to more tall tales, exaggerations, and absurd accusations. For the Straussian neocons are like clockwork, they mean what they say and they say Iran must be decimated, as was Iraq previously.


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