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Signs of the Times for Tue, 02 May 2006

Signs Editorial:

Mathew Kristin Kiel
May 1, 2006
What exquisite irony. The moral turpitude of the average, white, working class and middle class American, white males especially, is spelled out, highlighted and starkly illuminated by today's nationwide marches and the Grand Boycott. The solidarity and the stunning, massive Human Rights activism of brown, asian, black, Native and mestizo Americans, and a few white marchers too, many of them women, have shamed the white majority. To put it bluntly, today's tens of millions of brave and determined marchers, not all of them either immigrants or Hispanic by any means, are providing a sterling example of non-violent and dedicated Human Rights activism.

The Right's demagogues have been abusing them from every quarter. Radical Right, Christianist Right and White Power militia web sites and radio personalities have been threatening them for weeks, and openly calling for snipers and bombers to kill them while they march. But they march anyway, frightened though they surely are. They are being scorned, mocked and villified by the mainstream media and the dominant white male culture. The disparagement of the march and the marchers was heard from every channel, cable and network alike today, with a near absolute uniformity of viewpoint, all of it either openly racist or obviously propaganda, and usually both.

Yet the marchers are doing nothing more, nor less, than engaging in a direct and courageous, openly and purposefully confrontative opposition to the advancing forces of tyranny in the U.S. They are behaving like true and concerned citizens, struggling to wrest control of this nation back from the deeply entrenched, horrendously criminal and entirely Pathocratic Bush government. They are marching, petitioning, boycotting, striking, writing letters, unifying and supporting their own communities, registering voters and reaching out to all persons to join with them. They are behaving exactly in accordance with the long established principles and practices of non-violent activism and democratic protest.

Their movement's goal is not, contrary to the negative images of them painted by the Bush controlled media and press, simply to obtain an easy and permanent access to life in these United States for themselves and their families. It is the struggle of reasserting and reclaiming fundamental Human Rights for one and all in this nation. They are marching for our Civil Rights, our Constitutional Rights, our Bill of Rights, for our economic parity, for Justice, Fairness, Equality and truly representative Democracy for all of us in this nation. They are demanding that our own government respect and obey International Law, the Geneva Conventions, and the UN Charter.

They are not demonstrating for the right to swim the Rio Grande River, die in the remote deserts, climb over or tunnel under the urban barricades along the Mexican border with impunity, as the belittlement heaped upon them daily by the Pathocracy's propagandists in the media and press insinuate is their sole desire. The immigrants, citizens and non-citizens alike, marching from coast to coast today, are not marching for the right to violate the laws of this land. They are marching to demand that those laws be based upon equal rights, administered with due process and enforced with impartiality, for and to one and all in this country. In short, they are marching to demand a real democracy in these United States of America.

The immigrants and minority citizens of this nation do "get it" in ways and to degrees that seem utterly impossible for most average white American citizens to grasp. Our immigrants, legal and illegal alike, march in solidarity with all of us and all of the downtrodden peoples of the world. They are demanding a functioning, lawfully elected, fully democratic, just and Sane government for us all. They march so that all Human Beings might be given a just and impartial opportunity to prove their merits or their perfidy, whichever may be the individual case.

THE IMMIGRANTS ARE FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY IN THE UNITED STATES, WHILE THE MAJORITY OF THE BORN CITIZENS DO NOTHING to fight either for their own rights, or to resist the advancing strangle hold of the Bush Junta's dictatorship upon the nation and the world. While it is inarguable that the United States now meets the criteria of a Failed State, even worse is that within the primary causes of the failure of our own State was a deliberately betrayed and systematically ruined populist movement and a healthy, growing proto-democracy, destroyed for nothing of more lasting worth or value than to satisfy the insatiable Greed of the very few at the very top for their own material wealth, worldy power and self-aggrandizement.

The U.S. was never allowed to reach a functional, stable democratic flowering before the forces of Pathocracy destroyed it in its embryonic, post WW II state, using assassinations, information warfare and ever expanding political imprisonments, all disguised, as the "Cold War, the "War on Crime," the "War on Drugs," and now the "War on Terror," to subversively achieve today's dire status quo. The no longer clandestine Pathocracy has diligently and skillfully overthrown, dismantled and/or perverted to their purposes more than 100 years of ever more enlightened and ever more democratic policies and governance. Between 1964 and 2004, in just 40 short years, they have taken us from a budding neo-democracy with the Civil Rights Act as the newly enacted law of the land, in 1964, down into the depths of a racist, classist, militarist and nearly absolute Totalitarian dictatorship today.

Second only to the primary cause of the U.S. having become a Failed State is the incapacitation of our citizenry's ability to reason their rightful and necessary course of action. There has been a deliberate, pathological "dumbing down" of the U.S. populace, lower and middle class whites in particular, over the past 30 years. Most are no longer able to discern where their personal responsibilities for upholding our democracy lie nor to independently assume those responsibilites even when they have been clearly and repeatedly delineated. But today, they need flounder no longer. They need but join the Human Rights movement already in progress, right outside their own doors, right in the streets of their own cities, nationwide, and give their wholehearted support and efforts to it. If they do so, they will be going very much in the right direction. As of today, the example has been set, the movement is visible, easily reached and easily joined. After this day, "I don't know what to do, where to go, or how to help" is no longer an excuse.

Today, while the majority of white Americans still persist in hiding their heads in the sand, and praying that the Totalitarian Bush Junta won't get too bad, take a good look at the tens of millions of marchers out in the streets of cities across the country. While most white Americans just do not "get it," do not understand that doing nothing to actively and consistently oppose the Pathocracy and its aggressive, militant Totalitarian agenda, is the same as actively supporting it, these humble marchers, drawn from the lowliest ranks and places in our nation, do "get it." They refuse to give up, and will not give in to the intimidation and terrorization heaped upon them all of their lives by our collective, white, mainstream American culture's entrenched racism. They refuse to allow either themselves, or any and all of us who will humbly join with them, to be divided and conquered again.

Take a look at their mostly darker than caucasian skin tones, at the economic poverty writ plainly upon their careworn faces and calloused hands and displayed in the bent backs of the oldsters among their ranks, and know this: These people, this day, in their determination to march, are striving with all their might and main to save all of us from the fully Pathocracy. They are beating down the lethal walls of denial, apathy and confusion keeping most born, white American citizens in a condition of emotional dread and political paralysis.

These least respected and most oppressed people in this nation, in their attempts to fight for our rights, not just theirs, for our democracy, our justice and freedom and dignity, our nation, have made it their own this day. They have earned their citizenship. Isn't it time for the rest of America's citizens to do the same?

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