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Signs of the Times for Tue, 12 Dec 2006

Jerusalem Post
10 Dec 06
The Israel Bonds Organization surpassed its annual goal, raising $1.2 billion in 2006 after investments accelerated when US support for Israel rallied during the war in Lebanon.

"We weren't able to stop at a billion because of the outpouring of support because of the war," Rafi Rothstein, spokesman for the group told The Jerusalem Post. "But it's not that we raised so much more, rather that the pace was accelerated by the war, that at the end we were getting people to commit for next year, there was a surge of support."

"When the 2007 campaign starts in January, we will already have a few hundred million dollars in commitments," he added.

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Jeffrey Blankfort Comments:
We see the International Socialist Organization, which was almost dead, begin to suddenly arise, and one of the first issues they started talking about was Palestine. But when the Afghan War started and we were going to have a big march, and a number of us wanted to bring up the issue of Israel and the Occupation, the ISO opposed that. I wanted to debate one of the ISO leaders, who happens to channel Chomsky without even quoting him. (We can get into Chomsky later.) And he agreed to do it and discuss the Israel Lobby. I was going to give them all the money from the proceeds. And then he wrote back that, "I've been told that we don't really have time to have me debate you." And then we have ANSWER, the Workers World Party. They also opposed . . . all the Left groups have opposed the Palestinian issue being made a major part of the anti-war movement until fairy recently. SF-IMC: Why? Jeffrey Blankfort: For various reasons, some that are obvious but not valid. None of them are valid. One is labor. The American labor movement is part and parcel of the Israel Lobby. Seventeen hundred unions own over five billion dollars worth of Israel Bonds. That obliges them to support Israel to make sure the investment of their members' dues, made without their members' knowledge, is secure. Twenty three states have also invested in Israel Bonds as well. This is taking taxpayers' money and investing in the economy of a country that is dependent economically and politically on the United States. This makes all these people lobbyists for Israel. Very clever on their part.

SPARKS, Nev. -- Buoyed by high prices, demand from Asia and a weak U.S. dollar, the gold industry has flourished since prices bottomed out in 2000 and probably is only halfway through the current boom cycle, a leading industry official said Wednesday.

"Overall, our market is strong and will remain strong for some time to come," said Ronald Stewart, senior vice president for exploration for Canada-based Kinross Gold Corp., the eighth largest gold producing company in the world.

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