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Signs of the Times for Tue, 12 Dec 2006

BBC Runtime
49 Minutes

NARRATOR (JACK FORTUNE): This is a film that demands action. It reveals that we may have grossly underestimated the speed at which our climate is changing. At its heart is a deadly new phenomenon. One that until very recently scientists refused to believe even existed. But it may already have led to the starvation of millions. Tonight Horizon examines for the first time the power of what scientists are calling Global Dimming.

Click to Expand Article 2006-12-12 10:03:37
BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- A small-scale, regional nuclear war could disrupt the global climate for a decade or more, with environmental effects that could be devastating for everyone on the Earth, U.S. scientists said on Monday.

The lingering effects could re-shape the environment in ways never conceived. In terms of climate, a nuclear blast could plunge temperatures across large swaths of the globe. "It would be the largest climate change in recorded human history," said Alan Robock, associate director of the Center for Environmental Prediction at Rutgers' Cook College.

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Comment: The same effects could be caused by meteorites falling and smashing the earth. Mike Baillie, in his book Exodus to Arthur, argues that the Dark Ages in Europe were triggered by just such an event. His case is based upon an analysis of tree rings that show a period of an extended winter that lasted year-round for several years in the mid sixth century.

Alok Jha in San Francisco
Tuesday December 12, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
Nuclear weapons pose the single biggest threat to the Earth's environment, scientists have warned.

In a new study of the potential global impacts of nuclear blasts, an American team found even a small-scale war would quickly devastate the world's climate and ecosystems, causing damage that would last for more than a decade.

Speaking at the American Geophysical Union's meeting in San Francisco yesterday, Richard Turco of UCLA said detonating between 50 and 100 bombs - just 0.03% of the world's arsenal - would throw enough soot into the atmosphere to create climactic anomalies unprecedented in human history.

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Kizilova Anna
December 12, 2006
Recent studies of scientists from the Institute of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry (Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) have resulted in another potentially active volcano appearing on the map of the peninsula. Scientists have previously considered the last eruption of the Khangar volcano, which was also thought to be the only one eruption of said volcano, had happened in Holocene about 7 thousand years ago, and its consequences were catastrophic. However, thorough geological and chronological analysis of rocks surrounding the volcano, which was considered to be extinguished, showed not less than 10 layers of ash and other erupted materials, the most recent of which is aged 400 years..

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By Byron J. Richards, CCN
December 11, 2006
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson not only rolled over in their graves, they had a stake driven through their coffins by the departing 109th Congress. Big Pharma is now fully in charge of the FDA. Therapeutic nutrition is now marked for elimination from the free market. How did this happen? What does it all mean? Why did the House Democrats, at 3:06 A.M., while Americans slept, stab our people in the back? It is an ominous sign of things to come.

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Staff Writer
The only practicing physician in the state legislature has asked hundreds of water districts to stop adding fluoride to drinking water, citing recommendations from the American Dental Association that moms avoid using tap water to mix baby formula.

State Rep. Joey Hensley, a Republican from Hohenwald, said he mailed about 250 letters last week after hearing that ingesting too much fluoride can cause fluorosis - or staining of the teeth - in young children.

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London, Dec 12
A top UK space scientist Dr. John Murray has said that Mars could be lurking with killer aliens lying frozen beneath its surface.

He has said that bringing them to Earth will be catastrophic, as they will wipe out humanity.

Click to Expand Article 2006-12-12 19:02:36
BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- A recent climate study using computer models indicates that if greenhouse gases continue to be released at their current rate, most of the Arctic basin will be ice free in September by 2040.

And winter ice, now about 12 feet thick, will be less than 3 feet thick.

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